Martial Arts Have Mastery

Chapter 371 The missing man

My eyes return to the Pearl World.

Shen Ling passed the first assessment and successfully obtained the identity token.

He then walked towards an inn in Boundary City, where there were many tasks waiting for others to complete.

Of course, the tasks here are not called tasks, but called bounties.

Taking Yang Yun, Shen Ling came to the inn.

This is a huge inn, comparable in size to a five-star hotel in my previous life.

In the lobby on the first floor of this inn, there are three huge boards with countless open scrolls densely placed on them.

What is written on these scrolls is one mission after another.

With Shen Ling's current level, he can only accept the tasks on the largest board in the middle. The other two boards can only be accepted after passing the second and third assessments respectively.

Shen Ling knew the rules here and had no intention of accepting a high-level reward.

He stood quietly under the huge board, looking at the scrolls on it, looking for tasks suitable for him.

The task he needs is not troublesome, and he can get a certain amount of money, so that he can temporarily live stably in this pearl world.

Therefore, those troublesome tasks must be excluded.

"this is not bad."

After searching carefully for a long time, Shen Ling finally saw a good reward.

This reward is asking for help in finding a missing person. This person has been missing for two days and has not returned home. As long as he is found, he will be rewarded regardless of whether he is alive or dead.

Shen Ling felt that it was not troublesome to look for people, not to mention that the location of the search was not in the boundary city, but in a small village outside the boundary city.

In addition, compared with other bounties, the reward of this bounty is not low...

"That's it."

After looking at the other bounties, Shen Ling no longer hesitated.

He stepped lightly on the ground, his whole body floated into the air, and then he directly took off the roll of paper.

Holding the scroll, Shen Ling and Yang Yun walked outside.

The actions of the two of them are not surprising, because almost everyone who accepts a reward behaves like this.

"Luo Zhuang, that's it."

Half a day later, Shen Ling followed the words on the scroll and found the small village where someone was missing.

He walked over slowly, looked at the children playing with mud at the entrance of the village, and asked softly: "How are you guys?"

"Hello." Several children looked at Shen Ling with their faces covered in mud.

The little face was full of curiosity.

Shen Ling smiled and said softly: "Excuse me, do you know where the Hu family is?"

A child whispered: "The fourth house you walk in is, and the yard to the south is Hu's house. There is a sand fruit tree in front of their house, and I picked two of them today to eat."

"thank you."

Shen Ling thanked him very sincerely.

Then, he took Yang Yun's hand and walked step by step to the Hu family that the child mentioned.

Not far inside, Shen Ling actually saw a sand fruit tree at the entrance of the fourth courtyard.

He walked in slowly.

"anyone there?"

As soon as he entered the courtyard, Shen Ling shouted loudly.

Soon, there was a slight noise in the house, the door slowly opened, and an old woman in her sixties or seventies appeared in front of Shen Ling and Yang Yun.

"Who are you looking for?"

Looking at Shen Ling and Yang Yun, the old woman's face showed some doubts.

There was no one in their village wearing such clothes, and Shen Ling's face was very unfamiliar, so he looked like he was from outside.

"I accepted the reward and came here."

Shen Ling said softly.

"Reward, what reward?" There was a trace of confusion on the old woman's face, "Did something happen to our family? Why is there a reward?"

Looking in the wrong place?

After listening to the old lady's words, Shen Ling was slightly confused.

At this moment, a middle-aged woman who was about forty or fifty years old came over, supported the old lady over there, and said quickly: "Mom, why are you out again? Your injuries haven't healed yet." Well, go back and rest quickly."

"Didn't I hear someone coming? If something was lost, it wouldn't be..." The old lady had a trace of embarrassment on her face and wanted to explain.

However, the middle-aged woman shook her head: "What else can our family lose? Besides, these two children look like they are from a wealthy family. How could they covet such shabby things from our family? Don't worry about it. Come on, let me I’ll support you and go back to rest quickly.”

"Okay." After responding, the old lady was supported by the middle-aged woman and walked into the house.

Just when Shen Ling was about to leave, the middle-aged woman who helped the old lady into the house said, "Wait a minute, you two."

Shen Ling stopped and turned around, only to see the middle-aged woman walking quickly to him and Yang Yun, saying softly: "Did you come here to accept the reward?"

"Yes, are you the publisher of the reward?" Shen Ling was slightly curious when he heard the middle-aged woman ask this question.

"It's me!" After hearing Shen Ling's answer, the middle-aged woman let out a long sigh of relief.

The middle-aged woman said slowly: "That was my mother-in-law just now. Now her brain is not very good, her body is not good, and she cannot bear stimulation, so there are some things I cannot say in front of her."

"You should have seen my reward. What I hope you are looking for is my husband, a rather slovenly middle-aged man."

"He said two days ago that he was going to work in the horse farm next door, but he still hasn't come back after two days."

"I asked someone to ask today, and the people in Mazhuang said that my husband has never been there."

"So, no matter what, I hope you find him."

"Even if it's a corpse."

Listening to the middle-aged woman sighing gradually, Shen Ling nodded slowly.

He said softly: "Don't worry about this. Since I accepted the reward, I will definitely help you find your husband."

"Did he go to Mazhuang two days ago?"

"Yes." The middle-aged woman nodded, "About noon, he finished his meal and walked towards Mazhuang. I thought he would come back in the evening, but I didn't expect there was no news later. "

"That's right, I understand." Shen Ling nodded lightly.

From the current point of view, this reward is not complicated, it is just looking for a sloppy middle-aged man.

But vaguely, Shen Ling felt that this reward was not simple...

But he had no evidence to prove it either.

Starting from the middle-aged woman's home, Shen Ling embarked on the road to Mazhuang with the surrounding map provided for free by Jie City.

This is a small road that can accommodate a carriage. The road is right next to the woods, with lush crop fields on both sides. Overall, the terrain is not complicated.

After walking for a long time, Shen Ling's eyes did not change much.

He didn't find any clues, nor any smell of blood.

While walking like this, Shen Ling suddenly thought that a slovenly middle-aged man should not be a target for others to seek wealth or death.

Unless, I met someone with some trouble on the road.

Walked for a while.

Shen Ling saw the village ahead.

He walked over and asked around people, and there was no doubt that this was Mazhuang.

After some inquiries, no one had seen a person named Hu coming from Luozhuang.

From the expressions and states of these people, Shen Ling believed that these people were telling the truth, that is, they had indeed never seen a slovenly middle-aged man named Hu walking from Luozhuang.

Recalling the structure of the Hu family, Shen Ling suddenly thought that there were many things used by carpenters in the Hu family, which meant that the slovenly middle-aged man named Hu was most likely a carpenter.

He had forgotten to ask the middle-aged woman these things before.

Looking at the villagers playing chess in front of him, Shen Ling said slowly: "Master, is there anyone in our Mazhuang who is undergoing renovations recently? The kind that need carpenters..."

"Renovating a house?" The villager slowly raised his head and thought for a moment, "There really is one. The Liu family in the north is renovating their house right now. His previous mud house is about to collapse, and he is still busy rebuilding it. "

"Oh, that's it. Thank you." After receiving such news, Shen Ling immediately left for the Liu family in the north.

He soon saw a house with a skeleton already erected, and people were still working on it inside.

"Hello, can I ask something?" Shen Ling asked the person in front of him politely as he walked into the construction site.

However, the person who was decorating in front of him didn't pay attention to his intention. Instead, he was concentrating on building the wooden house.

Here, another person slowly said: "Don't ask him, that guy is deaf and can't hear."

"Deaf?" Hearing what the person over there said, Shen Ling lowered his head slightly, "Sorry, I didn't know this before."

"It's okay, he can't hear it anyway." The person next to him shook his head, "If you have anything, you can ask me, but I can only tell you what I know, and forget about what I don't know."

"Then, can I ask you, have you ever seen a middle-aged man named Hu? I heard that he is also a carpenter, but he is a bit slovenly." Recalling the middle-aged woman's description of the middle-aged man, Shen Ling said tactfully Changed a word.

"The surname is Hu, a middle-aged man, a carpenter..." The person here summarized the information given by Shen Ling, and then slowly said, "Are you talking about the carpenter Hu in Luozhuang? That guy is not good at his job. , he has quite a temper, we didn’t look for him this time.”

"That's it. Thank you." Shen Ling smiled and nodded.

Leaving the construction site, Yang Yun looked at Shen Ling and said slowly, "I can't even help."

"You've already helped." Shen Ling looked at Yang Yun with a smile on his face.

"Did I help? What did I help with?" Yang Yun was slightly dazed and looked at Shen Ling in confusion.

She was waiting for Shen Ling to give her an answer.

Shen Ling smiled and said, "If you weren't by my side, do you think those people would be so easy to talk to? Even if I asked them, they would be willing to say anything?"

Yang Yun asked strangely: "Why is this?"

"It's very simple." Shen Ling spread his hands, "Men are not willing to show their ignorance in front of women, so with you here, they will tell everything they know."

"So, you've already helped me!"

"Just don't feel like you're useless."

Shen Ling smiled softly.

In fact, when talking about certain things, if there is a woman next to her, no matter which man she is, she will basically not show her ugly side.

And these emotions of being impatient are considered ugly in the eyes of men...

Yang Yun seems to understand.

Shen Ling turned his thoughts back and looked at the clues he had collected so far. One fact he could get was that the middle-aged woman's man had not come to Mazhuang.

The fact that he came to Mazhuang to work is also a lie!

Because the other party didn't invite him.

So, now a question is placed in front of Shen Ling, that is, why did the middle-aged man named Hu lie?

Once you find this reason, you will be very close to the final real answer.

It might even be a key clue to completing the bounty.

But the question is, where is the answer?

Shen Ling concentrated slightly and finally decided to start with Luo Village.

He must solve this mystery within one day, otherwise he will not be able to get the money, and he will have to sleep outdoors with Yang Yun at night.

Although sleeping in the wild is actually not the first time...

But compared with using the sky and the quilt as your bed, living in the city is always more comfortable.

Return to Luozhuang.

Shen Ling asked many people. They all ate at home at noon and did not see where the middle-aged man named Hu went.

At this time, Shen Ling felt a little speechless...

The middle-aged man named Hu left home at a time when many people were eating, etc...!

Shen Ling was slightly startled.

Why did the middle-aged man named Hu have to leave the house at a time when other people were having lunch?

If it weren't for going to Mazhuang to work, then this time would be very problematic.

As a villager in Zhuangshang, the middle-aged man named Hu must know that other villagers are eating at this time, and eating is usually done indoors, and he doesn't pay much attention to people walking outside.

It's unlikely to steal something in broad daylight...

The reward also proves that the Hu family is not so short of money, and can even be said to be living well in Luo Village.

After getting to know the composition of the villagers in Luo Village in detail, Shen Ling found that although the village was not big, the composition of the people inside was not simple either.

Did the middle-aged man named Hu never leave Luo Village at all?

Shen Ling thought so.

After a detailed investigation, Shen Ling determined that no one disappeared here frequently, so this middle-aged man named Hu should be the first person to disappear.

After chatting with the villagers in detail to obtain information, Shen Ling's eyes slowly turned to another family in the village.

This is a widow's home. Because certain things are taboo, people in the village rarely mention it.

It was Shen Ling who relied on his sharp tongue to ask such a little thing.

Arriving at the widow's home, Shen Ling's eyes hardened slightly as soon as he got closer.

Judging from his hearing, there was someone in this widow's home...

This is inconsistent with the information.

Slowly walking over, Shen Ling came to the courtyard.

He whispered: "Is there anyone there?"

next moment.

There was the sound of something falling to the ground in the house.


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