Inside the meeting hall.

Song Yu was sitting at the top. He smiled faintly and looked around the crowd. Seeing the respectful expressions of the senior officials of the Ming Cult, he only heard him say:"So the next focus of our Ming Cult is to seize the treasure house of Duke Yang."

"As for dealing with Zhu Wuli, it’s quite simple."

"The enemy of our enemy is our friend. If Zhu Wuli doesn't deal with Cao Zhengchun, the governor of the Ming Dynasty, we only need to let out the news that Zhu Wuli is colluding with the Yuan Dynasty. Cao Zhengchun will naturally chase Zhu Wuli and bite him like crazy."

After hearing Song Yu's words, everyone couldn't help but nod their heads.

Yang Xiao smiled and said:"I didn't expect that the leader also knows a lot about the affairs of the Ming Dynasty. It's so good. Let Cao Zhengchun and Zhu Wuwu fight to contain the thief Zhu Wuwu."

Song Yu nodded. Cao Zhengchun can be called a hero in the original work. Because of the tragic loss of his good chicken, he practiced the Tiangang Boy Kung Fu. Even if his strength is not as good as Zhu Wuwu's, it is not far behind. It is enough to contain Zhu Wuwu.

And while In this period of time, Song Yu will grab the Evil Emperor's relic.

By then, killing Zhu Wuwu will be a piece of cake.

"Fan Youshi, I will leave this matter to you to spread the news of Zhu Wuli's rebellion and announce to the world that Zhu Wuli, as a royal family of the Ming Dynasty, colluded with the Yuan Dynasty."Song Yu said

"Yes, leader."Fan Yao nodded repeatedly and agreed.

Song Yu turned his eyes to everyone at this time and said again,"Four, four, eighty, eighty."":"As for my Mingjiao’s next decision,……"

Song Yu looked at the map and suddenly noticed Chang'an City, showing his thoughts.

At this moment, Yang Xiao also followed Song Yu's gaze. When he saw Chang'an City and the vast territory of the Sui Kingdom, his eyes lit up as well. He pawed his hands and sighed:"Wonderful, wonderful! The leader really has a plan, which is surprising."I admire you!"

Song Yu:"?"


Did the leader say something just now? Why didn’t we hear anything?

Everyone, including Song Yu, was confused.

Although Song Yu was confused in his heart, he still had an inscrutable expression on his face, showing no signs of confusion.

"Yang Xiao, what the hell are you talking about? The leader clearly didn’t say a word just now!"The only person who can speak so rudely is Zhou Dian.

Zhou Dian looked at Yang Xiao angrily and dissatisfied, feeling that Yang Xiao was treating people as fools. The leader clearly didn't say a word just now, but Yang Xiao still said that the leader had no plans left. This That's not how flattering works.

Although others thought Zhou Dian

's words were vulgar, they were not unreasonable. Yang Xiao frowned and said,"Zhou Dian, every word and look in the leader's eyes has a profound meaning. You can't understand it yourself." , why do you blame the leader for not telling you?"

As he spoke, Yang Xiao pointed to the east of the map, which was the territory of the Sui Kingdom.

Yang Xiao said:"Although the leader didn't say a word just now, he looked at the territory of the Sui Kingdom and the city of Chang'an. This is the next step of my Mingjiao plan."

Everyone was startled, thinking deeply.

Zhou Dian opened his mouth, feeling that his IQ was not enough.

Yang Xiao continued in a loud voice:"Now the Sui Kingdom is torn into pieces, Yang Guang is dead, and the four great clans each have their own plans, and everyone has their own plans. If you want to be king, this country of Sui Dynasty is full of opportunities, and it is also a place for my Mingjiao to flex its muscles!"

"What's more, the leader was born in the Song Dynasty and is the son of the Song Dynasty. If we arrive in the Great Sui Kingdom, we will be like a fish in water, and we can temporarily avoid the sharp edges of the Yuan Kingdom and accumulate strength."

"What's more, in the near future, it is possible to capture Yang Gong's treasury, compete with the Li family and other clans, and seize He's jade to win the Sui Dynasty... It can be said to kill two birds with one stone or even three birds with one stone!"

"Isn't this a perfect decision? But you, Zhou Dian, are ignorant and have no idea of the leader’s foresight, hey."

Yang Xiao sighed and said slowly.

Hearing this, Zhou Dian blushed with shame and said nonchalantly:"Master, master, it was my subordinate who was rude. I didn't know that you thought so. I was the one who contradicted you out of ignorance. The leader."

The rest of the people also had a look of surprise on their faces, and they looked at Song Yu with even more respect.


"That's what I thought."Song Yu said silently in his heart.

Yang Xiao's brain power is too strong, and it's just gradually disappearing.

Although Song Yu did intend to let the Mingjiao temporarily avoid the spotlight and go to the Great Sui Kingdom, he didn't expect Yang Xiao to say so. His plan was so profound and unpredictable that Song Yu didn't criticize it when he saw that everyone was in awe and looked shocked and stunned.

"The leader is really far-sighted"

"Then we will start leaving Yunzhou City and bring the main force of our Ming Cult to the Sui Kingdom for development."

"This is fine, as it saves us from having to fight head-on with the Yuan Kingdom in a short period of time, which can easily damage our vitality."

"Indeed, the leader is still thoughtful."

Everyone was talking, and they were full of admiration for Song Yu's decision.

When Song Yu heard this, he did not defend himself, but said:"All the way east from Yunzhou City, you will have entered the territory of the Sui Kingdom. By then, the sea will be vast. The fish leaps, the sky is high and the birds fly"

"Yang Zuoshi, you will be in charge of the matter of leaving Yunzhou. You, King Ying, and King Wei Bat will lead a group of elite Mingjiao disciples to leave Yunzhou first and go to the Great Sui Kingdom to develop. You must act quickly."

"Yes, leader!"

Yang Xiao nodded immediately and immediately accepted the order with clasped fists.

Now that the Great Sui Kingdom was in chaos, the number of Mingjiao followers was extremely large. In the Great Sui Kingdom, they were not suppressed by the Yuan soldiers everywhere like they were in the Yuan Kingdom. It was very easy to develop and even be able to Easily seizing several cities and proclaiming himself king.

After Song Yu finished setting up, everyone was about to leave. At this time, a member of the Mingjiao Ruijin banner ran to the door of the meeting hall and shouted to Song Yu and others. :"Reporting to the leader, the latest issue of Baixiaosheng Jianghu Ranking has been released, please take a look at it!"

When they heard that Bai Xiaosheng's Jianghu Ranking was released, everyone got excited.

Especially Zhou Dian, who loved to join in the fun, scratched his head and scratched his head, curious and extremely anxious.

Song Yu said:"Zhou Dian, open it and take a look!"

"Hehe, thank you, Master."Zhou Dian was very grateful to Song Yu and opened it immediately.

Now nearly a month has passed since Song Yu's battle on the island in the middle of the lake, and more than ten days have passed since his battle with Zhao Min and other Yuan masters. Counting the time , it is indeed time to release the list of Bai Xiaosheng Jianghu.

Zhou Dian opened the exquisite Bai Xiaosheng Jianghu list and took a closer look.

Yin Tianzheng, Wei Yixiao and others also looked at it with a smile. I want to see how Song Yu ranks

"Hey, weird, weird, why can’t I see the leader in the grandmaster list?"Zhou Dian had a puzzled look on his face. He flipped through the list on that page and never found Song Yu's name.

"It's impossible. Last time, the leader was ranked in the top thirty of the master list. How could there be no leader's name?"Yin Tianzheng stepped forward in confusion and found that Song Yu's name was indeed not there.

Suddenly, Yin Tianzheng's hand froze slightly and said:"Yes, the name of the leader should be on the next page. Zhou Dian, please continue to turn back. Zhou

Dian was stunned for a moment and said nonchalantly:"No way."……"

The rest of the people paused slightly and looked at the list in Zhou Dian's hand with a look of eagerness.

In this list of Bai Xiaosheng masters, there is a rule about not becoming famous.

That is, the names of the top ten on the Grandmaster List are not on the same page as the names of the other names on the Grandmaster List. The top ten on the Grandmaster List occupy a separate page!

In other words, Song Yu is already ranked in the top ten of the grandmaster list?!

Zhou Dian swallowed. He turned to the next page of the list and saw the eye-catching name - Song Yu...........

"Sure enough, sure enough, the leader is ranked in the top ten of the master list, and the leader is ranked ninth!"Zhou Dian couldn't help but screamed...........

Everyone else was also surprised and shocked.

This is the top ten on the grandmaster list.

How many warriors dream of being on this list?

What's more, those who have always been in the top ten of the grandmaster list are almost all peak grandmasters, and they are peak grandmasters who have been famous for a long time.

After all, the pinnacle grandmaster is the strongest state among the grandmasters.

However, Song Yu reached the top ten of the Grandmaster list with the perfect state of Grandmaster!

This is unbelievable.

Although there have been such precedents in the past, they are few and far between.

What's more, last month Song Yu was ranked in the top 30 on the grandmaster list, and this month Song Yu is ranked in the top 10. This is really unheard of.

This is something unprecedented in the entire world.

This is enough to prove Bai Xiaosheng's recognition of Song Yu's strength at this time

"I am proud and proud, my Mingjiao is really proud and proud. Ever since the death of the previous leader of the Yang Cult, my Mingjiao has never had such a glorious moment! Yang Xiao was so excited that he clapped his hands and sighed.

"Exactly, exactly!"Yin Tianzheng also said repeatedly.

Others agreed.

Song Yu smiled:"It's just a list of Bai Xiaosheng's rankings. You don't need to care so much. It's just a false name."

Song Yu knows very well that although Bai Xiaosheng's list is authoritative, it is only limited to the Central Plains. Many masters from the Yuan Kingdom, Turks and other countries are not on the list, and there are so many masters in the world that even Bai Xiaosheng cannot include them..

Of course, being in the top ten of the master list is not a bad thing.

Seeing everyone in the Ming Cult being so excited, Song Yu just laughed it off.

Seeing Song Yu being so calm and calm, everyone couldn't help but sigh. After a while, it sounded like flattery to Song Yu's ears.

Song Yu said,"Okay, stop talking. Yang Zuoshi, immediately count the manpower and lead the elite disciples out of the city."

"Yes, leader."

Yang Xiao quickly clasped his fists and agreed.

At this moment, a very energetic but slightly old voice came from outside the helm.

"The leader of the Song Dynasty, my subordinate Zhang Sanfeng of Wudang, came here specially to visit."

The voice seemed to be far away in the horizon, but also close to the ears, which was enough to show the deep inner strength of the visitor.

Zhang Sanfeng came to visit!

Everyone was stunned when they heard the three words Zhang Sanfeng, almost thinking that they heard wrong.

How is this? What's going on?

Why is Zhang Sanfeng here?

You know that Zhang Sanfeng is over 100 years old and has never stepped out of Wudang more than ten years ago. Why did

Zhang Sanfeng suddenly leave Wudang Mountain and come to visit Song Yu? Everyone couldn't help but be stunned, guessing Zhang Sanfeng's purpose of coming.

"Could it be that Zhang Sanfeng came here for Yin Liuxia? Yin Liuxia is still resting in my car, and his injury is almost healed."Yang Xiao said.

But Yang Xiao felt something was wrong in his heart. Even if Zhang Sanfeng paid more attention to Yin Liting and sent Song Yuanqiao to take Yin Liting back to Wudang Mountain, why bother to come personally?

Song Yu's heart moved, and he had a vague feeling that Zhang Sanfeng was here. Came here specially to visit him............................................................

3 million words updated, asking for everything!!!.

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