In the field.

Song Yu stands tall and proud, holding a Heavenly Sword in his hand and dressed in brocade and white robes. He is handsome and handsome, and his temperament is free and unrestrained, which is impressive.

Ximen Chuixue stood opposite him, less than ten feet apart.

Although Ximen Chuixue's appearance is not as good as Song Yu's, his white clothes also set off his figure very well, but his temperament is colder. At this moment, Ximen Chuixue is staring at Song Yu closely, indifferent to other people.

Both were very focused.

Since Lu Xiaofeng was promised not to use sword moves, it meant that Song Yu and Ximen Chuixue could only tentatively use their swords to fight this time.

Song Yu and Ximen Chuixue have a tacit understanding, and each other knows this.

The Yitian Sword in Song Yu's hand kept trembling and buzzing, and he was very excited, just like the rain after a long drought.

The magic weapon is psychic, this is the excitement you get when you meet your opponent.

Needless to say, Ximen Chuixue, the long sword in his hand also trembled slightly and made a clear sound.

Seeing this scene, many of the warriors onlookers held their breaths and couldn't help but become tense as the atmosphere grew tense. They were increasingly looking forward to the confrontation between the two.

Although these two swordsman masters have not yet fought each other, their auras have already begun to compete with each other.

Not far away, appreciation and tenderness flashed through Huanwan's clear autumn eyes, her face turned slightly red, and she stared at Song Yu

"Ximen Chuixue actually came to Yunzhou City. I don’t know when it happened... It seems that my husband wants to compete with him in swordsmanship."

Huanwan pouted her red lips and thought to herself that it was a good thing she came in time, otherwise she would have missed this wonderful scene.

28Ximen Chuixue28 stood still. Since both parties agreed to compete in sword power, he no longer held back and directly showed his strength The sword intent.

In an instant, the onlookers felt their whole bodies tremble, and even the low-level warriors took a few steps back, staring ahead with horror on their faces.

At this moment, Ximen Chuixue's whole body was filled with fear. Like a sharp sword, he activated the sword intent all over his body. This sword intent was unparalleled and moved forward indomitably, just like its owner.

At the same time, attracted by Ximen Chuixue's sword intent, many warriors gathered around. The swords trembled, as if they were submitting to Ximen Chuixue's sword intention

, but the sword intention burst out with strong energy and came towards Song Yu within a radius of dozens of feet! , the overwhelming pressure came.

This is the power of the top swordsman.

Many of the warriors watching were stunned.

"The scope of the sword's intention and the terrifying power made Ximen Chuixue's sword truly terrifying."

They didn't have time to sigh too much, but they saw that almost at the same time, Song Yu's sword intent also spurted out.


That was the sound of the sword intent breaking through the air.

Black sword intent burst out.

Ximen Chuixue's sword intent was white, In other words, the sword intent that almost all sword masters condense is this almost transparent white sword intent, but Song

Yu's sword intent is completely different.

As soon as the intention appeared, it was obvious that the surrounding conditions had changed.

This black sword intention was not sinister, but it was filled with the aura of destruction and death, which made people shudder, like fear coming from the soul.

, everyone was shocked.

In comparison, Song Yu's sword intention seemed to be more special.

Song Yu used his sword intention with all his strength, and the sword intention he condensed exploded with bursts of energy, colliding with Ximen Chuixue's sword intention.


Everyone held their breath and focused on this.


Like two divine weapons colliding, the two powerful swords clashed in the air, releasing a shock wave that shocked everyone around them.

Everyone's expression changed, and they all retreated.

The aftermath of the leak spread, forming a hurricane, causing pain.

Marveling at the terrifying power of their swords, Huan Huan and Lu Xiaofeng both used their true energy to resist this force.

"Two monsters."Lu Xiaofeng swallowed and said angrily, but his eyes were fixed on the field.

Lu Xiaofeng knew very well that the two people just had a test confrontation, but it caused such a commotion.

"I know how powerful Ximen is. His sword intention is powerful and his cultivation is at the late stage of a master. But Leader Song... didn't he just break through to become a master? How could there be such terrifying sword intent and power?"

"Monster, what a monster!"

Lu Xiaofeng shook his head repeatedly.

He saw the air making bursts of roaring sounds, and suddenly exploded.

The air flow burst out, and the ground cracked.

If he didn't stop, he was afraid that the entire area of nearly a hundred feet would be affected.

Seeing this, Song Yu and Ximen Fubuki put away his sword intent at the same time.

The overwhelming pressure gradually dissipated, and many of the warriors who were watching relaxed. Just now, many of them were almost breathless. It was too depressing.

They were all a little glad to see the two of them stop.

The ground was now full of holes and dust, and Ximen Chuixue said seriously:"Master Song, you are a good opponent."

"each other."Song Yu was also a little surprised. Although neither of them tried their best, Song Yu could see how powerful Ximen Chuixue was.

After the tentative attack, Ximen Chuixue held the hilt of the long sword with a black sheath. He seemed to want to pull it out. Jian fought with Song Yu, but he agreed to Lu Xiaofeng and finally gave up the idea.

Song Yu was still unfinished.

This was the first time he had encountered such a powerful opponent as

Ximen Chuixue. Resisting the urge to draw his sword, he said in a cold voice:"Master Song, a West Lake sword discussion will be held in the Emperor's Capital of the Ming Dynasty in a month. I wonder if Master Song is interested?"

The West Lake Sword Forum in the Imperial Capital of the Ming Dynasty?!

Song Yu's heart moved.

Then he heard Lu Xiaofeng explain from the side:"Master Song, this West Lake Sword Forum is funded by the Ming Dynasty royal family. It is held every three years and invites sword masters from all over the world. They gathered by the West Lake on the outskirts of the imperial capital to discuss swords. At that time, kendo masters such as Ye Gucheng and Yan Shisan will come to participate. It will be a rare feast."

"If Master Song is interested, he can take the opportunity to meet the heroes of the world with his sword."

Song Yu understood what he said.

The West Lake in the imperial capital of the Ming Dynasty was not the West Lake of Hangzhou, but a large lake on the western outskirts of the imperial capital. It was also a world-famous scenic spot. If he could compete with a swordsman master on the bank of the West Lake, The confrontation was also a blessing.

What's more, Song Yu had originally planned to go to the Ming Dynasty Capital. In the underground prison of the Ming Dynasty,

Song Yu had planned to go to the Heaven Prison to see. Look, not to mention now

"OK, I will definitely go there then."Song Yu agreed.

"Leader Song is happy, I’ll wait for you and continue today’s battle."Ximen Chuixue nodded. He didn't talk nonsense. He turned around and prepared to leave.

Although it was a tentative confrontation just now, it made Ximen Chuixue pay enough attention to Song Yu.

When Song Yu saw Ximen Chuixue preparing to leave, he did not stop him.

It's just that At this moment, Song Yu's ears heard the sound of the system

"Congratulations to the host, the Demonic Sword's Sword Intention has completed its manifestation in front of others. At the same time, it clashed with Ximen Chuixue's Sword Intent, which aroused the desire to win, and the Demonic Sword's Sword Intent has achieved great success."

The Sword Intention is Greatly Accomplished!

The Sword Intent is divided into three levels: Minor, Dacheng, and Perfect.

Song Yu had just completed the Demonic Sword Intent before, so it was only the Minor Sword Intent.

But now...

The Sword Intent is accomplished!

Song Yu immediately felt, The sword intent all over his body soared into the sky, and the majestic sword intent surged like sea water, soaring into the sky.���

The sword is soaring into the sky!

Immediately afterwards, a strong wind blew between the sky and the earth, and hurricanes of air flow rolled upward, like water flowing against the current.

The soil, gravel, leaves on the ground... were all stirred by the wind.

For a moment, all the martial arts warriors around were shocked.

"What's going on, are they still fighting?"

Someone murmured to himself

"No, no, it seems that Master Song has made a breakthrough……"

"real or fake?"

Everyone looked at it in confusion, and saw a young man in white robe standing proudly. He was holding the Yitian Sword tightly in his hand. The sword energy penetrated the sword body, and the sword intent continued to soar into the sky. The sword intent was as bright as the sky. Wei!

Everyone looked at this scene in surprise and confusion.

Some people swallowed, took a few steps back, and looked at Song Yu in awe.

Others were shocked to find that the sword in their hands was actually there. Without warning, everyone was pulled by the sword intent and flew to Song Yu's feet, as if worshiping his black sword intent!

This astonishing scene made everyone stunned.


Ximen 353 Chuixue, Lu Xiaofeng seemed to be aware of it and had been staring at Song Yu for a long time.

Lu Xiaofeng's face showed surprise, and Ximen Chuixue's eyes also flashed with surprise. His hand quietly grasped the hilt of his sword, and the clouds in the sky rose. They all seemed to have changed, as if they had been stirred up by Song Yu.

Such a strange phenomenon was really shocking.

Lu Xiaofeng murmured to himself:"Master Song's sword intention has broken through. This, this sword intention breakthrough can actually cause changes in the world." elephant? It seems like this is a sudden���Come to Dacheng Sword Intention, it is so powerful……"

Ximen Chuixue remained motionless, his eyes always focused on Song Yu, but his expression was a bit complicated.

This black sword intent breaks through so terrifyingly that it triggers strange phenomena in the world, which is extremely rare.

When Ximen Chuixue's sword intention broke through, it also caused a vision in the world, but it was far less astonishing than Song Yu's vision. The sword intention was as brilliant as the power of heaven, which made his heart shake and he felt even more pressure.

After a long time, this vision disappeared.

Song Yu sheathed the Yitian Sword, and he breathed a sigh of relief, feeling relaxed all over his body.

At this critical moment, he actually broke through the shackles again.

The sun shone on Song Yu's face, and his clear face attracted Huan Huan's eyes. Many women in the arena also looked at Song Yu, and I don't know how many women showed infatuation.

"The leader of the Song Dynasty was gifted by heaven. Ximen Chuixue said in a low voice. At the same time, he felt heavy pressure. Obviously, this scene also gave him a great impact.

But it also made him excited.

If he could really fight against Song Yu, it would definitely be a hearty experience. What a joy!

Everyone in the audience watched in amazement or silence. They had no objection to Ximen Chuixue's words.

Many warriors even sighed inwardly.

The pressure of the sword just now was really indescribable. In front of other peers in the world, I have bragging rights..............................................................

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