Martial arts immortality, my practice has experience

Chapter 58: The Doorway (Please read on~)

"Ping'an, what you look like, tsk tsk tsk... you're so majestic!"

Chen Ping'an had just arrived at Nanquanli Lane Town Fusi, and the monkey's head circled around him, and he was amazed.

At this time, Chen Ping'an was no longer wearing the uniform of a temporary officer. Instead, he changed into a formal uniform of blue cloth with a cross-collar, narrow-sleeved robe, and a red ribbon tied around the waist.

Among the temporary servants, most of whom were still wearing soap uniforms, they stood out extremely.

Nanquanlixiang Town Fusi has hundreds of temporary officers, but the number of official officers is less than forty.

The mountains on the side also showed envy in their eyes.

"Ping'an, that's great! Work hard, and the rest will belong to you young people."

Qin Tou also came up and praised him. After that day, Qin Tou rarely took any time off, and he would definitely come to Dian Mao.

While waiting for the officers to arrive, many officers came up to talk to Chen Pingan.

Previously, Chen Ping'an, the governor of Nanquanli Lane, was considered a semi-transparent person. Except for their own small circle, almost no officers would pay attention to him. But now that he has been promoted to a formal sergeant, the situation is different.

When you walk outside, it's almost the same size. When Chen Ping'an gets older, he will be shouting loudly when he goes out.

Seeing Chen Ping'an being so popular, Zheng Shiyong's eyes flashed with a trace of unwillingness.

"This kid who has never started martial arts is really lucky!"

Not long after waiting, a poor man came in at the door of the Zhenfu Division. It was Zheng Chatou. As soon as Zheng Chatou entered the door, he saw a temporary servant who was surrounding Chen Pingan to show his goodwill.

"Xixi, what are you talking about?"

Although Zheng Chatou spoke to everyone, his eyes were fixed in the direction of Chen Pingan.

The expression of the temporary servant who was being looked at suddenly seemed to be frozen.

"Don't go back yet!" Zheng Cha looked unhappy.

The temporary officer who expressed his goodwill to Chen Pingan ran back immediately after hearing this.

It's no small matter to suffer the consequences.

As Zheng Chatou walked in, the discussion in the venue also subsided.

"Boy! So what if you are an official servant? You still have to be manipulated by my uncle!" Zheng Shiyong felt proud.

Although Zheng Chatou did not express it clearly, this move was a subtle knock on Chen Pingan, and it also told others that he did not particularly like Chen Pingan.

The temporary officer who wanted to show his good will undoubtedly had to make a decision after seeing Zheng Shiyong's attitude.

Looking at the back of Zheng Chatou walking up to the high platform, Chen Ping'an narrowed his eyes slightly.

This Zheng Chatou...

Since the matter of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect has not yet been resolved, although the Chai Si and the Deputy Chai Si did not come today, the five chai heads still reported as usual, with Zheng Chai head presiding over the regular meeting before the chai.

After the regular errand meeting ended, Chen Pingan also received his latest assigned errand.

Since he was already registered as a formal sergeant, he could no longer hang out with Qin Tou. Instead, we need to bring three temporary servants to take charge of the job alone.

I don't know if it was a coincidence or a deliberate arrangement, but two of the three temporary servants he led had just interacted with him not long ago.

Cheng Yuan and Zhao Hu. In addition to the two of them, there is also a newcomer who has just joined less than two months ago, called Zeng Jijie.

Chen Ping'an didn't know anything else, but he knew that Cheng Yuan and Zhao Hu were relatively senior temporary servants, and they were the type who were more good at hugging others. It seems to be from Zheng Chatou's faction.

Chen Ping'an couldn't help but be secretly vigilant about this.

In the workplace in your previous life, you shouldn’t do too many things like wearing small shoes. Could it be that I have traveled through time and want to experience it again in Nanquanli Lane Town Fusi?


The difference from his previous life is that his ability now can be revealed and quantified. Rather than arbitrarily pointing the finger at the other side of the fence, one can turn the blame around.

Because Chen Ping'an's new errand was just decided today. So the official start is tomorrow, and everything will be business as usual today.

On this day, Chen Pingan patrolled Liuye Street with Qin Tou, Houtou and Dashan. He and Qin Tou were each wearing official official uniforms, and they were extremely intimidating when walking on the street.

Many of the gangsters who were previously careless and fearless towards Chen Ping An showed a flattering smile when they saw the official uniforms they were wearing.

A formal sergeant is different from a temporary sergeant. If you are determined to become a rogue, then nine times out of ten you can do it.

Therefore, for these scoundrels, official officers will not be offended if they can!

"Peace, starting tomorrow, you will be on your own!" Qin Tou said with some relief on his face. "Your father and I have been colleagues for many years. In terms of seniority, we can also be regarded as half uncles of yours. After all these years, I haven't left anything behind, but I have learned some lessons."

"Qin Tou, please tell me." Chen Pingan said respectfully.

He still respects Qin Tou as a person. As a formal servant, he never bosses around or bullies the younger ones. There is nothing to criticize except for a little bit of trouble.

"This official service is different from temporary service. As long as you don't make any big mistakes, you will have an iron job for life. But sometimes, either you say you didn't make a mistake, or you didn't make a mistake. Peace, remember. Mr. Chaosi The you in my eyes may not be the real you, but the you in the mouth of the bad guy. Therefore, maintaining a good relationship with the bad guy is one of the most important tasks. You look like me... "

Qin Tou began to tell Chen Ping'an about his half-life experience and lessons, while He Tou and Dashan listened with their ears pricked up.

"Sometimes the first order comes down, and you need to implement it in time. But the people below are not strong enough, what should you do at this time? Sometimes it is not a lack of strength, but something wrong with the mentality, then you need to... .”


Throughout the whole day, Qin Tou imparted his experience and lessons without reservation. Chen Pingan listened carefully. Although he won't use all of this information, it will undoubtedly save him a lot of detours. Combining Qin Tou's experience and lessons with his many insights from his previous life, Chen Ping'an gained many unexpected gains.

"Ping An, Cheng Yuan and Zhao Hu are people under Zheng Chatou, so be careful. It's not just them, you have to be more careful about everything."

When it was time to leave for work, Qin Tou gave serious instructions.

Obviously, Qin Tou is an old man and has seen Zheng Cha Tou's malice toward Chen Pingan.

"Yes, I understand." Chen Pingan nodded.

He still has this bit of heart.

"Among the three people under your command, Cheng Yuan is a martial artist. Please pay more attention."

Qin Tou added one more sentence uneasily.

In his eyes, Chen Pingan is just an ordinary person. Although he became an official sergeant due to his merits, he had no background and no strength. It was still a bit reluctant to convince his subordinates, especially Cheng Yuan. I can only pay more attention to myself.

"I'll be careful."

Chen Pingan responded.

However, with his current strength, he wants to control him through a few temporary servants under his command. Then he really isn't afraid. Zheng Chatou did it by himself, that’s pretty much it!

Fortunately, now that he has obtained the Gongmen Thirteen Swordsman, he can slowly show off his talent in martial arts.

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