Martial Arts: Invincible Starting From The Full-Level Magic System

Chapter 83 Born To Be Charming, A Troublesome Witch, Murders Without Blinking An Eye (Subscription R

Li Lin's carriage traveled unimpeded all the way, passing through half of Jinling City, and finally arrived at Taipingfang, the west city of Jinling City.

The carriage stopped outside a theater named Liyuan.

Li Lin stepped out of the carriage, glanced at the theater, and asked lightly, "Is this the place?"

"Go back to little master, this is the place that man agreed on.

The guard next to him replied respectfully.

"Okay, got it, let's go in."

Li Lin nodded, then looked at a man in black robe next to him and said, "Old Mo, I'll trouble you later.


A hoarse voice came from under the black robe, which seemed a little harsh.

Li Lin's attitude towards this black-robed man was obviously different from that of other guards, and he even had some respect.

Subsequently, Li Lin walked into the pear garden surrounded by several guards.

A few years ago, this pear orchard was a thriving opera garden, but for some reason it fell into disuse overnight.

People in the theater died and scattered, leaving only a ruin in the end.

Now there are only dilapidated doors and windows, ribbons of different colors and dust all over the pear garden.

At first glance, Liyuan looks like a haunted house.

The timid dare not come here at night.

As soon as they stepped into the pear garden, Li Lin and others heard a faint opera singing.

"Peach Blossom Fan, I'm afraid there are eight or nine things in the world that are vague, and human feelings cover up two or three points of shame.

White birds are fluttering, green water is surging, tender yellow flowers are flying with butterflies, and no one looks at the new leaves.

No one is seen, the smoke is already fainted, who will talk about building and playing iron.

The yellow dust changes, the red sun rolls, and a poem is easy to sink.

The opera singing comes faintly, the tone is twisting and winding, the words are beautiful and mellow, it is soul-stirring and intoxicating.

The moment he heard the singing, Li Lin's eyes began to blur, his expression relaxed, and he showed a smirk, and then he started dancing on the spot.

His dancing posture is very enchanting, scratching his head and posing, just like a dancing girl in Wanhualou.

The same goes for the guards next to him, each of them seemed to have lost their souls, becoming crazy and foolish.

Several people danced around the spot, dancing and laughing, like a group of ghost dolls being manipulated.


The black-robed man behind Li Lin let out a cold snort, instantly dispelling the opera singing.

Li Lin woke up from the illusion, and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, feeling terrified.

The group of guards around him were all pale and sweating profusely.

"What's the matter? What happened just now?"

"What happened to my young master just now?"

Li Lin supported the wall, his pupils constricted in fright, and he gasped for breath, looking very embarrassed.

"You were harassed by the magic sound just now and fell into an illusion.

If the old man guessed correctly, the person who made the shot was the flower butterfly of the Mobei Qisha. "

The voice of the man in black was low, a little hoarse, and full of aging.

Unlike the other guards, this man in black didn't fear Li Lin, but was rather indifferent.

And Li Lin didn't dare to be dissatisfied with his indifferent attitude, but felt that it should be taken for granted.


At this moment, a burst of clear and pleasant laughter suddenly sounded.

The laughter came from all directions, as if people laughing everywhere, and then the voice came faintly.

"This gentleman is so powerful. He actually solved the little girl's mind-confusing technique so easily. I don't know the identity of this gentleman. Would you like to take off the black robe and show up?"

The man in black scanned the pear garden, and finally turned his gaze to a corner, and said indifferently: "You don't need to play tricks in front of this old man, just show up."

As soon as the words fell, a breeze suddenly blew in the pear orchard.

The ribbons scattered everywhere are all floating, like dancing girls in the dark night.

Several guards looked at those ribbons, their eyes became blurred again, and their faces showed obsession.

Afterwards, many ribbons were closed together, and then slowly flew into the sky.

In the end, the ribbon spread out like a goddess scattering flowers, and a beautiful woman appeared from it.

She is covered in red, half covered with clothes, extremely alluring.

Her big eyes are smiling, pretty and bewitching, and the water covers the ground with mist.

The corners of the small mouth were slightly raised, and the red lips were slightly parted.

Born to be a charming girl, a mischievous witch, nothing more than that.

Even Li Lin, who had been looking at the flowers for many years, was stunned at this moment, his eyes were fixed on the woman, and the heat and greed in his eyes were undisguised.

Li Lin is still like this, let alone the guards behind him.

Those guards had turned into Brother Zhu at this moment, almost drooling, smiling foolishly.

At this moment, the only one who can keep his heart is the man covered in black robe.

"Is Nujia beautiful?"

The woman smiled slightly at Li Lin and the others, exhaling like blue.


Li Lin and the others couldn't help but respond.

"Then do you like me?"

The woman asked again.


Li Lin and others answered again.

"Then are you willing to die for me?"

the woman asked again.


Li Lin and a group of guards couldn't help but nodded without the slightest hesitation.

The woman laughed, like a naughty little girl, "Since you are willing, then go die."

As soon as the voice fell, the woman made a move brazenly, and as soon as she made a move, it was a killer move, leaving no room for delay.

Under the control of the woman, the two ribbons pierced through the air, like sharp arrows, passing quickly through the necks of the two guards.

The ribbon is sent and received, as fast as lightning.

After half a breath, there was a bloodstain on the necks of the two guards, and then the heads slowly slid off.

The sudden change finally awakened Li Lin and others.

Li Lin turned pale with shock, and roared repeatedly, "What do you want to do?"

The woman covered her mouth and chuckled, "Didn't you just say that you were willing to die for slaves? Rujia is helping you now.

"Could it be that you were lying to the slave family just now? Sure enough, none of the men are good things."

The woman looks a little sad, like a poor woman who was abandoned by her lover. She expresses her despair and sadness vividly, which makes people feel affectionate.

Even though they knew that the woman in front of them was a murderous demon who was playing tricks on them from beginning to end, Li Lin and the others still couldn't get rid of the fantasy in their hearts.

Unknowingly, they have been charmed by women, and they can't extricate themselves at this moment, their lives are already in the hands of women.

With the sound of laughter, the life-threatening ribbon fell from the sky again.

The guards fled in a panic, but they couldn't escape the scythe of death. This was the death of two guards.

Li Lin hid behind the black-robed man, trembling with fright.

Only the man in black robe next to him can give him the only sense of security.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

At this moment, there was another sound of breaking wind.

A black shadow jumped out from the darkness of the attic, quickly grabbed a fleeing guard, and dragged him into the depths of the darkness.

…… Ask for flowers……………

A horrified scream suddenly sounded in the darkness, and then the scream stopped abruptly.

Immediately afterwards, a corpse was thrown out from the darkness and landed at Li Lin's feet.

Li Lin looked at the corpse, feeling even more frightened.

Because that corpse had turned into a mummy, his skin was as pale as paper and wrinkled, there were two blood holes in his neck, and the blood in his body had been sucked dry.

The black shadow flew out of the darkness again, dragging a guard into the darkness again.

Li Lin saw clearly this time, the black shadow was actually a huge bat.

In less than two breaths, another guard was sucked dry of blood and died.

The men in black robes did not make a move from the beginning to the end, because these people's murderous intentions did not target Li Lin.

Only when Li Lin is threatened will he leave the country.

As for the other guards, the man in black didn't care about their life or death at all.

In the blink of an eye, the dozen or so guards brought by Li Lin were all killed by the woman and the bat monster in the dark.

With a whoosh, the vampire bat flew out of the darkness, hung upside down on the beam of the house, and let out a few strange laughs, "Jie Jie Jie, the blood of these people is really bad, let's try this young man with delicate skin and tender flesh. "

"The eldest grandson of the chief minister of the dynasty, grew up in rich clothes and fine food, and was used to eating delicacies from mountains and seas. His blood must be very delicious.

The strange man stared at Li Lin with red eyes, and grinned ferociously, showing his blood-stained fangs, which made Li Lin's scalp numb.

The woman also smiled coquettishly, "Mr. Li, didn't you just say that you were willing to die for the servant's family? Why didn't you die?"

As she said that, the woman showed a mournful look, her eyes rolled in their sockets, "Are you cheating my slave? What a stinky man with a heartless heart.

But this time Li Lin was not confused by the woman, the fear in his heart overwhelmed his lust.

"Who the hell are you? Why are you doing this?"

"Do you know who I am? I am Li Lin, the grandson of the chief minister of the dynasty. My father is the Minister of the Ministry of Officials. Our Li family has power all over the world!"

"How dare you offend me? Are you desperate?"

Li Lin yelled fiercely, although he was extremely frightened in his heart, he was still stubborn.

"Hehehe, it seems that Mr. Li hasn't realized his situation yet?"

The woman covered her mouth and chuckled, and the Batman also made two snarky sounds.

Seeing this, Li Lin was almost scared to pee, and quickly grabbed the black-robed man in front of him, and shouted in a panic: "Meng Lao, hurry up, take me out of here quickly."

"I don't want to stay here anymore, I want to leave immediately."

"Old Meng, quickly take me out of here!"

Li Lin tugged at the sleeves of the man in black, and roared heart-piercingly, the last sentence was broken, which proved that Li Lin was really afraid at this moment.

Since he was born, Li Lin has never experienced such a terrible desperation.

Staying in this crappy place for a second longer, he felt like he would die.

At this moment, Li Lin regretted, he regretted coming to Liyuan.

And at this moment, the man in black finally said, "Calm down, with this old man around, no one can touch you."

"They're the people you're looking for tonight."

"It's them?"

Li Lin was stunned.

"Yes, that's them.

The man in black pointed to the woman in front of him and said: "She is a butterfly, ranked seventh among the seven heroes in Mobei, the best at seducing people with beauty and killing people with charm."

"Don't look at her coquettish and charming appearance, like an eighteen-year-old girl, but she is actually very old, and she has been your mother for a long time."

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