“This sword qi… No, it’s a sword pose! ”

“Shitty sword pose! I clearly felt the presence of sword intent! ”

“Don’t make any noise! This sword has quirks! ”

The high-ranking officials of the factions below all changed their faces drastically when they saw Li Qianxing holding a sword in the air. Just because, they actually felt a strong threat from this sword!

You know, what haven’t they seen?

Even the masters of the Grandmaster realm did not bring them such a strong sense of threat.

Moreover, Li Qianxing definitely did not reach the realm of a grandmaster.

What they felt, Li Qianxing was definitely an innate realm.

Could it be… Sword move?!

The threat does not come from Li Qianxing, but from the sword move? Or that sword?!

No matter what the high-level leaders of the factions thought, Li Qianxing did not know at this time.

Just because, he is now immersed in another world.

There is no Jiuyin Mountain in this world, no enemies of various factions, and there is not everything. Yes, it was just a black shadow holding a sword, and Li Qianxing.

Li Qianxing stood on the ground, looking at the black shadow in the air, his eyes full of blazing light.

This black shadow seemed very small in the sky, but Li Qianxing could feel the unyielding intention on this black shadow.

As if, it wanted to break free from this world!

And in the next second, Li Qianxing saw the black shadow’s right hand slowly placed on the sword.

Subconsciously, Li Qianxing also did it together. Holding the Yixi sword on his waist, Li Qianxing felt that the Yixi sword was trembling and trembling with excitement.

As if, it has been waiting for this moment for a long time!

The black shadow in the air did not know at all, as if it was unconscious. He just looked at the sky, then held his sword high and split out the Xeon sword….

“Heaven chopping… Sword Drawing !!! ”

With a sword out, heaven and earth are destroyed.

The ten thousand sword rays rushed straight to the heavens and the earth, tearing open the Dao cracks in the void…

The furious world power rushed, and Li Qianxing only felt that his eyes were black, and he was immediately pushed away from this world.

When he opened his eyes, he saw those masters of the factions below who were going all out.

The corners of his mouth hooked slightly, and he sneered: “Chop the sky… Sword Draw! ”

With the sword in both hands, like that black shadow, he quickly slashed down. A five-zhang-long silver sword qi appeared out of thin air, colliding with the palm power sword qi of the masters of all the sects in the air.

Bang bang bang….

Obviously, nothing happened, but the disciples of the sect who had been dumbfounded for a long time heard a burst of explosions. In the next second, without waiting for them to take a closer look, they felt the oncoming rolling waves.

In an instant, the disciples of the sects were thrown out, and there was a wail in the air.

And they were just wiped by the aftermath, and those who were really under pressure were Li Qianxing and the masters of various sects who were at the forefront.

I saw that the masters of all the sects gritted their teeth and immediately summoned up their internal strength to carry the wave of qi that was enough to tear the flesh. They never expected that this blow of the collision between the two sides would actually produce such great power.

I’m afraid, there is already a grandmaster-level power!

And Li Qianxing in the air is mixed at this time. It was the effect he wanted, but it seemed to be overdone.

“Fight!” Li Qianxing’s face sank, and then he used the few internal strength he had left, and he barely exerted his innate qi.

Around the body, a wall of qi that was less than half a foot appeared in an instant.

And look at the illusory appearance that looms at that time, as if it will disappear in the next second.

As soon as the gas wall appeared, the gas wave was already present.

The already reluctant qi wall was directly shattered after offsetting part of the power of the qi wave. The rest of the qi wave shot towards Li Qianxing again.

Li Qianxing’s face changed drastically, and he quickly held his sword in front of him.

Bang… Poof….

A blood arrow erupted from Li Qianxing’s mouth, and then with the help of this qi wave, the whole person quickly flew out.

“Not good!” Seeing this, the warriors below immediately shouted.

It’s a pity that they are now surrounded by qi waves, and they can only watch Li Qianxing fly out from the edge of the cliff.

At the same time, Li Qianxing, who was shot out, quickly roared: “You guys wait, I Li Qianxing… I will destroy you! ”

This cliff is not boundless. In the distance, it’s the mountainside of another mountain. It’s just that the two mountains are far apart, and with the light skill of Li Qianxing, it is impossible to cross it.

Most importantly, unlike the bare cliffs on this side of Jiuyin Mountain, on the other side of the mountainside, there are dead tree trunks horizontally.

These usually useless dead tree trunks have become Li Qianxing’s lifesaver at this time.

Li Qianxing, who flew out with the qi wave, soon approached these dead tree trunks. Trying to stay awake, he waited for this moment.

In the next second, he reached out and grabbed a dead tree trunk.

Click… Click….

A burst of breaking sounds sounded, and these dead tree trunks, which had long been overwhelmed, could not withstand the weight of Li Qianxing, and kept breaking.

Li Qianxing had no accidents, but kept trying to grab other dead tree trunks and try his best to offset the falling gravity. In this way, when it falls on the surface of the water, it will not fall apart and fall into mashed meat.

What Li Qianxing thought was not to escape by land at all, but by water. Because with his injuries, nine out of ten times he was caught by land, but there was a glimmer of life on the waterway.

It’s just that the cliff is too high, and jumping off is tantamount to looking for death. Jiuyin Mountain was bare, and there was nothing to borrow from.

Therefore, Li Qianxing came up with the idea of borrowing qi waves to cross another mountain.


After breaking countless dead tree trunks, Li Qianxing finally fell on the water. After splashing a large splash, it disappeared completely.

On the cliff of Jiuyin Mountain, the masters of the sects who had already neutralized the qi wave quickly ran to the edge of the cliff and looked down.

It’s a pity that all they see is the rolling waterfall, and nothing else can be seen.

Seeing this, all the sect masters suddenly turned livid.

“Damn it! This turtle son! Yu Canghai’s face was blue and white, he had already lost too much blood, and this time he went all out for the seven-rank exercise, and he couldn’t hold it for a long time.

Unexpectedly, the bamboo basket was empty!

“Stop scolding, immediately organize sect disciples and search along the river!” Yue Buqun was full of unwillingness, and shouted: “He is so badly injured, as long as he is still awake, he will definitely not be soaked in water for a long time.” ”

“That’s right! Let’s not delay here! ”

“Be sure to catch him!”

The cooked duck flew like this, which sect high-ranking people could be willing, and they gave orders to the sect disciples.

For a time, Jiuyin Mountain was a mess!

PS: Thank you River Crab for the big monthly pass, thank you very much.

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