Martial Arts: Just Finished the Patrol, the Beginning is Ruthless

Martial Arts: Just Becoming a Patrol Officer, Cutting Hu Ruthlessly at the Beginning Chapter 150

There were sixteen corpses in total, but only seven heads were found in the end, and depending on the situation, these heads had not been drained of essence and blood.

Li Mochou, on the other hand, looked like she had nothing to do with herself, listening to their analysis with great interest.

"Based on the current information, the sixteen corpses should not be treated as one case."

Hearing familiar voices, including Qu Feiyan who was serving tea and water for everyone, they all looked towards the door.

Among them, except for Leng Xue and Li Mochou, everyone else's faces are full of excitement and happiness.  …

"Xia An, you are finally back!"

"Xia Lang, you still know that you came back, um, you brought back another one."

Wuqing and Wanwan both rushed forward, wrapping Xia An's arms one by one, while the others watched quietly, but they couldn't hide the emotion in their eyes at all.

"Ahem, don't talk nonsense, this is Zhao Min, he can be regarded as my employer."

Xia An briefly introduced some things about Zhao Min. Of course, he can speak freely in his house, after all, even if he is cold-blooded, he is his own.

"So it's the princess of Dayuan. I didn't expect Xia Lang to be quite good at you."

Wanwan's words once again distracted the atmosphere among the crowd, Xia An coughed a few more times, and then his expression became serious.

"On the way, I kept reading the information you sent. Judging from the known information so far, the sixteen corpses did not mean that one person did it!"

"We are also discussing this issue. At present, it has been divided into two cases: the nine corpses with blood loss and the 3.4 seven corpses whose heads are still intact."

"Not necessarily, the seven lives may not be the same person."

Xia An's words once again gave everyone new ideas.

"Let's chat first, and I will interrogate those who are related to the seven dead according to your ideas."

Xia An nodded, "It's hard work."

"Working for the Ming Dynasty is hard work, not to mention...there is something else hidden about this matter."

Xia An could understand the words in Leng Xue's words, the two nodded tacitly, and then Leng Xue left Xia An's mansion.

Next, it is time to face the cross-examination of the "confidantes" of Yifu.

Chapter 206: The case is settled! Survey site

Although Xia An really wanted to have a little farewell to them and get married, but now that the case has caused a lot of trouble, he didn't want to get a reputation for neglecting his duties.

"Then what, is there any vacancy in the house?"

After exchanging pleasantries with all the confidante, Xia An asked this question.

Facts have proved that it is a good thing that Yaoyue is not at the house, otherwise Xia An would have to practice martial arts no matter what.

"There are many rooms in the house, but are you sure you want Zhao Min to live in?"

Huang Rong's tone was a little more teasing, after all, the house has almost become Xia An's harem...

"It can't be helped, let Zhao Min stay here now, otherwise we can't find an inn, right?"

In the current period, until it is determined who made the nine 04 corpses that lost all essence and blood, it is better to keep safe as much as possible.

No one could be sure if the person who practiced evil kung fu would attack Zhao Min.

Since Xia An insisted so much, the others didn't say much else. After arranging Zhao Min's residence, Xia An was going to investigate the crime scene.

The dead bodies were all found in grain stores, so there should be something wrong with them.

After finishing lunch at the house, Xia An went to the crime scene alone.

There are more than a dozen large and small grain stores in the capital city, but the grain stores where the accident happened are not all of them.

That is to say, they will kill people in specific places, completely for a certain purpose.

When Xia An was investigating the grain store where the first murder case occurred, Leng Xue also came here.

"Xia An, people have been caught. Two of the lives on the third day were committed by a butcher. He suspected that his wife was having an affair with others, so he directly murdered and threw the corpses away.

As for why it was a headless corpse, it was because he was inspired by the previous cases, so he used this method to kill people. "

Xia An nodded, the arrest of this butcher almost confirmed his thoughts.

There are indeed hitchhiking murders, and the murderers of those hitchhiking murders should be ordinary people, otherwise they wouldn't imitate them in place.

Only those who practice martial arts can know how to drain a person's blood essence. From this point of view, he can now focus on the other nine corpses that have lost their blood essence.

"Since you have found the first murderer, I don't need to repeat the next thing, right?"

Xia An's intention was obvious, to ask Leng Xue to investigate the other murderers who used this method to kill people. The latter naturally understood, nodded and left the grain store.

Essence and blood lost... evil power...

The appearance of nine nearly mummified corpses naturally draws people's attention to linking these two words.

And those who practice this kind of evil art of taking human essence and blood can be seen almost at a glance by the warriors who have stepped into the innate.

Would he really do such a blatant thing?

Xia An had some doubts about himself and his cold-blooded and ruthless speculation.

But no matter what, let's go to the second grain store first.

"Shopkeeper, was there anything unusual on the day the corpse was found?"

Evil cultivators sucking human essence and blood will always be accompanied by weird noises or visions, and in order to prevent thieves, almost all of this grain store can be occupied, so there must be a guy there that night.

"Returning to my lord, I had some disputes with my wife that day, so I asked the shopkeeper to go home, and I stayed here by myself, but until I checked the rice, there was nothing unusual."

The shopkeeper replied very carefully, Xia An rubbed his chin, but there were no abnormal phenomena or noises, so could it be possible that this evil cultivator can block people's perception?

But if it's really an evil cultivator, why did you leave the shopkeeper behind and not kill him?

"The shopkeeper, how did you find the corpse? Have any strange things happened these days, and the identities of the five dead people, do you know?"

The shopkeeper thought about it carefully, then nodded:

"These five people have some impressions, they often come to me to get food, but they probably don't know each other.

As for the strange things, there are really no strange things, because someone stole my grains that day, so I got up to check the rice grains, and saw 347's corpses..."

The shopkeeper stumbled and stumbled for a long time before he could say everything.

After all, as an ordinary person, he was too afraid of these things.

"Someone stole your grains?"

Xia An raised his eyebrows, he suddenly thought of something, where did he see it, there is a saying about this five grains, but...he really forgot.

No, this is not something I forgot, this part of the content is very likely to be the content in Xuanmen Secret Records!

But right now is not the time to pay attention to these things. The most important thing right now is to find out who is responsible for the remaining nine corpses.

"Yes, I felt something was wrong that day. When I got up, I went to the shop and found that many grains had been stolen. I thought about going to the warehouse to take a look. When I got there, I saw these five corpses."

The shopkeeper's words made Xia An feel as if he had caught something.

"Are there any grains in the warehouse?".

Chapter 207: Zhuge Zhengyi Appears!

"Some, some, I remember it very clearly. After the official interrogated me, he counted it. It's a hundred or so catties less!"

The shopkeeper said with some distress.

"Okay, then if the shopkeeper doesn't mind, can you take me to the granary to have a look?"

The shopkeeper of the grain store nodded, "Of course, come with me, my lord."

Following the lead of the shopkeeper of the grain store, Xia An followed the shopkeeper to see the whole picture of the granary, and the latter could clearly feel the coldness here.

Although the granary does need a cool place for storage, the coldness is even a bit creepy.

"It's really cold here. When I chose the site, I asked a Feng Shui master to help me. He said that this place is very suitable for storing food."

Xia An rubbed his chin, Feng Shui is indeed one thing, but he could feel a special breath from here.

He didn't know whether it was the aura that appeared after the death of the five people or whether it was there before.

But now that he saw the situation here, Xia An made his own decision in his heart.

The survey here was probably done, and after saying goodbye to the shopkeeper, Xia An came to another grain store where the "mummy" was found.

It wasn't until the evening that Xia An walked through all the grain stores.

Of course, he only went to the few houses that had been drained of essence and blood, and the normal killings had been handed over to Leng Xue for investigation.

After all, these normal means of killing should be ordinary people, so there should be a lot of traces left, and they can be arrested and brought to justice soon.

After visiting around, Xia An randomly found a tavern, ordered a jug of rice wine, and began to think about the specifics of the case in his mind.

After his visits and investigations, these mummies all have a very obvious "characteristic", that is, the grain store where they are located has more or less lost one thing:

Five grains!

It was these five grains that caused all the nine people to die unexpectedly.

But what exactly do these five grains represent, and what kind of relationship does it have with evil cultivators?

Whole grains and miscellaneous grains are different from all the cultivation methods of evil cultivators known now.

Besides, it's impossible for the price of evil cultivation to be just consuming whole grains, right? What kind of skill is this, do you practice it yourself when you have time?

Weird, really weird.

Xia An took another sip of wine, only to feel his heart burning.

"Xia An, you get drunk easily when you drink like this."

Just when Xia An was feeling a little worried, a familiar voice came, followed by another:

"But based on your physique and martial arts, it's probably fine."

"Teacher, why are you here!?"

Originally, Xia An wanted to be called Shenhou, but after thinking about it carefully, his status is different now, so it's better to be called Taifu.

"For such a big case in the capital city, I was the only one who came forward when you were away, but now that you are back, otherwise my old bone will probably go to the front line again!"

Saying that, Zhuge Zheng and I also poured myself a glass of wine, and then drank it all in one gulp.

"Isn't it? You've already shot, but the case hasn't been solved yet?"

"I can only tell you that although this case is simple, there are many things involved behind it. I am old and don't have so much energy, so I leave it to you."

Xia An almost spit out the wine with a sip.

"Ah!? Taifu, you don't want to cause trouble, so let me go?"

"What are you talking about? Although there is a big problem behind this matter, if you can solve it, the advantages will definitely outweigh the disadvantages."

After Zhuge Zheng and I finished speaking, he paid for the drink on his own, and then left the tavern.

Looking at his leaving figure, Xia An was also thinking about what could make Zhuge Zheng and I care so much.

Sixteen human lives, although it is indeed a major case, but it will not alarm the current imperial tutor, right?

Behind this, it seems that it is really as he said, and there are a lot of things involved.

But this has nothing to do with him, after all, he is just a little Shaoqing now. Although he is in charge of the six sects, this position is not fixed.

Didn't see that his position is still a Dali Temple Shaoqing?

Putting these aside, Xia An sorted out his thoughts, and the next step was to find out whether this evil cultivator killed people and how he cultivated.


Xia An suddenly thought of a very important thing.

Zhuge Zhengwo's appearance this time is not just to make myself pay more attention to this case.

After I visited all the grain stores, Zhuge Zheng came after I got the news that the grain (okay Zhao) was missing.

It seems that I have indeed found the key information.

"` ~ Zhuge Zheng must have more information in my hand, since this is the case... I must have found an idea.

Whole grains, evil cultivators..."

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