In the bleak cold wind, blood splashed in the air, staining the leaves that fluttered in the air. From a distance, it looks as dazzling as a maple leaf.

Li Qianxing stood in the maple leaf and looked at the innate masters in a circle around him. At this time, there were already seven or eight corpses lying at his feet. These corpses all had frightened faces and eyes full of unwillingness.

Next to the corpse, there were scattered fragments of swords.

Not far away, there were some innate martial artists who lacked arms and legs, and were wailing bitterly. They fell in a pool of blood, their wounds were bleeding profusely, and although they sealed the acupuncture channel with internal force in time, they also completely lost their combat effectiveness.

Sixty or seventy innate martial artists, who did not even survive three moves, more than a dozen warriors left from this battlefield.

“Don’t even collide with his sword, his sword is no worse than the Sky Sword!” Yue Buqun shouted, “He doesn’t have much internal strength, and we use his internal strength to consume him remotely.” ”

After speaking, Yue Buqun immediately performed the Taiyue Sanqingfeng stunt. I saw three sword qi, one more than a wall, quickly rushing towards a thousand lines.

When other innate masters saw this, they also learned from it.

In the next second, countless sword qi and sword qi crisscrossed the jungle. Some warriors who do not use swords and swords directly swing their palms.

Seeing this, Li Qianxing’s eyes flashed, and then the innate qi ran rapidly. A wall of air instantly appeared, blocking in front of Li Qianxing.

The sword qi and internal force kept hitting the innate qi, and the Dao crack was made. However, the innate qi defense is too strong, and with the blessing of Li Qianxing’s eight pins’ internal strength, it is like a tiger with wings.

As soon as the crack appeared, it was instantly repaired.

Seeing this, the innate warriors’ faces suddenly changed.

“The strength of this demon head is growing too fast, how can it be so!” Yue Buqun looked at this scene in disbelief, and couldn’t help but feel envious and jealous.

At the beginning of the battle of Jiuyin Mountain, Li Qianxing did not have such strength at all, and the one who was chased by them was called embarrassed.

But now Li Qianxing is much stronger than he was at the beginning.

If it weren’t for the fact that Li Qianxing Realm was placed there, Yue Buqun would have doubted whether Li Qianxing was a Grandmaster Realm powerhouse.

Thinking of his cultivation that had not moved for ten thousand years, and then looking at Li Qianxing’s cultivation that increased like a roller coaster, Yue Buqun was really angry.

“You have this empty nonsense, it’s better to continue the attack.” Fei Bin, who had just swung out a big Songyang palm, saw that Yue Buqun actually stopped, and immediately mocked.

Damn it!

Listening to Fei Bin’s words, Yue Buqun’s eyes were suddenly full of anger.

How can he say that he is also the head of the Huashan Sect, and although Fei Bin is similar in strength to him, he is not the head of the Songshan Sword Sect.

Now that Fei Bin actually said this about him, he simply did not put the Huashan Sect and his Yue Buqun in his eyes.

However, Yue Buqun was patient enough after all, gritted his teeth, and still endured it. Without saying a word, he continued to attack Li Qianxing.

And no one found that, not far away, the place where the wounded were lying.

The two Dian Cang Sect disciples are ‘taking care’ of these wounded.

“Senior, you are seriously injured, let’s help you to rest there and bandage you.” Di Yun said.

“Now that you know, don’t hurry up! My hand…” Seeing Di Yun and the two wearing some Cangpai clothes, the old man with a broken arm did not suspect, and immediately wailed.

Di Yun and Zhong Ling looked at each other, and then helped the old man to lie under a tree not far away. However, at the moment when the old man lay down, Di Yun’s eyes flashed, and then he pointed sharply at the old man’s acupuncture path.

The old man’s eyes suddenly widened, and his face changed wildly. I wanted to get up, but I couldn’t move.

Knowing that he had been lit into the acupuncture path, the panicked old man immediately began to use his internal force, wanting to break through the acupuncture path.

Seeing this, Di Yun hurriedly drank lightly: “Hurry up, I can’t order him for long.” ”

And as he spoke, Zhong Ling was already smiling and put his hand on the old man’s head. In the next second, a white light flashed…

The old man, who was originally operating his internal force, suddenly trembled. Enduring the severe pain, the internal force that finally operated was strangely not obedient to his command to rush the cave, but rushed to his head by himself.

This is……

Looking at the very cute Zhong Ling in front of him, the old man’s face was full of horror, and he wanted to shout for help, but he could only open his mouth and couldn’t shout a sound.

I could only watch my internal force pass little by little, and it was sucked away by Zhong Ling, and even the internal force that had just been used to seal the broken arm acupoint was also sucked away together.

The internal force at the cave disappeared, and the blood could no longer be stopped, gurgling all over the place.

And those warriors in the distance who were still wailing and crying, because Di Yun and Zhong Ling’s bodies were blocked, they couldn’t see the old man’s miserable situation at this time.

“How?” Di Yun saw Zhong Ling stop and immediately asked.

“Hee-hee… Awesome! Zhong Ling said with a smile: “The internal strength of innate masters is really not comparable to those acquired martial artists before. As far as this person’s internal strength is concerned, as long as it is completely transformed into the Northern Nether True Qi, it is enough for me to break through to the innate realm. ”

“Okay, then next.” Di Yun said.

“Okay.” Zhong Ling answered.

The two stood up and moved on to the next victim.

On the other side, when the innate martial artist bled too much and died, a systematic voice came from Li Qianxing’s mind: “Ding! The host kills the innate warrior and rewards internal strength: three months! ”


The corner of Li Qianxing’s mouth hooked, and he was suddenly excited.

He knew that the plan had succeeded!

Now he only needs to drag Yue Buqun and these people and prevent them from having the energy to pay attention to others.

Thinking of this, Li Qianxing directly began to turn defense into attack.

“Wind God Fury!” Li Qianxing shouted, and in the next second, the wall of qi that was being defended changed abruptly.

I saw that the gas wall slowly changed from silver white to blue. At the same time, it quickly rose from the sphere and actually turned into a giant several feet tall. And in the hands of the giant, a blue long sword also appeared.

“What! What kind of martial arts is this! ”

“Yokai? This is composed of internal forces?! ”

“Damn it! Sure enough, it’s the devil! ”

Those warriors who were originally attacking with internal force were shocked when they saw this, and their faces changed wildly.

It’s just that Li Qianxing doesn’t give them a chance to be stunned.

In the next second, Li Qianxing closed his eyes, held a sword in his hand, and held it up in front of him. And the blue giant that shrouded him made the same move.

“A hundred steps…” Li Qianxing’s eyes slowly opened, and he shouted in a deep voice: “Flying sword!” ”

As soon as the words fell, I saw a flash of white light.

The sword in Li Qianxing’s hand quickly shot out, and in the blink of an eye it had already arrived in front of the warriors. What is even more exaggerated is that following the sword of Yixi, there is also the blue giant’s long sword condensed by internal force.

“Not good!”

“Get out of the way!”

“How so? This is still internal force! ”

However, when some warriors took off into the air, intending to hide, something happened that made them desperate.

I saw Li Qianxing fall forward halfway, and at the same time, the blue giant behind him also made the same movement. In an instant, the upper body of the blue giant smashed into those warriors who were in the air.

Bang bang bang…

PS: Thank you Muyang for the big monthly pass, thank you very much.

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