Outside the city gate, seeing that the humans in the city had no intention of opening the door, the monsters couldn't hold it any longer and began to attack the city wall one by one.

While killing humans, he mixed in the crowd and launched attacks on the city walls and gates. A huge shock was heard, and the faces of everyone on the city walls changed drastically.

The runes on the city wall are constantly flashing, although these runes can automatically absorb the spiritual power between heaven and earth, repair their own power, and protect the city wall.

But these monsters keep hitting each other, and the self-repair of the runes cannot keep up with the wear and tear. If nothing is done, even if the city gate is not opened, the city wall will collapse sooner or later.

"Mr. Cheng, Taoist Priest Araki has led hundreds of Taoist priests from the Tianshi Mansion to come over."

Mr. Cheng was overjoyed, it was great, the people from Tianshi Mansion were here, and with them here, he didn't have to worry so much.

Araki led everyone from the Tianshi Mansion to the city wall. Looking at the miserable situation of humans outside the city, he said directly to Mr. Cheng:

"Later, my brothers and I will form a safety circle outside the city with the city gate as the center. Mr. Cheng, please open the gate and let them in."

Mr. Cheng nodded: "Don't worry, Master Araki, I will give the order to open the city gate right now."

Araki: "Brothers and sisters, jump off the city wall with me, kill the monsters, and save the people."

After saying that, Araki jumped down from the city wall with a sharp sword in his hand. Hundreds of disciples of the Tianshi Mansion also jumped down one after another and rushed into the group of monsters.

As soon as Araki landed, he chopped down a monster beast. The city gate slowly opened, and the crowd from outside the city poured into the city crazily.

Seeing the city gate open, all the monsters in the dense forest rushed over. Seeing this, Araki threw away the sharp sword in his hand.

The sharp sword directly killed the monster beast at the front. Without the weapon, Araki directly used the golden light spell, superimposed the Lightning Thunder Fist, and took the initiative to meet it.

With just one punch, the head of a foundation-building demonic beast was blown open, and the demonic blood stained his body.

Other disciples of the Tianshi Mansion did not dare to confront the monsters that were moving at high speed, but Araki dared to do so. He was a master of both gas and gas. He was a mage in long range and a tank in close combat.

Seeing how ferocious Araki was, ten golden elixir monsters immediately surrounded him and surrounded him.

Although there is nothing he can do to Araki for a while, as long as he drags it on, Araki's power will be consumed.

Without Araki, the pressure on the other Tianshi Mansion disciples has increased greatly. Except for Araki, everyone else is in the foundation building stage, so it is not difficult to deal with some Qi refining monsters.

But against a foundation-building monster with rough skin and thick flesh, it is still necessary to engage in close combat. The result is predictable.

The soldiers in the city wanted to go out to help, but the crowd swarmed in and they couldn't get out at all. They could only fire cannonballs to kill the monsters in the distance.

The disciples of the Tianshi Mansion were wounded one after another, and Araki was also trapped. All of a sudden, the defense line was about to be broken through by the monsters.

Mr. Cheng made a quick decision and ordered: "Close the city gate immediately!"

The city gate has two floors. The outermost gate is a gate weighing ten thousand kilograms, which can be opened and closed automatically. There are two gates inside, which require manpower to push and close.

The gate outside slowly lowered. Seeing this, the people outside the city became even more crazy. They kept pushing and trying to enter Tianshi City before the gate closed.

Finally, the gate was lowered, blocking the city entrance.


The soldiers in the city were about to close the door inside, but were stopped by the crowd who fled in, preventing them from closing the door. Each one of them began to denounce the soldiers.

"My family is still outside, why did they close the door?"

"Do you still have humanity? You have been watching us being slaughtered by monsters for so long, and then you will not open the door until the Taoist priests from the Tianshi Mansion come out.

Just because you are grinding and chirping, so many more people have died. "

"That's right, why do you close the door and prevent people from outside the city from coming in? What to do, isn't it just to let them die?

What is the difference between you and monsters when you do this?

Monsters kill people, and you are the biggest accomplices. "

"We don't agree. Open the city gate and let them in."

"With us here, you can't even think about closing the inner door and opening the city gate."

"Open the city gate, open the city gate!"


The tens of thousands of people who fled in, encouraged by thoughtful people, began to protest loudly, and some people in the city who did not know the actual situation also joined in the fun.

I don't know who took the lead, but the crowd started to attack the soldiers. Various objects were thrown at the soldiers, and many soldiers were hit with bloody heads.


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