Martial Arts Prodigy? Sorry I'm Kryptonian

Chapter 102: The Dome Falls, Super Power

Tu Shan Jiuyi's eyes were very sad.

Those eyes flickered.

In the Tu Shan family, it is divided into the direct line and the collateral line, and Tu Shan Jiuyi is the descendant of the collateral line.

Her father was patriarchal.

She is extremely eager to have a son, but the third child in a row is a girl.

And Tu Shan Jiu Yi is the third daughter.

Her older sisters all died growing up.

And Tu Shanjiuyi's mother was also treated with cold eyes by her husband because she gave birth to three daughters in a row.

At the same time, she hurt her vitality when Tu Shan Jiuyi was born.

Since then, he has been bedridden, and his body is getting worse day by day.

"My father... since my mother can no longer bear children, he no longer cares about us.

That period of time was the darkest days for Tu Shan Jiuyi mother and daughter.


Tu Shanjiu showed his talent in singing and dancing.

Her father used her as a cash cow.

Using tricks to package her as a boy can be regarded as fulfilling his wish of "one or six days".

"Father promised me that part of the money I earned would be used to treat my mother's illness, but..."

Tu Shan Jiuyi's mother is dead.

And died of illness.

It shows that her father did not fulfill his promise at all, and even felt that the sick man was a burden.

Deliberately let her wait to die.

After her mother died, Tu Shanjiuyi couldn't find the meaning of letting herself live.

So I chose to jump into the river.

"I did all this for my mother...but now..."

Tu Shan Jiuyi couldn't stop crying while speaking.

Ye Ren hesitated to speak.

Want to comfort but don't know how to say it.

In the end, he could only stay by her side silently.

after a long time.

Tu Shan Jiuyi wiped away his tears, his voice was hoarse:

"I secretly saved some money... I was planning to treat my mother and pay your wages.

She expressed the hope that Ye Ren could wait.

Wait for her to go back and give him the money.

And Tu Shanjiuyi told Ye Ren that she wanted Ye Ren to be her bodyguard.

It was because she offended someone not long ago.

The guy threatened her.

"He is the direct descendant of the Tu Shan clan... the one who will have the opportunity to inherit the position of Patriarch in the future.

Originally, Tu Shan Jiuyi was very scared.

but now.

She already felt that it didn't matter.

Even thinking about it, it's no big deal, it doesn't matter if he kills him.

"I don't know what to say...but your mother doesn't want you to die like this.

"In her last days, she will definitely hope that you can live a better life."

Ye Ren's comfort was slightly pale.

But Tu Shanjiuyi is all about this.

Because in her short life, no one has cared for her except her mother.

Ye Ren didn't release much tenderness.

But lack makes her feel warm.


"Death is just a moment, but life is still very long, do you want to try again?"

Ye Ren held out his hand towards her.

He wanted to give her a hand.

take a deep breath.

Tu Shanjiuyi nodded, grabbed Ye Ren's hand vigorously and got up from the ground.

"Do you want to go back to the concert?"

"Is it still too late..."

Ye Ren didn't speak, but hugged Tu Shanjiuyi with his backhand, and then let out a snort.


Tu Shan Jiuyi could only feel the wind blowing past his face quickly.

Her eyes opened a crack.

Everything is flying backwards behind.

"Are we...flying?"


The speed of flying far exceeds running, under the invisible biological force field.

Wind pressure cannot cause damage to Tushan Jiuyi.

biological force field.

This is Ye Ren's new skill.

Superman can fly and can lift a falling plane, basically relying on this magical ability.

"Here we are."


Tu Shanjiuyi blinked his eyes, but hadn't carefully felt the fun of flying.

This is already here?

She also jumped out of Ye Ren's arms with some reluctance.

"After the concert is over...can you still take me to fly again?"


Considering that she just lost her loving mother.

Now the whole person is at the most vulnerable stage.

Ye Ren nodded slightly:



Only then did Tu Shan Jiuyi show a forced smile.

"Tu Shan Jiu Yi! Where have you been? The concert is about to start!"

"Brother Yajun...I'm going to change clothes..."


It is the highlight moment belonging to Tu Shanjiuyi.

She is in the spotlight.

Thousands of people cheered for her.

People shouted:

"Master Tu Shan! Master Tu Shan!"

But they didn't know that under the appearance of being packaged as a boy, there was a soft and broken heart.

When the concert lasted to the end.

In the special auditorium, a puffy boy with egg yolk hair made an abnormal move.

Without attracting anyone's attention, he made a strange gesture with his hands.

Immediately afterwards.

The lighting stand on the stage suddenly creaked.

at the weakest bottom.

The steel bars suddenly snapped.

"God, look over there!"

"It's going to fall, it's going to fall!"

Exclamations sounded one after another.

The light dome above the stage almost covers the entire stage.

Along with the ear-piercing breaking sound, bang bang continued.

The entire light dome fell down in an instant.

People screamed.

They didn't dare to watch Tu Shanjiuyi on the stage.

Because of the next moment.

She would be smashed to pieces by the light dome.

in the audience.

The puffy yellow-haired boy showed a subtle smile of success.

"This is what happens when you disobey me, you idiot."

He admired the horrified expression on Tu Shan Jiuyi's face.

looking forward to her death.


A figure suddenly appeared on the stage, and the huge dome hit his back.


Ye Ren holds the dome with both hands.

There was a slightly surprised expression on his face.

this thing...

It's lighter than expected.

"Ye, yeh big brother..."

"You can still call me Ye Ren, how is it, are you okay?"

Under the demented gaze of the audience.

Ye Ren held the dome, walked to the side briskly, and threw the huge and wide dome to the ground.


Looking at it like that, it's as easy as throwing away a building block.

Just when people were shocked beyond measure 2.3.

Ye Ren came under the light stand and reached out to touch the broken steel bar.

They have all been tampered with in advance and are at the point of breaking at any time.


Ye Ren suddenly turned to look at the auditorium.

He pointed his eyes at the puffy yellow-haired boy, and Ye Ren instantly appeared in front of him with a whoosh sound:

"Your heartbeat is fast, your breathing is short, and your blood flow is nearly ten percent faster than others. What are you nervous about?"


The puffy yellow-haired man sat on the chair trembling slightly.

Fear prevented him from breathing.

"It's you..."

At this time, Tu Shan Jiuyi also saw him.

There was a complicated expression on his face.

"So... you did it, right?"

Ye Ren picked up the puffy yellow-haired boy's clothes, and he screamed quickly:

"Let go of me! Bastard! Do you know who I am? I'm Tu Shan Xiyue!"

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