Ye Gucheng was dressed in white and holding a sword in his hand. He looked directly at Song Yu and challenged Song Yu.

Song Yu frowned slightly and said,"I refuse."

"Why?"Ye Gucheng paused with the sword in his hand.

Song Yu looked at him with profound meaning:"Because your heart has not calmed down yet."

Ye Gucheng was silent.

His heart did not calm down.

He just saw Song Yu's fifteenth sword, which shocked Ye Gucheng's heart. He was sincerely immersed in that sword, and then he wanted to fight Song Yu.

But Little did he know that in this hurry, his mind was already in a state of confusion.

How could he control the sword if he was not calm? It would be fine if he was dealing with ordinary masters, but who was not a master of swordsmanship when facing Song Yu

? If his state of mind was flawed, he would be defeated.

No doubt.

Ye Gucheng slowly put away his sword and said:"Master Song, you are right."

Seeing this scene, the people watching the battle in the distance were in commotion again.

"Looking at this posture, Ye Gucheng actually gave up the fight with Song Yu?"

"Why is this? I think although Leader Song is strong, Ye Gucheng may not have no chance of winning."

"I don’t know. Now I can’t wait to rush to the island to take a look."

Because the distance was too far, many warriors with low cultivation levels could not hear the conversation between Song Yu and Ye Gucheng. They only knew that Ye Gucheng challenged Song Yu just now and then gave up.

On the viewing platform, Lu Xiaofeng sighed lightly, He heard the conversation between the two.

Lu Xiaofeng stood with Qiao Feng and sighed:"Master Song's swordsmanship is really unfathomable. He can actually see that Ye Gucheng's heart is not calm yet and he is unwilling to fight with him..

Qiao Feng agreed:"The leader of the Song Dynasty is upright and does not want to take advantage of others' danger. He is truly a heroic hero and a role model for our generation.""

Qiao Feng admired Song Yu more and more.

After hearing the conversation between Lu Xiaofeng and Qiao Feng, many warriors realized that Song Yu had this intention.

He actually saw through the flaw in Ye Gucheng's mood at this moment, and he was keen Gain insight into Ye Gucheng’s status


The island in the middle of the lake, next to the sword tomb.

Song Yu stood with his sword in hand.

Ye Gucheng, Ximen Chuixue, and Shi Feixuan were silent, while Yan Shisan closed his eyes to recover his energy and injuries. He had been seriously injured just now.

Despite this, Yan Shisan was also very grateful to Song Yu, because he saw the fifteenth sword from Song Yu and saw the hope of understanding the sword moves.

Song Yu just used the fifteenth sword, not just to show his holiness in front of others, but also felt that Yan Shisan was worth making friends with, so he sold his favor.

Yan Shisan is so powerful that he is qualified to be ranked in the second echelon on the grandmaster list. The first echelon is naturally top masters like Zhu Yuyan and Zhu Wuli.

Moreover, Yan Shisan is a pure swordsman, he is only interested in swords.

Song Yu sold him a favor that might come in handy in the future.

After all, Song Yu will have to deal with the entire Yuan Kingdom in the future, and it is far from enough to rely solely on the current power of the Ming Cult.

It would also be a good choice for a master master like Yan Shisan to join the Ming Cult.

Of course, it would be even better if Qiao Feng could be brought over.

As the leader of the Ming Cult, Song Yu doesn't intend to take matters into his own hands. It would be great if he has a bunch of powerful subordinates.

Song Yu's thoughts moved slightly, then he calmed down, glanced at Ye Gucheng, Ximen Chuixue and others, and said:"Guys, I have a suggestion."

Song Yu's voice was filled with true energy and spread for dozens of miles, making people watching the battle The warriors all know it very well.

Ye Gucheng and Ximen Chuixue were both refreshed.

"Master Song, please speak"

"Leader Song said it was okay."

Ye Gucheng and Ximen Chuixue said.

Master Fei Xuan's clear eyes were overflowing and focused on Song Yu.

Even Yan Shisan opened his eyes and looked at Song Yu while healing his wounds.

The first thing Song Yu showed just now The fifteen swords have given Ximen Chuixue, Ye Gucheng and others a new understanding of Song Yu's strength.

Perhaps Song Yu is the strongest among them.

Song Yu said:"Since you don't have peace of mind, then. Why don't we just sit down and discuss the Tao, using swords to discuss the Tao?"

Sit down and discuss Tao?

Discuss Tao with swords.

When they heard this, Shi Feixuan, Yan Shisan, Ye Gucheng, and Ximen Chuixue were all moved.

Yan Shisan was the first to answer, with a hoarse voice:"I agree."

The reason why Yan Shisan answered so readily was that he was very curious about Song Yu and wanted to know what Song Yu's sword skills were.

Shi Feixuan also had no objection to Song Yu's words:"I agree too."

Ye Gucheng and Ximen Chuixue also nodded.

"Okay, let's sit down and talk about swordsmanship today."Song Yu moved and sat on a boulder on the platform next to him. He sat cross-legged elegantly, with the Heavenly Sword beside him.

The boulder was large and smooth, and could accommodate the five of them sitting on it.

See. Song Yu sat cross-legged, and others in Ye Gucheng also followed suit. They were sitting on the boulder, not far from each other.

Below was the Sword Tomb on the island in the middle of the lake.

Everyone in the world didn't know why.

What kind of trick was Song Yu doing, but curiosity welled up in his heart as he stared at the island in the middle of the lake.

Song Yu looked at Ximen Chuixue and said,"Ximen Chuixue, what is a sword to you?" Hearing Song Yu's sudden question, everyone looked at Ximen Chuixue.

Ximen Chuixue subconsciously clenched the sword at his waist.

It was a dark, narrow, ancient long sword with a black sheath.

Ximen Chuixue gently stroked the sword body with his hand, Then he looked sternly and replied:"I learned swordsmanship when I was seven years old, and I became successful in seven years.

After I entered the world, I quickly became a genius, and then spent ten years to become a master of swordsmanship.



"For as long as I can remember, I have never left my body with my sword."

"For me, the sword is part of my life."

Ximen Chuixue's voice was cold and he answered simply.

He has always been taciturn, and these words were the rare moments when he spoke.

Hearing this, Song Yu and others nodded slightly.

When they saw Ximen Chuixue gently stroking the sword, they It was like having a heart-to -heart conversation with a long-time friend, which shows his feelings for the sword.

Ximen Chuixue is a sincere person. He is loyal to the sword and forgets himself for the sword.

Chang Ran.

He had never said these words to anyone before. This was his opinion on the way of swordsmanship.

Song Yu's voice was filled with Qi, so Ximen Chuixue also answered with Qi in his voice. His answer spread throughout the West Lake. The warriors who were watching all sighed that there was indeed a reason for Ximen Chuixue to achieve such achievements.

After hearing Ximen Chuixue's words, Song Yu turned to Shi Fei Xuan and understood. She thought for a moment about what Song Yu meant, and replied softly:"I was trained by the sect since I was a child, and the sect master taught me swordsmanship, but I was not interested at first. As time goes by, although my strength has increased, my swordsmanship has also improved significantly, but I just rely on my talent."

"It wasn't until...until I met an important person, and under his guidance, that I could see my true nature and myself, and then I understood the secret of the clear heart of the sword."

"In my opinion, the so-called sword heart means to move forward without hesitation, rather than bending, and staying true to yourself."

Shi Feixuan looked at Song Yu with eyes as clear as a stream, and a touching blush appeared on her face.

Obviously, the important person Shi Feixuan mentioned was Song Yu.

Song Yu's previous words awakened him In Song Yu's eyes, Shi Feixuan may have been just an ordinary conversation, but Shi Feixuan has since transformed and realized the threshold of the sword's clear heart: to move forward without hesitation, rather than bending, and to remain true to himself.

This is what Shi Feixuan sees. Kendo.

Song Yu smiled at Shi Fei Xuan, and the blush on Shi Fei Xuan's face became brighter and brighter, like a fairy coming to earth.

After Shi Fei Xuan,

Ye Gucheng's eyes were bright as well. Two cold stars, he said:"In my opinion, the sword is lonely"

"The sword in my hand has no emotions, no worries, and is as flawless as the blue sky and white clouds."

Ye Gucheng's words are in line with his character.

As a swordsman, Ye Gucheng has no friends and no worries. He is always in a lonely state, like a lone beast.

In Ye Gucheng's view, there is only no care and no worries. Only then can he display his sword skills flawlessly.

Song Yu found that Ye Gucheng's sword had something in common with Jueqingzhan.

Ye Gucheng said briefly and then it was Yan Shisan's turn.

Three Ways:"I have been learning swordsmanship since I was a child. What I learned is the life-threatening swordsmanship inherited from my family. I am crazy about swords and become a demon. Swordsmanship is what I want all my life. Even if I have to die, I will pursue swordsmanship. Even if I become a demon for swords, I will pursue swordsmanship." No matter what."

Yan Shisan's eyes were hot.

The way of the sword was like the only light in his life.

Yan Shisan fell silent after speaking.

Ximen Chuixue, Yan Shisan and others all expressed their opinions on swords, and they exchanged words with each other. , all have knowledge of their own swordsmanship, and have also benefited a lot.

Each swordsman's swordsmanship is different.

The warriors watching by the West Lake had mixed feelings when they heard Ximen Chuixue and others' views on swords. I have to admit that Ximen Chuixue and others are obsessed with swordsmanship. No wonder they can become top swordsmen.

At this time, Yan Shisan couldn't help but look up and looked at Song Yu and asked,"Master Song, how do you handle the sword?" What do you think?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Song Yu in unison.

They had all seen Song Yu's Taixu Sword Intention, and they also knew that Song Yu was extremely proficient in sword techniques.

But it seemed that Song Yu was not like Ximen Chuixue and Ye Ye. Gucheng and Yan Shisan are so obsessed with swords, so what is his swordsmanship?

Everyone was extremely curious and waited for Song Yu's answer.

Song Yu saw Yan Shisan and Ximen Chuixue's inquiry. He smiled slightly, pondered for a moment, and then replied:"In my opinion, the sword has three realms."

"Three realms?"

Master Fei Xuan raised her head, Yan Shisan stared at Song Yu, Ximen Chuixue and Ye Gucheng were also attentive and quiet, listening to Song Yu's story........................................................................

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