【Seven Jinshi in one family, three Tanhua in father and son! 】

Golden light shone on the Tiandao Golden List, and began to introduce Li Xunhuan's life.

Li Xunhuan, a son of an aristocratic family, was a distinguished figure in the past dynasties. He was extremely prominent. He had won the Jinshi for seven times in three generations. Li Xunhuan, his father and his elder brother were all Tanhua.

He was generous and righteous at home. Even if Mengchang was resurrected and Xinling was reborn, he would not be as generous and magnanimous as him.

Li Xunhuan was not only talented, but also a versatile man of both civil and military affairs. When he was young, he was taught a shocking and top-notch kung fu by a stranger.

Later, he combined the martial arts he was taught and comprehended the flying knife skills by himself. The world called it"Little Li Flying Dagger, never misses!"

The world said that"Little Li is romantic". In his life, he had no idea how many beautiful women he had secret meetings with. When he was not holding a flying knife and a wine glass in his hand, he had no idea how many pairs of spring onion-like tender hands he had held.

But Li Xunhuan's favorite is Lin Shiyin, who was engaged to him as a child and loved him since childhood!

The two were originally a couple of gods. If Long Xiaoyun hadn't intervened, they might have married and loved each other for life.

As soon as Long Xiaoyun saw Lin Shiyin, he wanted to possess her madly.

He took the opportunity to pretend to save Li Xunhuan and became Li Xunhuan's savior and good friend.

In front of Li Xunhuan, Long Xiaoyun took the opportunity to make himself emaciated and terminally ill because he loved Lin Shiyin.

Li Xunhuan couldn't bear to see his savior and brother die of lovesickness, full of contradictions, and deliberately indulged in wine and sex.

Two years later, Lin Shiyin gave up and chose Long Xiaoyun, who was deeply in love with her.

Li Xunhuan also gave all his homes to Lin Shiyin as a dowry, and left alone, living in seclusion outside the pass.

But Li Xunhuan never took into account Lin Shiyin's feelings from beginning to end, causing Lin Shiyin to be deceived by Long Xiaoyun and spend her life in misery and pain.

Suddenly, a picture slowly unfolded on the Tiandao Golden List.

A woman appeared on the screen.

It was Lin Shiyin!

Her face was too pale, her body too thin, her eyes were bright but too cold, but her demeanor and temperament were incomparable.

However, such a beautiful woman, with tears in her eyes, looked out the window, not knowing what to think.

The pain and helplessness in her eyes instantly infected everyone in the world.

The final conclusion appeared on the gold list

【A hero in the world, a villain in love!】



Seeing Li Xunhuan's life, the world is shocked

"Is this guy stupid? He can give his woman to someone else? If you ask me, he is a coward, what kind of hero is he?"

"But he was generous and helped the poor, and never was stingy with his money!"

"Yes, he also eliminated so many villains and saved so many lives. If this is not a hero, then what is it?"

"Is it hypocrisy? He can even give his own woman away, I don’t understand!"

People discussed it one after another, but apart from the stain of giving away women, they could not find any other shortcomings of Li Xunhuan. After pretending for a lifetime, the hypocrite became a true gentleman.

But perfection is too extreme, which is too fake.

People all over the world talked about it, but there was no consensus and conclusion. Everyone had their own reasons.

Some people thought that Li Xunhuan valued gratitude and righteousness, and could not bear to see his savior suffer, so he gave up his woman, which was understandable.

But some people thought, how could he give his own woman away? It was ridiculous, and they did not recognize Li Xunhuan’s name as a hero at all.


Hulong Villa.

Zhu Wusi looked at Li Xunhuan's life on the gold list and sneered, his eyes full of disdain.

"How can I let go of my beloved woman?"

Thinking back to the past.

Zhu Wusi and the unbeaten boy fell in love with Su Xin at the same time, and Zhu Wusi snatched Su Xin away directly.

If you like something, snatch it away if you can't get it!

What's more, Lin Shiyin obviously loves Li Xunhuan, and Li Xunhuan also loves Lin Shiyin, so why did he just give her away like this?

It's hard to understand!


Zhangtai Palace.

Ying Zheng looked at Li Xunhuan's experience and couldn't help but find it ridiculous.

How could Li Xunhuan be considered a hero for what he did?

He ignored Lin Shiyin's thoughts and forced her to leave him sadly. This behavior was simply unbearable!

And this Long Xiaotian was also a despicable villain. He actually asked Lin Xian'er to help him secretly learn Xiao Li Feidao.


A hero in the world.

Is that all?


In Yihua Palace,

Yao Yue held the blood-red painting in her hand and could not help but sneer.

"Man, that's ridiculous!"

"Give up a woman for loyalty? If I were Lin Shiyin, I would kill Li Xunhuan and Long Xiaoyun with one sword, and neither of them would get it!"

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