“Li Qianxing!”

Looking at the dust flying in the distance, listening to the sound of weapons colliding from time to time in the dust and sand, I didn’t know what the battle situation was inside, and Yun Luo’s eyes couldn’t help but be full of worry.

Beside him, Zhu Ming looked at his old sister’s ten fingers clenched, very worried, and couldn’t help but evoke a meaningful smile: “Yun Luo, who is this strong man?” When did you meet? You seem to be worried about him.” ”

“His name is Li Qianxing.” At this time, Yun Luo, who was full of worry, answered quickly without thinking. But in the next second, she suddenly responded, and suddenly blushed: “Who is worried about him, he is… He’s broken! ”

Thinking that his body had just been seen by Li Qianxing, Yun Luo was ashamed, but he couldn’t say it clearly, he was really aggrieved.

Seeing Yun Luo’s shy and annoyed look, Zhu Ming couldn’t help but be happy.

“Oh? Did he bully you? You are so good at martial arts, and your personality is so brutal, can you still be bullied by him? ”

“Imperial brother…” When Yun Luo heard this, he couldn’t help but pout, and said unobediently: “Imperial brother, even you bullied me, I will tell the queen mother when I go back.” ”

“Poof… Hahaha…”

On the other side, Cao Zhengchun has also reached the white-hot stage.

After knowing that the opponent was Murong Fu, Cao Zhengchun understood that he could not be defeated in simple moves. After all, the Douzhuan Star Shifting Dafa, but it is a subtle martial art that uses strength to fight, and it has given Murong Fu the prestige of ‘taking the other way, and giving back the other body’.

To use moves to defeat Murong Fu is a simple waste of time.

However, Cao Zhengchun, who was so experienced in the enemy, discovered Murong Fu’s Achilles heel after a few moves.

In a palm confrontation, Cao Zhengchun did not touch the point like just now, but frantically poured internal force into the palm.

“What!” Murong Fu’s face changed wildly, where he still didn’t understand Cao Zhengchun’s thoughts, this was clearly to fight for internal strength.

At this moment, if he let go, he would be hurt by Cao Zhengchun’s anger in an instant.

Not daring to hesitate, Murong Fu quickly mobilized his internal strength and began to resist. At the same time, the Douzhuan Star Shifting Dafa operated to the extreme, guiding part of Cao Zhengchun’s internal force to the ground, wanting to relieve the pressure.

“Huh… Boy, your martial arts learning is very mixed, so many schools of absolute learning. In terms of moves, this overseer can’t match you.” Cao Zhengchun sneered: “It’s a pity, greedy for more chews, you pay too much attention to moves, forgetting that internal strength is the root of everything!” ”

After speaking, Cao Zhengchun’s palm jerked out, and the internal force that was still stable instantly became furious. And the output of internal force is actually three percent more at once.

“Poof…” Murong Fu was hit by this internal force, and his internal organs were suddenly shocked, and he couldn’t help but spray blood from his mouth. He quickly increased the internal force infusion, but with his little internal force, he could resist for a while.

“What are you waiting for! Don’t hit him yet! Seeing Mei Chaofeng and several people stunned there, Murong Fu was anxious in his heart, and immediately shouted angrily.

Mei Chaofeng was also not in the mood to watch the play, and quickly cast a move to attack Cao Zhengchun, intending to make Cao Zhengchun withdraw his palm.

It’s just that Cao Zhengchun finally caught this flaw, how could he let it go so easily.

“Insect tricks!” Cao Zhengchun snorted coldly, and then stomped on the ground with his right foot. In the next second, a wall of qi similar to Li Qianxing’s innate qi appeared around him.

“Tiangang Tong Zigong!”

Cao Zhengchun had been practicing divine skills for decades, and at this moment, his hideous minions were finally revealed.

“Not good!”

“Damn it!”

Mei Chaofeng, who had just approached Cao Zhengchun, was immediately surrounded by qi. Feeling the furious aura coming from that anger, the three of them suddenly changed color.

Not daring to hesitate, the three of them quickly blessed themselves with internal strength and resisted the invasion of Qi with all their strength.

For a while, the five people were at a stalemate.

Their violent internal force shook the surrounding ground apart, leaving no grass to grow. As long as there are warriors below the grandmaster level who are slightly close to them, they will be crushed into meat foam by internal forces.

At this time, there are no weeds around a few people, and I don’t even have an ant.

At this moment, Cao Zhengchun laughed proudly: “Hahaha… You guys are counted, none of you can run! ”

Just now, the four people used the formation, so that one of them greatly increased his internal strength in a short period of time, and was able to resist Cao Zhengchun’s two moves. However, it is only two tricks.

Because Mei Chaofeng and the others knew that even if the internal strength of the four of them was combined, they were by no means Cao Zhengchun’s opponents. After the Grandmaster Realm, each realm is a watershed.

Therefore, it can only be dealt with in a short time, and must not be fought for a long time.

I never expected it….

“Hmph… We are in such a stalemate, you want to wait for our internal strength to run out, how can you take a pillar of incense. Ouyang Ke’s face was sweating, but he snorted coldly and calmly.

“That’s right, one pillar of incense is enough time for my family to capture the Daming Dog Emperor.” Murong Fu said: “At that time, you, the overseer of the East Factory, will not be condemned by Jiu… Bang…”

Before Murong Fu’s smug words were finished, he was interrupted by a sudden explosion.

This explosion immediately attracted the attention of several people, and they turned their heads to look.

And when everyone saw the dust and sand that drowned Li Qianxing and several people, their faces suddenly changed.

“How so, how come they haven’t kidnapped the dog emperor and left.” Murong Fu looked at Zhu Ming and the others standing outside the dust, with a look of disbelief.

“It must be the ghost of that swordsman just now!” Although Wuxiang Huang had no expression, his tone was full of anger, and he scolded: “I must crush his corpse into ten thousand pieces!” ”

“Among the innate realm martial artists, when did such an outlier appear, and he could deal with so many masters of the same realm alone.” Although Mei Chaofeng couldn’t see with her eyes, she had already detected Li Qianxing’s breath.

Knowing that Li Qianxing’s cultivation is at most the middle innate stage, it is not much different from the two-faced man and others.

I didn’t care at the time, I never expected it….

How can a person’s combat effectiveness be so different from cultivation!

Cao Zhengchun, on the other hand, laughed darkly: “At this moment, what else do you have to say!” ”

“Hmph… Whoever said that my family will definitely lose, it must be that swordsman…” Thinking of the strength of Deng Baichuan’s several people, Murong Fu’s heart was full of confidence again.

You know, his four masters will join forces, and even the late innate stage can compete.

However, Murong Fu was halfway through speaking, and he could no longer speak.

Watching the sand and dust slowly disperse in the distance, and a tall figure standing with a sword loomed faintly, the pupils in his eyes tightened.

In the next second, when he saw Li Qianxing with murderous intent, his heart was completely cold.

“Heaven chopping… Sword Draw! ”

“What a strong sword power!”

“No, it’s actually sword intent!”


PS: Thank you 189251 big monthly pass, thank you very much.

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