“The owner has not yet spoken, but the two dogs are the first to bark, and tutoring is really important.” Li Qianxing sneered.

As soon as these words came out, the faces of these two men instantly changed wildly.

“! What did you say! Another man shouted, “You dare to call us Xuanxi two old dogs!” ”

The Second Elder Xuanlu…

Huang Rong, who was originally still cynical, suddenly changed his face slightly. Looking at Li Qianxing’s eyes, he was full of worry.

She knew that Li Qianxing was very powerful, but the second elder of Xuanxian was a veteran Grandmaster Realm master. Even her father had mentioned the Second Elder Xuanlu before. I remember that my father said that he could beat one of them, but it would be tricky for the two to go together…

For a while, Huang Rong’s heart was raised.

Because they have been getting along for decades, they are almost inseparable, and the two elders of Xuanxian have long been in common hearts. The two of them have the same martial arts, and they are proficient in the method of combined attacks, and once they join forces, their power is far more than one plus one equals two.

The two elders of Xuanlu, who are also in the middle of the Grandmaster, can even match the martial artists of the late Grandmaster. Being able to fight beyond the level of the Grandmaster Realm is not an ordinary achievement.

And although Li Qianxing had killed the masters of the early stage of the Grandmaster, he was afraid that he was not an opponent against any of the two elders of Shangxuanxi.

After all, after the Grandmaster Realm, every small realm is heaven and earth!

At this time, Li Qianxing’s expression was also very solemn.

He guessed 453 right, these two men with a cold aura were indeed the second elder of Xuanxi. Grandmaster Strong, Deer Cane and Crane Pen Weng.

Then their master, again so handsome, must be …

“The two masters stand down!” Brother Gongzi said softly, and at the same time, his beautiful eyes looked at Li Qianxing, and smiled heartily: “The world says that Li Shaoxia is bloodthirsty and ruthless, and kills like numb. When I saw it today, I realized that the rumors were really not credible. ”

Saying that, he glanced at Huang Rong behind Li Qianxing and said: “Li Shaoxia is not only affectionate, but also very humorous. Today, Zhao Min saw it, and he was even more determined to make Li Shaoxia’s friend. ”

“Hey… What a look in your eyes! As clever as Huang Rong, who didn’t understand what Zhao Min meant, he was immediately embarrassed: “I don’t have anything to do with him.” ”

Saying that, Huang Rong rolled her eyes, and suddenly smiled strangely: “Listen to your words, it seems that it is specially for this big villain.” Gee… You are a Yuan person, so trekking to the Ming Dynasty, in order to chase a man… Hehehe…”

Who is Huang Rong? She is a female Zhuge who is not inferior to Zhao Min’s wit, and she is also a person who cannot afford to lose!

Just now was ridiculed by Zhao Min like this, how could she not find the field!

And Zhao Min obviously didn’t expect Huang Rong to be so able to speak well, and she was suddenly a little embarrassed to be said.

However, she is a child of the Yuan Dynasty after all, and in this regard, she is more generous than the women of the Central Plains.

Although he was ridiculed like this, he was only stunned for a moment, and immediately shot back: “Yes, I came specifically for Li Shaoxia.” No way, such a hero in the world, I Zhao Min admire very much, and vow to meet each other. ”

Sure enough, it is worthy of Zhao Min, and he speaks in a real way.

Although Li Qianxing knew that Zhao Min was patting his, he was comfortable.

Alas… Ashamed!

“Hmph… Not ashamed. Huang Rong listened to Zhao Min’s words and snorted coldly.

Turning his head, he seemed to be shameless about Zhao Min’s opening.

In this regard, Huang Rong has always been conservative. After all, how could she be. Strange, also a Central Plains woman. In terms of women’s reputation, it is no different from other Central Plains women.

Seeing this, Zhao Min showed a victorious smile.

In this round, she had the upper hand.

“Li Shaoxia.” Zhao Min looked at Li Qianxing again, revealing two rows of white teeth, and said with a smile: “I just bought a manor in the town, I don’t know if Li Shaoxia (CHFI) appreciates his face, so I have the honor to be able to invite Li Shaoxia to a meal.” ”

“Well… Of course. Li Qianxing thought about it, then said: “I like delicious food or something.” ”

“Hmph… Pervert! Behind him, Huang Rong pouted and said angrily.

“Hey… If I were a satyr, then why wouldn’t I be nice to you. Li Qianxing turned his head and retorted: “You are wearing women’s clothing now, and she is men’s clothing.” Or do you think your women’s clothing is not as good as hers? ”

“So I’d rather have her in men’s clothes than you?”

“You… Hmph…” Huang Rong turned her head, feeling very unhappy.

Big bad! How is it so abominable!

At the same time, I was very confused.

Everyone can see that this Zhao Min’s contact with Li Qianxing is obviously a small calculation. Most likely, he wants to recruit Li Qianxing.

With such an obvious intention, it is impossible for Li Qianxing not to see it.

Huang Rong thought that he often suffered losses here in Li Qianxing, and he did not doubt Li Qianxing’s IQ.

Could it be that this big bad guy is also playing something?!

At this time, Zhao Min looked at the Jiangnan Seven Monsters lying on the ground, and his eyes were full of disdain.

The Seven Monsters of Jiangnan had stayed in the Yuan Dynasty for so many years, and she naturally knew. It’s just that she can’t look at the Jiangnan Seven Monsters at all.

Obviously the ability is not big, and he still looks like he is beaten up!

Therefore, Zhao Mincai, who was thirsty for talent, never contacted the Jiangnan Seven Monsters.

But Jiangnan Seven blames her don’t care, that Guo Jing, she can’t help but care.

You know, this is a golden knife horse!

Zhao Min, who is good friends with Princess Huazheng, does not want to be complained about by her girlfriends in the future.

However, looking at the dumbfounded Guo Jing, Zhao Min sighed in his heart. What evil did your good sister fall for? Would actually like this nerd!

“Li Shaoxia, these are my friends. This time offended Li Shaoxia, Zhao Min is here to compensate Li Shaoxia. Zhao Min hugged his fist and said very sincerely: “Please Li Shaoxia raise your noble hand and forgive them this time.” ”

“Hmph… I don’t want you to intercede, we Jiangnan Seven Monsters are not afraid of life and death. ”

Ke Zhen snorted coldly and said forcefully: “To kill… Aaaaa

Before he finished speaking, Ke Zhenxi suddenly fell to the ground, his face gradually turned blue, and then his body trembled constantly.

Li Qianxing felt cold in his heart and looked up at the deer cane with a sneer on his face. Sure enough, in the palm of the deer cane, a trace of cold air was seen.

“Xuan Nether Divine Palm? So cruel! Li Qianxing was secretly vigilant.

Just now, the deer cane suddenly struck, and although he noticed it, he didn’t see the trajectory at all.

Grandmaster mid-stage master, really powerful!

The seven-pin martial arts Xuanxian Divine Palm, sure enough!

“Master! Master! ”

“Big brother! Big brother, what’s wrong with you! “_

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