“Ahhh… Help me! Master… Come and save the young master! ”

“Is there anyone! Young Master be careful! ”


Who is it! How is it more annoying than the Tang monk!

Li Qianxing, who had been sleeping soundly, was finally annoyed and opened his eyes. Looking up, I saw that not far away on the shore, a small house was looking at the river, jumping up and down, and shouting desperately.

Li Qianxing looked along the surface of the river, and soon saw that on the surface of the river twenty meters away, there were splashes of water splashing. Vaguely, a figure can be seen, and there is a … Python?!

“Hiss… Such a big python? Thicker than a human waist! Li Qianxing looked at the python that was turning over the river and the sea in the water and wanted to eat people, and he couldn’t help but feel a chill in his heart.

This Nima’s, he was just in the river!

If it was swallowed by this python, then I am afraid that it has become poop by now.

As soon as he thought of this result, Li Qianxing’s hair stood on end.

But in the next second, Li Qianxing’s heart was hot again.

This is the martial arts world, such a big python… Maybe it’s very complementary!

“Gongzi, quickly save my young master!” At this time, the little slave on the other side had already seen Li Qianxing who stood up, and suddenly it was like seeing a life-saving straw, and kept shouting: “As long as I save my family’s little young master, my family’s eldest young master will definitely thank you again.” ”

Li Qianxing, who was already calculating in his heart how to eat the python, did not delay too much, directly pulled out a sword, and then luckily worked, and after a few taps on the surface of the water, he attacked the giant python.

“Hiss… Hissing…” The python, who was originally excited, seemed to sense something and immediately turned to look at the shore.

In the next second, its gaze fell on Li Qianxing in the air. Or in other words, it was on the sword in Li Qianxing’s hand.

Suddenly, his eyes were full of mania. Vaguely, there was a hint of fear.

It’s in the nature of animals, they may not be as intelligent as humans, but their intuition is better than that of humans.

On the sword, the giant python sensed danger.

“Well? Can this snake see? Li Qianxing also noticed the abnormality of the python, generally speaking, the snake’s eyesight is very poor, but looking at the appearance of this python, it seems to see clearly.

To be able to grow so big is really extraordinary!

However, Li Qianxing thought in his heart, and there was no hesitation in his hand.

“A hundred paces… Flying swords! ”

This time, the internal strength has soared, and after the killing of Jiuyin Mountain, the vertical and horizontal sword art has broken through to the Xiaocheng realm. The two big moves of the hundred-step flying sword and the transverse eight directions have been unlocked, but because the realm is not enough, the sword move is still very immature.

This time, Li Qianxing just used this giant python to practice.

Li Qianxing puffed up his internal strength and poured it into the Yixi sword. In the next second, with a flick of his right hand, the sword qi instantly came out of his hand, like a hidden dragon out of the abyss, flying straight to the head of the giant python.

“Hiss… Hissing…” The giant python could no longer see the sword, but could only see a white light coming quickly, and suddenly his tongue spit out faster and faster, and the fear in his eyes was even richer.

In the next second, instinct drove it to quickly lift its tail out of the water and block it in front of its head.

It’s a pity that it still misjudged the power of this sword, and also underestimated the sharpness of the Yiqi sword.

Bang bang… Poof… Poof….

I saw that the moment the white light hit the snake’s tail, the snake’s tail directly exploded a blood mist. Almost at the same time, there was also an explosion coming from the snakehead. The originally hideous snake head was instantly half gone.

Blood rained, spilled from the air. Among them, there are also many pieces of meat.


Li Qianxing tapped on the surface of the water again, and then landed on the python that was already dead and could no longer die. He pulled out the sword on the snake’s head, and then looked at the snake corpse.

At this time, the wind and waves on the river were calm, and the snake corpse appeared in front of Li Qianxing.

At this look, Li Qianxing was even more surprised.

This giant python is afraid that it is seven or eight feet long. If this had been in a previous life, I am afraid that it would have shocked the biological world.

“It’s so big, I’m afraid a pot can’t stew.” Li Qianxing patted the snake’s body and teased.

And at this moment, he suddenly saw a ‘corpse’ floating on the water next to him with his back up.

“This should be the young master that the little guy said, let’s see if there is any salvation.” Li Qianxing thought in his heart, so he directly grabbed the ‘man’ in the water.

However, the moment the ‘man’ left the water, Li Qianxing was directly stunned.

“I lean! Woman! ”

I saw that this woman had black hair, and her cheeks were full of water droplets, which added a bit of beauty. That long eyelashes… Tall Qiong nose….

What’s more, the one embroidered with a few lotus flowers… Belly pocket!

This… What a real woman—

And just when Li Qianxing was stunned, Yun Luo, who was still in a coma, slowly opened his eyes.

And the moment she opened her eyes, she saw Li Qianxing’s handsome face. Confused, she subconsciously murmured: “So handsome!” ”

Is it a dream? Am I not being chased by a Monty Python?

Who is this handsome man in front of you? The eyes are so beautiful!

“Young Master! Young Master, are you all right? Young Master…”

The voice of the little slave came from not far away.

Yun Luo, who was still stunned, finally came to his senses.

At this time, she finally discovered that something was wrong with Li Qianxing’s gaze. Following Li Qianxing’s gaze, she suddenly found that…

“Ah! Pervert! Yun Luo’s beautiful eyes were full of shame, and he couldn’t help but scream loudly.

At the same time, his hands kept beating Li Qianxing.

And Li Qianxing, who was originally still stunned, was also awakened by Yun Luo’s actions. Looking at the string of small fists on his chest, he was speechless.

“Hey… You’ve hit enough or not. Li Qianxing said a little helplessly: “I didn’t mean it, who knew that this young master of yours is a woman!” ”

This is really… Was it so popular in ancient times for women to pretend to be men?

Remembering the women’s clothing bigwigs in the original world who liked men pretending to be women, Li Qianxing was even more speechless.

Is this the progress of the times?

“Ahhh… You still say! Yun Luo was shy and annoyed, and that little fist became even denser.

At this punch speed, you can see the afterimage.

“Hey… You beat me like this, I can see it more clearly, shouldn’t you put on your clothes first, block your body, and then hit me. Li Qianxing reminded.

Not to mention, this girl looks young, and the capital is quite sufficient. Those supermodels in the previous life are probably not as good as her.

“yes… Oh, no need for you satyr reminder! ”


ps: Ladies, it’s late from work today, and it’s a little late to update, I’m really sorry.

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