Martial Arts Have Mastery

Chapter 41 Night Battle Baicheng

"I will swear to follow the young master!"

A tenant farmer, Qing Zhuang, spoke loudly, his tone firm and decisive.

"me too!"

Another tenant farmer, Qing Zhuang, answered the conversation immediately, obviously very serious and serious.

But soon, a group of young and strong tenant farmers looked at each other.

Shen Ling laughed out loud.

"Set off!"

Seeing the big guys playing around for a while, Shen Ling waved his hand, then rode Hu Niu and slowly left the village.

Huniu's speed is not fast, Shen Ling wanted to ride a horse.

But Huniu could understand his words clearly, but once a horse approached him, Huniu would roar angrily.

The horse was frightened and fell down on the spot.

In the end, Shen Ling had no choice but to ride a tiger out of the village.

Not long after, Qihua City arrived.

At this time, Anzhou Zhoumu was waiting for Shen Ling with a full 20,000 soldiers.

Seeing Shen Ling appearing, Anzhou Zhou Mu wanted to go up to welcome him, but when he saw Hu Niu, he suddenly hesitated.

This is a tiger, it won't hurt people, right?

"I've seen Lord State Shepherd."

When he got here, Shen ordered the tiger to go down, and cupped his hands.

"Young Master Shen is being polite."

Anzhou Zhoumu smiled, and then said softly, "I will hand over 20,000 people to Mr. Shen. I wish Mr. Shen a victory in advance!"

Shen Ling nodded calmly: "I hope so."

"Set off!"

With that said, Shen Ling jumped directly onto Hu Niu's back.

The army marches forward!

Sitting on Huniu's back, Shen Ling spread out the map, looking at the densely packed marks on the map, a trace of bewilderment flashed in his eyes.

What do these signs mean?

never mind.

Shen Ling shook his head.

He doesn't need to understand the specific meaning of these military marks on the map, he just needs to destroy those anti-military forces, and everything will end.

The first stop, Baicheng ahead.

Fifty kilometers away from Qihua City, there is a city slightly larger than Qihua City.

The city was occupied by bandits in the previous incident, and now it is also holding high the banner of rebellion.

"Full speed ahead!"

Shen Ling gave the order.

The official road to Baicheng is not wide, and can only accommodate three people walking side by side. In this way, there is a difference of twelve or three miles between the head and the tail of the 20,000 army.

The line was stretched extremely long.

A full half day passed before Shen Ling brought people to Baicheng.

He misses the roads and cars in his previous life very much now. It used to take less than 40 minutes by car, but now it takes more than half a day.

On the one hand, the official road is not easy to walk, on the other hand, there are too many people.


More than a thousand meters away from Baicheng, Shen Ling ordered to set up camp.

Watching the soldiers walk into the barracks one by one, Shen Ling looked at Baicheng not far away.

If he remembers correctly, the head of the Qingshan Ma Bandit escaped in this direction.

Maybe take advantage of it?



In Baicheng, in a luxurious mansion, two people were drinking and discussing things, suddenly a bandit ran in.

"Report to be the head of the family, and the army is coming!"

A person slapped the table on the spot and stood up: "Where did they go?"

The bandit said softly: "Back to the head of the family, they set up camp two miles away, and the leader is riding a fierce tiger."


The other person who was drinking had a fierce look in his eyes, and said softly, "Brother Qi, if I'm not wrong, the guy riding the tiger should be Mr. Shen!"

The person who slapped the table looked at the leader of the bandit: "You mean the guy who broke your Qihua City and beat your subordinates to pieces?"

Hearing this, Ma Bandit Master,

Fists clenched slightly.

But he also knew that the guy surnamed Qi in front of him was just a reckless man, and what he said just now was not meant to be sarcastic.

It's just that he still doesn't like it.

"It's that person!"

The head of the bandits gritted his teeth and said, he never thought that a son of a small landlord could actually be the reason for the downfall of his Qingshan bandits.

The Dagan Dynasty concentrated its forces and faced the Dajin Dynasty army to the west.

This would have been an opportunity to hold high the banner of rebellion.

As long as they survive this winter and work together with the bandits around them, the Qingshan Ma Bandits will be able to gain a firm foothold in Anzhou.

There is even a way out.

It's just that before he developed much, Shen Ling laid the chessboard for him.

How could he not hate Shen Ling.

Master Qi thought for a while, then slowly said: "Then how about we continue to shrink back?"

The leader of the gangster nodded: "Yes, yes, but last time that guy suddenly appeared in the city at night, I doubt he has a way to climb over the city wall."

"Is that so..."

Qi Dangjia began to think, but he himself was a rough man, and he was not good at wisdom.

After thinking for a while, Qi Dangjia gave up thinking.

He decided to lie flat.



Outside of Baicheng.

Shen Ling and fifty tenant farmers, Qing Zhuang, took advantage of the darkness and moved forward slowly.

When the clouds covered the moon and the surroundings were dark, Shen Ling blew his whistle, and a group of people started running towards the city wall.


Suddenly, several torches were thrown to the ground, illuminating the faces of Shen Ling and the others.

On the city wall, the head of the bandit looked at Shen Ling and smiled coldly: "I knew it, you still want to repeat the old trick."

"Cum on me!"

Saying that, the bandit leader waved his hand.

Sparse rain of arrows fell from the city wall. These archers, who had not been trained much in the first place, were already at their limit to be able to draw their bows.

As for hit rate?

That is no longer what they can pursue.


A trace of doubt flashed in the eyes of the head of the bandit.

He originally wanted to see expressions of panic and shock from Shen Ling and the youthful faces of the tenant farmers around him.

But why did Shen Ling laugh?

"Whoosh whoosh."

Suddenly, fifty young and strong tenant farmers raised their hands at the same time, and the triple crossbow on their left arms shot arrows towards the city wall.

For a while, the bandit archers on the top of the city quickly backed away.

The rain of arrows was so dense that even the leader of the bandit had to avoid it.

Under this cover, Shen Ling was ready to charge.

He's going to break through the city gate!


With a loud noise, Shen Ling's foot stepped heavily on the ground.

His eyes were fixed on the city gate not far ahead, and his speed also increased to the extreme.


There was another loud bang, and the city gate collapsed directly.

Shen Ling, who rushed into the city, looked at the bandits around him with an amiable smile on his face.


Pulling out the black knife, Shen Ling instantly threw out a knife aura.

The knife is sharp and sharp, and those who touch it will either die or be injured.

After the city gate collapsed, fifty young men rushed in following Shen Ling.

They fired three consecutive crossbows to shoot at these bandits, and when most of the arrows of the three consecutive crossbows were consumed, they started chasing and killing them with simple knives.

Including Shen Ling, there were fifty-one people in total, but they played like a mighty army!

For a moment, the bandits felt fearful.

He looked at the fifty young and strong tenant farmers who were slashing wildly, and then looked at Shen Ling who seemed to be descended from the sky.

They are scared.

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