【The sixteenth on the hero list, Wang Chongyang! 】


The appearance of these words immediately caused a huge wave in the entire martial arts world.

"What, Wang Chongyang? Wasn’t he already dead? How come he is still on the list?"

"He is the founder of Quanzhen Sect and one of the Five Great Masters. It is not surprising that such a great figure is on the list, but... he died a long time ago!"

No one understands what is going on.

The sudden appearance of a dead person's name on the gold list shocked everyone.


Zhong Nanshan.

Chongyang Palace.

The Seven Quanzhen disciples stared at the golden list in a daze. When

Hao Datong saw the name of the master, tears welled up in his eyes immediately:"Master, it's the master!"

Qiu Chuji was also extremely shocked, and asked with trembling lips:"Didn't the master already ascend to heaven? How could he appear on the golden list?"

Ma Danyang's heart suddenly surged, and he said in surprise:"No, only living people can be on the golden list of the avenue! This means... that the master is still alive!"


There was a buzzing sound in the minds of the Seven Quanzhen disciples.

The master is still alive!

Several people were instantly surprised, and their eyes burst into amazing spirits.

Since Wang Chongyang ascended to heaven, the Quanzhen Sect has begun to decline. Even though the Seven Quanzhen disciples have good abilities, they are still far behind their master Wang Chongyang.

But now that several people heard that the master is not dead, they are not only filled with emotion

"If Master can come back and take charge of the mountain sect again, he will definitely revive our Quanzhen Sect!"

Qiu Chuji nodded seriously, tears welling up in his eyes.

But then, all seven of them were embarrassed.

"But... the world is so big, if Master doesn't want to be found, who can find him?"


At the bottom of the Unfeeling Valley.

After Xiao Long Nu and Yang Guo finally reunited, they lived in seclusion here.

But when Xiao Long Nu saw Wang Chongyang's name on the gold list, she was also extremely shocked, with surprise flashing in her beautiful eyes.

She was extremely smart and immediately thought that Wang Chongyang might not be dead.

"Such a martial arts master is actually not dead. I wonder how big a sensation it will cause if he returns to the martial arts world?"


Xiangyang City.

Huang Rong looked at the gold list with a look of shock on her face.

"Wang Chongyang, he is not dead!"

He is one of the five great masters who are as famous as her father, Huang Yaoshi, the East Evil!

Moreover, in the Huashan Sword Contest, her father was slightly inferior to Wang Chongyang!

Such a great man, who was thought to be dead by the world, is still alive!

Huang Rong was extremely surprised, and even her breathing became a little faster.

Guo Jing said from the side:"It turned out to be Master Chongyang! Such a great hero is still alive in the world, which really makes people yearn for him and want to see him!"

He was extremely shocked. Everyone knew that Wang Chongyang had passed away.

Now because of the gold list, everyone knows that he is still alive. It is really surprising.


On a mountain peak,

Zhou Botong drank strong liquor and cried bitterly.

"Brother, brother, you deceived me so badly!"

"Since you are alive, why don't you come out to see me? Even if you have any difficulties, I am your junior brother! How could you bear to let me suffer for so many years?"

But Zhou Botong smiled happily and laughed loudly to the sky.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"My brother is still alive! He is still alive!"

"From now on, let’s see who dares to bully my Quanzhen Sect!"


White Camel Villa in the Western Regions.

Ouyang Feng stood up suddenly:"Wang Chongyang? Wang Chongyang?"

"You old thing, you are still alive!"

Ouyang Feng was not angry at all, but extremely happy that his old rival was still alive.

""Hahahaha!" Ouyang Feng laughed out loud, ecstatic.

"Thanks to Da Dao Jin Bang, I know that this old man is still alive!"

"I just feel like I'm itching to practice Xiantian Kung. How long has it been since I last experienced it?"

Ouyang Feng suddenly took a step forward and arrived outside the village in an instant.

"Wang Chongyang, wait until I go to Song Dynasty to find you, then we can discuss things together, hahahaha!"


Dali Kingdom.

The sound of bells and drums rang out, and a few incense sticks were burning in front of the Buddha, with smoke curling up.

Master Yideng was beating the wooden fish and looking at the sky outside the temple.

"Amitabha, well done, well done!"

"It is also a good thing for the Song Dynasty that Master Wang is still alive."

This Master Yideng is the former Southern Emperor Duan Zhixing!

He then took out a scripture from his arms, tears flashing in his turbid eyes.

There were three big words written on the scripture:

"Xiantian Gong!"

Before Wang Chongyang faked his death, he was afraid that no one in the world could suppress Ouyang Feng, so he came to teach Duan Zhixing the Xiantian Gong, and Duan Zhixing also gave him the One Yang Finger as a gift.

Many years have passed.

Duan Zhixing was also shocked that his former friend was still alive.


When Shi Feixuan saw that Wang Chongyang was not dead, she was also shocked.

"Master Chongyang is still alive!"

Seeing this news, her heart was suddenly filled with excitement.

Then, infinite joy surged in her heart.

This leader of the righteous path is still alive, so in the future, he will surely lead the righteous path to prosperity!

She even hopes that more and more righteous people will appear in the world. On the other hand,

Wanwan on the side had a frosty face.

She did not hate Wang Chongyang, and even admired his reputation.

But this Taishan Beidou of the righteous path is still alive, which is undoubtedly a heavy blow to their Demon Sect.

Wanwan couldn't help but sigh:"When will such a big man appear in our Demon Sect?"


"I didn’t expect that Wang Chongyang is still alive. This is really shocking!"

"Such a big shot, just his name appearing in the world will cause a stir!"

"But where is he? If it weren't for the exposure of the gold list, he might have remained in hiding."

"He is the founder of Quanzhen Sect. Maybe even Quanzhen Sect doesn't know he is still alive. Who can find such a big shot as long as he doesn't want to be found?"

In Tongfu Inn, a group of people from the martial arts world discussed.

Bai Zhantang looked at the golden list in the sky, with a longing look in his eyes.

"I didn't expect to know such news in my lifetime. It's really an honor."

Li Dazui laughed and said,"Why...what's wrong? It's just a piece of news. Why are you so surprised?"

Bai Zhantang almost slapped Li Dazui in the face with his backhand:"What do you know? This is Wang Chongyang! You will know his heroic deeds later."

"He is a great hero of our righteous path and our Han people!"

Li Dazui was also shocked by Bai Zhantang's rare serious look and did not dare to retort.

In a corner of the inn, Su Yu saw the news, but he was not surprised at all.

He chuckled, took a sip of wine, and looked at the golden list in the sky.

At the same time,

Wang Chongyang's life began to appear on the golden list.

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