Martial Arts Immortal

Chapter 54 Mountain Forest (1)

Swish swish swish.

The breeze blew, and the smell of blood spread.

Many things, once you get used to them, you become accustomed to them.

After Lin Zheyu killed someone before, he couldn't help but tremble and had nightmares all night when he went back.

But now that he had dealt with twenty people in one go, he just sighed slightly and lamented that human lives are like insignificant things.

There is not much fluctuation in my heart.

He turned around and looked at Xing Jinglong. This guy was strong and powerful. Qiao Quan had taken some of the force out of his previous attack. He withstood his full blow and was not completely dead yet.

"Can you still talk?"

Lin Zheyu walked to Xing Jinglong's side, squatted down, and asked lightly.

"You...who...are you?"

" can't can be..."

Xing Jinglong's eyes were dull, his speech was intermittent, his speech was unclear, and he was not far from death.

He didn't understand why this happened.

It was obvious that he was just catching a kid from the Bone Forging Realm, and yet he had made such sufficient preparations, so he could have failed!

What he didn't expect even more was that this talented guy whom he looked down upon would suddenly transform into a Qi and Blood Realm warrior!


The blade of the knife pierced Xing Jinglong's chest, shattering his heart, and his eyes gradually lost their luster.

Xing Jinglong kept mumbling inaudible words, but Lin Zheyu did not continue to ask questions and just killed him with a knife.

Originally, I wanted to ask why he was staring at me, but in Xing Jinglong's state, it was obvious that he couldn't ask.

"The Xing family is powerful, and Xing Jinglong died outside the city because he was chasing me. Even if I didn't kill him, they would definitely find me."

"But so what, as long as there is no evidence, they don't dare to mess around with Gang Leader Xu and the City Lord in the city."

"Outside the city, oh, I'm afraid they won't come!"

Lin Zheyu thought for a moment and felt relieved.

As long as the people sent by the Xing family to hunt him down were not warriors above the Qi and Blood realm, he would not be afraid.

In some families, there may be old immortals in the Marrow Realm, but Qi and Blood Realm warriors are considered top masters in Songyicheng.

What he showed to the outside world was just a minor character in the Bone Forging Realm. The Xing family would not send Qi and Blood Realm warriors to kill this minor character, right?

I knelt down and groped each person carefully, but I didn't find many good things.

Except for the weapons in their hands and the many medicinal powders and poison darts carried by Zhao Wude, there was nothing of value.

The total amount of silver on everyone's possessions was less than one tael.

They all go out to do errands, and no one carries too much money with them.

"Are these things poisonous?"

Lin Zheyu looked at the dozen small bottles he took out from Zhao Wude's body, as well as darts wrapped in cloth, and several red and white powders wrapped in leather cloth.

He carefully packed the things separately, then found a sheltered place to protect them from the rain, dug a hole, and buried it.

He didn't recognize these medicinal powders or poison darts, and he might hurt himself if he used them casually.

Lin Zheyu didn't plan to bring it into the city. He was worried that there was some kind of special powder inside that could be used for tracking.

In the end, he only took away eight hundred coins and put the rest into the hidden hole he dug.

I marked it on the map so I can come back and pick it up if I need it in the future.

"Find a stream to freshen up and change out of these clothes." Lin Zheyu thought to himself.

There may still be a smell of white zinc powder on your body, so clean it first to remove the smell.

He had taken off the coat carrying the white zinc powder before, but the gray ferret chasing the wind could still tell that the smell of white zinc powder was on him.

Fortunately, he brought an extra set of clothes with him when he went out this time. It was originally meant to prevent the clothes from being stained red by blood and not having to be changed while fighting outside, but now it is just in use.

Before leaving, they checked the bodies to make sure there were no places where their identities would be exposed, then dragged them into the grass and dumped them in the wilderness.

From the time the fight broke out to the time he left, it took less than ten minutes.

The location is remote and no one else comes here.

As the smell of blood fills the air, the corpses here will soon be discovered by wild beasts and eaten up.

He took out the map and found the location with difficulty.

The map was purchased through Feihong Gang channels, and it is the most detailed map available in Songyi City.

But even so, there are still many places on the map that are a little blurry. Only official roads and some major roads are relatively clear.

"There is a stream not far away. Let's freshen up and change clothes before heading to Lion Valley." Lin Zheyu thought to himself.

Lion Valley is the only way to the Central Plains and is an important transportation artery in this area.

If you want to bypass the Lion Valley, you need to go a long way, and it is all a narrow path, with high mountains, smog and dangers everywhere.

Therefore, the official road near Lion Valley is the only way for caravans to travel to and from the Central Plains.

This is also the reason why many bandits gather in Lion Valley.

Lin Zheyu was walking in the woods, and the weeds on the road were as tall as a man.

The paths in the mountains are winding and winding. If no one walks all year round, the roads will be occupied by grass and trees, making it difficult to walk.



Walking in the forest, you can hear the roars of wild beasts from time to time, as well as the rustling sounds of large ferocious beasts walking through the forest.

In the deep mountains and old forests, even warriors dare not wander around at will.

In those deep mountains and old forests where few humans have set foot, there are powerful beasts, some of which can even kill Qi and Blood Realm warriors with ease.

Those hunters who go into the mountains to hunt go to the forests that have been explored by their ancestors for generations, and there are no places where powerful and ferocious beasts can survive.

Lin Zheyu walked carefully through the forest, encountering many big snakes, wild beasts, and various small insects with bright colors on the way.

After walking along the route on the map for about half an hour, we finally saw the creek.

The water of the stream is so clear that you can see the swimming fish and the aquatic plants at the bottom at a glance.

Although it is winter, Songyicheng is located in the south. It does not freeze in winter, and you can see many fish and shrimp swimming in the stream.

The stream was very clean. Lin Zheyu picked up the water and washed his face.

Seeing no one around, I took off my clothes, jumped in and washed them carefully.


The stream was freezing cold, and puffs of smoke rose from his body.

The qi and blood in the body are circulating, and the whole body is hot. The coldness is nothing.

"Looking like this, there shouldn't be any breath left on your body, right?"

After cleaning, Lin Zheyu put on a smart outfit.

He figured out the direction of Lion Valley and continued on his way.

After crossing a mountain, you can occasionally see individual herb collectors and hunters on the road. Everyone was extremely cautious. When they saw Lin Zheyu, they looked at him from a distance and left quickly.

At this time, most of those who dare to go into the mountains to collect herbs or hunt are experienced and powerful masters.

There are also some people who are forced by life and have to enter Shanbo as a way to survive.

After entering the forest, it is more difficult to tell the direction, and it is easy to go in the wrong direction.

Lin Zheyu happened to meet a few hunters, and after asking loudly from a distance, he re-identified the direction and walked out.

In this era, there is no satellite navigation. It is often easier to ask a passerby for directions than to look at a map.

After the map is drawn, the update frequency is very low. Except for the large official roads, the small roads and narrow paths will be blocked by vegetation after a while.

Except for the official road, the trail markings on the map are somewhat unclear, and some have been blocked by vegetation over time.

Some of them have been taken out of the way by people, making them a bit chaotic.

It will be much easier if you take the official route.

The official road is used by caravans all year round and is well maintained, making it a great walk. But if there is a war, the official road is the most dangerous. Most of the rebels and bandits will gather near the official road.

Moreover, in order to facilitate the passage of large groups, the official road was built in a winding way, so it took two or three times longer to reach it.

Lin Zheyu's trip was mainly to familiarize himself with the environment outside the city, find out the nearby terrain and roads, and prepare for the future.

Therefore, I chose a specially chosen path to familiarize myself with the terrain and environment in the mountains and forests.

After crossing the mountain and arriving at the foot of another mountain, he didn't know which way to choose.

"Which way to go?"

Lin Zheyu looked at the three trails in front of him, and compared the weak map to study the direction.

The roads on the map are no longer visible. These three trails have been trampled by people recently.

"Just this one!"

Lin Zheyu climbed up to the top of a nearby big tree in twos and twos, identified the direction, and chose the middle road.

If it doesn't work, just find your own way.

As a great man said in the past, there is no road in the world, but when more people walk on it, it becomes a road.

After walking for about five hundred meters, Lin Zheyu found that the road went up the mountain.

So I could only climb up the treetop, re-identify the direction, and find a way out on my own.

After identifying the location and confirming that it was correct, Lin Zheyu walked a few hundred meters further when a beast roar came from ahead.

Bang bang bang


A huge collision, mixed with the roar of beasts, came from the forest, causing the birds all around to flee.

"The voice is strong and powerful, and the strength seems to be good. What kind of ferocious beast is this?"

Lin Zheyu was curious, moved his feet, and rushed in the direction of the sound.

The closer it gets, the louder the movement becomes.

After walking for two to three hundred meters, he finally saw the ferocious beast in battle.

What he was fighting was a ferocious beast that was about two and a half meters tall and as strong as a giant bear. The head is huge, the mouth protrudes outward, and there are two sharp fangs.

The other party is a middle-aged man.

The man is in his forties and has a strong build.

The upper body is wearing animal skin, the muscles all over the body are bulging, the aura is strong, and the strength is around the middle stage of Zang Refining.

He held a machete in his hand, and the blade was extremely sharp.

The sword is the king of all weapons. The sword techniques mainly focus on chopping, chopping, blocking, piercing, and wiping. The moves are simple and easy to learn and easy to use. Among the warriors Lin Zheyu has ever seen, he is the one who uses the sword the most.


The ferocious beast like a giant bear waved its huge claws and slapped the man. The strong wind roared and the power was terrifying.

Lin Zheyu estimated that he was at least as strong as the peak of the Zang Refining Realm.

The man did not dare to take a hard hit, and quickly backed away. The knife in his hand slashed upwards, avoiding the beast's thick arm and hitting its chest.

The blade passed through the chest of the ferocious beast like a giant bear, creating a shallow wound. Blood flowed out, and when it met the fur, it condensed into a ball and blocked the wound.


The ferocious beast roared, kicked back, opened its bloody mouth, and bit the man's head.

The man twisted his waist, flicked his wrist, and slashed the beast's furry face with the knife.


The ferocious beast's huge claws slapped the blade, and the huge force made the blade tremble and make a buzzing sound.

The man couldn't avoid it and was hit by the ferocious beast. He flew backwards and vomited blood.

He rolled on the spot, picked up the crossbow on the ground, mounted the bow and shot an arrow into the beast's eyes.

The arrow shot towards the eye of the ferocious beast with a whoosh, and the ferocious beast suddenly turned around and ran deep into the forest.


The arrow hit the beast's back, breaking through its fur defense and piercing lightly into its body.

But it didn't penetrate deeply, and as the beast ran, the arrow fell to the ground.

"What a strong defense!"

Lin Zheyu hid in the dark and observed, and couldn't help but admire.

The man's blow just now exploded with all his strength, but it only cut through the fur of the beast and made a shallow wound.

The man looked at the escaping beast and did not continue to pursue it. Instead, he leaned against the tree trunk next to him, breathing heavily.

His physical exertion was enormous.

That beast is extremely powerful, has rough skin and thick flesh, and cannot be beaten at all.

If the other party hadn't been hit by a bear trap, bleeding a lot and spending most of his energy, he would have had no choice but to run away.

"It's a pity that it still ran away."

The man shook his head sadly.

He chased the beast all the way, but still failed to kill it.

After regaining some strength, he shouted loudly to the forest: "Since my friend is here, why hide in the dark and sneak around? Show yourself."


Lin Zheyu was a little surprised.


He was running the Turtle Breathing Technique with all his strength, and his body was like a dead tree, not emitting the slightest breath. He had been hiding in the dark just now, approaching quietly without making any sound.

But he was still noticed by the man in front of him. Such a keen perception is really amazing.

"Isn't he trying to deceive me?"

Lin Zheyu muttered and did not show up.

After killing Xing Jinglong and his party, he also said similar words to the empty woods, just to see if anyone was hiding in the dark.

"Friend, stop hiding, I've already discovered you."

The man looked towards the direction of the grass where Lin Zheyu was hiding and said with a smile.

He held the machete tightly in his right hand, his eyes full of vigilance.

There was another reason why the man didn't continue the pursuit just now, and that was because he found someone hiding in the dark.

"I really found it!"

Lin Zheyu was amazed.

Now that he has been discovered, there is no need to continue hiding.

The man in front of him was weaker than him, and it could be seen from the previous battle that the man was not an expert in using poison and could not pose any threat to him.

"I happened to pass by here and heard the sound of fighting. I came over out of curiosity to have a look. There is no harm in it." Lin Zheyu walked out of the grass and said with a smile.


The man looked at Lin Zheyu with an unexpected look on his face.

This man was too young, probably only about sixteen or seventeen years old.

"This guy is not simple!"

The man secretly thought that he did not look down on Lin Zheyu just because he looked young.

His eyes were slightly focused, and he was secretly wary.

Nowadays, bandits are rampant, and no one who dares to go into the mountains alone is easy to deal with.

"I see."

"Since my friend is just passing by and the ferocious beast has escaped, I wonder if my friend can leave?" the man said.

"I think so too."

"I'm just not familiar with this mountain forest. I would like to ask my brother for directions. I wonder if you can tell me how to get to Lion Valley more conveniently."

Lin Zheyu asked.

"Lion Valley?"

"The area around Lion Valley is full of bandits, so it's not a good place to be."

"But since my friend is planning to go, he must be extremely powerful and not afraid of those bandits."

"If you want to go to Lion Valley, go in this direction for about a mile and you will see a trail. Follow the trail to the end. There are three forks. Take the leftmost path..."

The man showed kindness, spoke in great detail, and even drew a sketch on the ground with a knife.

"Thank you, brother. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid this trip would have taken a little longer." Lin Zheyu cupped his hands and thanked him.

"You're welcome."

The man said calmly, still not letting down his guard.

He holds the machete tightly in his hand. If something goes wrong, he will chop it without any hesitation.

Lin Zheyu didn't care and took out the map and marked it.

The man felt slightly relieved when he saw Lin Zheyu taking out the map and marking it with a kind face. He didn't look like a villain or a bandit.

He had just fought with the ferocious beast and spent a lot of energy, and did not want to conflict with the young man in front of him.

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