Martial Arts Have Mastery

Chapter 343 Discussion

According to Shen Ling's observation, the old man wearing Taoist robes is about the seventh level of Condensation Domain...

Judging from the realm of condensation he has experienced, the fluctuation should not exceed one level. Therefore, this old Taoist who is the strongest in Yinshan is still far away from the realm of realm.

"You two have a rest first, the banquet won't start in two days."

Looking at Shen Ling, the most powerful old Taoist in Yinshan nodded, and then said to Yang Yun next to him, "Our place is small, but we still have a market. If Madam is interested, you can go with Senior Let’s go to the market.”

"Yeah." Yang Yun nodded.

The two of them watched the old Taoist leave. Shen Ling sat on the bed and fell into thinking.

Until now, he still didn't understand the purpose of everyone in Hidden Mountain inviting him over.

But judging from the current situation, these people really want him to be happy.

After thinking for a while, Shen Ling suddenly smiled...

No matter what happens, just wait.

Come all come!

After spending two days shopping in Yinshan with Yang Yun, Shen Ling found the market in Yinshan a bit interesting.

It is not that there are no existences under the realm of condensation here, but in chatting with everyone in Yinshan, Shen Ling learned that these people were all born in Yinshan and had never left Yinshan in their lives.

The outside world is very big, and everyone in Hidden Mountain knows this...

They also did not hide these children who were born in Hidden Mountain.


Without reaching the realm of condensation, leaving Hidden Mountain and trying to go to the outside world would basically mean a narrow escape from death.

Many people can only live in this hidden mountain until their death.

There is no dispute here...

No grudge.

But equally, there is no vast world outside, there is just an area around this mountain for them to live.

Shen Ling has different opinions on whether this kind of thing is good or bad...

For those who have ambitions to travel the world, this place may be no different from hell.

But for some people who just want to stay away from the strife, this place is no different from paradise.

In the past two days, Shen Ling asked everyone in Yinshan a lot about the mountain.

He was quite curious about this middle-finger-shaped mountain peak.

On this day, the old Taoist invited Shen Ling...

Prepare to talk to Shen Ling about Hidden Mountain.

The old Taoist looked at Shen Ling and said slowly: "Senior, these are all the ancient books that have been preserved, but you may be disappointed. There is nothing here about the origin of Yinshan."

"Is that so..." Shen Ling nodded.

He picked up the ancient book in front of him and read through it at a glance.

Soon, he put down one ancient book and picked up another. In a very short time, he read all the ancient books.

After reading everything, Shen Ling felt that these ancient books did not contain much information.

Because the people who recorded these ancient books were not the first people to arrive in Yinshan, but the first people to decide to settle in Yinshan!

However, judging from these ancient books, Hidden Mountain has a long history...

It can even be said to be very long.

After a brief chat with the old Taoist, Shen Ling nodded slowly and said, "Okay, I'll go back first."

"Senior, walk slowly." The old Taoist said with a smile.

Shen Ling left the old Taoist's home and turned to look at the high peak.

Will there be anything over there?

Thinking of this, Shen Ling stepped on the ground with his right foot, and his whole body rose straight into the sky like a rocket.

He started from the mountainside of Yinshan Mountain and flew all the way to the top of Yinshan Mountain.

On this snow-capped mountain, Shen Ling saw a hut buried in the snow...

He waved his hand and pushed the snow away from the side of the cabin.

He walked slowly into it.

This is a very ordinary house, made of wood, nothing special.

But in this room, Shen Ling saw words carved one after another on the wooden boards, which explained one person's hatred for another 'person'...

"My name is Luo Yufeng, a handsome and catchy name..."

"I come from Blue Star, an uninteresting planet, and I was lucky enough to become a time traveler and travel to this unknown world."

"But this world is too small, so small that there is only one mountain peak."

"This mountain is huge though."

"But I'm so lonely."

"I'm annoyed."

"Until, I discovered that this mountain has a road that leads to another world."

"I was so happy, I thought I could finally see a living thing."

"But WDNMD, why does that world seem to be targeting me? Every time I go to that world, there will be a huge chimpanzee waiting for me there."

"Ten years later, I killed the chimpanzee!"

"But I'm desperate."

"I can't get out."

Line after line of text tells a person's thoughts.

From the traces left on these words, Shen Ling used his ability to trace back to the past...

Once upon a time, there was a time traveler here.

That person received the inheritance of this hidden mountain and cultivated his strength to the master level.

Later, this person wanted to see the outside world countless times, but in the end it seemed that he failed...

Shen Ling looked at the corner of the room.

There, there is a human skeleton frozen in ice, sitting there alone...

"Compared to me, you seem to be in a worse situation."

With a sigh in his eyes, Shen Ling slowly shook his head.

This time traveler's luck is not very good, although strictly speaking his luck is average.

After reading the traveler's wooden diary, Shen Ling already had a clear answer to how this hidden mountain appeared.

It's a small world!

Like the previous Daqian Dynasty and the world where the Dragon Dynasty is now, they are all small worlds.

A world no one cares about outside the River of the World...

However, this small world with hidden mountains seems to be somewhat stunted due to the world next to it...

In the end, it did not grow into a world, but instead became a fragmented existence of the world.

As for this middle finger...

Shen Ling recalled the past and found that it was the world's will of this world that turned the mountain into this after learning the hand gestures of the time traveler.

But in the end, the time traveler disappeared, and the world will of this world also died because it did not take shape...

In the end, the only thing left was this middle finger mountain!

Now this existence is called Hidden Mountain.

After going down the mountain, Shen Ling found Yang Yun. Tomorrow was the day for the banquet. No matter what everyone in Yinshan wanted to do, tomorrow was the last time.

"What's wrong with you?"

Seeing Shen Ling's thoughtful look, Yang Yun asked curiously.

Shen Ling often thinks, but this time, Shen Ling's thinking time seemed to be particularly long.

"Nothing, I just went to the top of the mountain..."

Shen Ling smiled, turned to Yang Yun and said, "I was there to witness the birth of a world and the demise of a world."


Hearing what Shen Ling said, Yang Yun muttered.

Shen Ling's words were too profound for her to understand at all, but looking at Shen Ling's answers, she felt that Shen Ling was still the same as before.

After a night.

It was finally time for the banquet to start.

This is an annual festival in Yinshan, and its importance is no less than the Chinese New Year.

The whole Hidden Mountain was in carnival, and Shen Ling took Yang Yun to have a meal with the strong men of the mountain.

After drinking for three rounds, and after a while of secret encouragement, the old Taoist over there slowly said: "Senior, we invite you here this time, mainly because we want to ask you for a favor. I wonder if you are willing to listen?"

"Please speak." Shen Ling put down his wine glass and nodded to the old Taoist.

The old Taoist said slowly: "We have heard that your strength is very high. We all have some confusion about our current practice. I wonder if you can help us clear up our confusion."

"It's not enough to clear up the confusion. How about we talk about martial arts today and express our own opinions?" Shen Ling looked at the expectant eyes of the people around him and suddenly smiled.

"Of course." Hearing Shen Ling's answer, the old Taoist's face lit up with joy.

The strongest person in Hidden Mountain, he is very strong, but no one can answer his confusion.

Now, Shen Ling's appearance gives them hope of revealing the answer...

A discussion on martial arts begins here.

Hidden Mountain is very closed off, even though the people here are very strong.

But in their realm, once confusion arises, it means that their strength can no longer be improved.

Condensation domain, as the name suggests, condensation domain!

If you don't know what you want and can't imagine the field you are about to condense into, then it is normal for your strength to stop there.

The realm of condensation places extremely high demands on a warrior's heart...

Must remain absolutely firm.

To one's own martial arts.

"Thank you, senior, for clarifying my doubts."

In the discussion of martial arts, Shen Ling's opinions are hit the nail on the head for everyone in Yinshan.

They had been confused for a long time, and the place where they could not break through started to change after Shen Ling gave a few simple instructions.

"Senior is really amazing!"

One by one, the warriors in the realm of condensation thanked Shen Ling frantically.

Although they all look much older than Shen Ling, in this world where masters are teachers, it is actually normal to call them senior.

If you call a powerful person "Senior", you can get great benefits...

The person called Senior can probably line up ten thousand meters away from here.

Everyone in Yinshan felt that inviting Shen Ling this time was really worthwhile, but Shen Ling felt that he was not at a loss.

He didn't think that these people in Hidden Mountain were his enemies. A few words of advice were just to help them find the right path.

Eat, drink, and travel full circle.

Shen Ling was preaching in this hidden mountain, and some realm-condensing warriors wanted to worship Shen Ling as their teacher...

However, Shen Ling rejected their offer to become apprentices.

He really didn't want to take on so many disciples.

After the two-day Taoist discussion, everyone in Yinshan, including the old Taoist, announced that they would practice in seclusion.

"let's go."

After everything, Shen Ling nodded to Yang Yun.

His purpose of this trip has been achieved, and now Yang Yun is also very happy, everything is worth it!


Yang Yun nodded.

Shen Ling took her out of the world where Yinshan was located.

Then, Shen Ling waved his hand and teleported himself and Yang Yun directly to the current imperial city of Long Dynasty.

"Let's go home."

Standing on the roadside, looking at the door of his home in the distance, Shen Ling smiled at Yang Yun.

"This is really convenient." Seeing that she was back in front of her house in the blink of an eye, Yang Yun had a hint of surprise in her eyes...

She knew that Shen Ling was very strong, but she didn't expect that he had such ability.

Seeing Yang Yun's thoughtful look, Shen Ling smiled: "Once you become stronger, there are many benefits. You still have a lot to learn, and there is still a long way to go."

"Tch." Yang Yun curled her lips and muttered, "You know you're strong, but you're not strong enough..."

Shen Ling smiled.

The two men returned to their homes.

In this way, another long time passed, and Yang Yun's father Yang Jian also passed away on a very peaceful morning because of his old age.

There was no special calling, just sitting in the garden after a bowl of porridge in the morning.

Yang Yun was in pain.

She felt what Shen Ling felt when Mr. Shen left.

The kind of feeling of watching a loved one leave without any solution, the feeling of being extremely powerless...

"Don't cry."

Holding Yang Yun in his arms, Shen Ling comforted her softly.

There are always some things in this world that cannot be changed by humans, just like other people's birth, old age, illness and death, which are beyond his strength.

He can guarantee that he will live for a long time. Even according to the vitality of the Anni clan, it is very likely that he will live until the day the world is destroyed...

However, he can only take care of himself, but not others.

Just like he had no choice when Mr. Shen left, now when Yang Yun's father leaves, he also has no choice.


Yang Yun snorted, but tears still flowed out from her eyes.

She didn't make a sound, just looked at the cemetery quietly, the emotion in her eyes was a bit panic...

"You're all I have left."

Looking at Shen Ling holding herself, Yang Yun slowly raised her head.


Shen Ling nodded slightly.

Yes, Yang Yun is the only one left.

As for him, Yang Yun is actually the only one left.

It is already very difficult to leave some traces in a person's life.

At the very least, Shen Ling felt that neither Mr. Shen nor Yang Jian had lived in this world in vain.

After giving Yang Yun a break for half a year, Shen Ling came up with the idea of ​​leaving here...

Yang Yun agreed.

In fact, she knew very well that if it weren't for her, Shen Ling would never have been able to stay here for such a long time.

On a quiet day, Shen Ping returned to his study and saw a letter on the table.

At that moment, Shen Ping seemed to understand something.

He slowly opened the letter.

Finally smiled.

Shen Ling left, taking Yang Yun with him.

Shen Ling didn't say where he went, he just told him that there was a high probability that he would not come back in the future...

In the letter, Shen Ling said a lot of things that he couldn't say in person, and even told Shen Ping that his brother had actually been poisoned to death by his mother.

This letter had a great impact on Shen Ping.

However, he could no longer ask Shen Ling whether the content of this letter was true or false...

Now life goes on.

The answers in the past have lost the meaning of pursuit.


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