Martial Arts Prodigy? Sorry I'm Kryptonian

Chapter 112: Accident Happened, Ye Ren Rescued

"No, this is absolutely not possible!"

How can Ye Ren bear to live with Tu Shanjiu Yi? Don't think too highly of the strength of being a man!

Continue like this.

Sooner or later something will happen.

"Wait a minute Ye big brother!"

Tu Shanjiuyi pulled Ye Ren's arm tearfully.

She said that if Ye Ren is not willing to live with her.

Then she can only be forced to live with other boys.

"What if... what if it's a very bad boy..."

"Then you can't do this to me, can you?"

Ye Ren's face hurts.

How much does this girl trust herself?

"I believe Ye Big Brother won't bully me, you are a good man!"

It's all about this.

What else could Ye Ren say, he could only sigh faintly.

A week passed in the blink of an eye.

On this day, a large number of soldiers in military uniforms came to the academy and sent the freshmen one by one into bulletproof armored vehicles.

The location of the "180" camp is classified.

All freshmen are arranged in a closed back compartment, and they have to travel for four or five hours in the bumps.

In a narrow and quiet compartment.

Hardly anyone spoke.

Their mobile phones have lost signal and can be used for nothing but to check the time.

In this kind of environment.

Humans are extremely sensitive to the perception of time.

"Why haven't you arrived..."

Someone complained quietly.

Ye Ren looked out quietly, after all, he had clairvoyance and could see the scenery outside.

"Hey, little brother."

At this time, the little boy next to Ye Ren suddenly poked him.

This boy is about 1.6 meters tall.

It is short for boys.

The skin is slightly pale.

But the figure is well-proportioned and vigorous, with just the right proportion of muscles.

A pair of sleeping phoenix eyes looked at Ye Ren.

Dark brown pupils with subtle color changes at different angles.

"My name is Serval, what's your name, brother?"

"Ye Ren."

The boy scratched his head, he didn't expect Ye Ren to answer his real name so straightforwardly.

"Okay, my name is Cao Xuan, but... Serval sounds better, right?"

The serval cat was probably bored.

Only then did I take the initiative to chat with Ye Ren, and he talked a lot.

Although Ye Ren kept replying one after another.

He also babbled happily.

"Hey, you said, will we play with guns during the training? I heard that holding a gun is worse than holding a knife.

"Ye Ren, what level of martial artist are you? I'm fifth level, hehe, although it's not long before fifth level."


Ye Ren made a silent gesture.

He frowned, and saw a figure flickering in the distance through the airtight black cloth.

The man was dressed as a wizard.

It's actually more than two meters high, and it's covered in gray robes.

Ye Ren through perspective.

Seeing his dark complexion, his face looks like a gorilla, and he has dreadlocks.

The weird thing is.

The wizard's eyes seemed to suffer from cataracts.

There is no black in the cloudy whites of the eyes.

"What are you looking at?"

Serval came closer, but he could only see the opaque black cloth.

next moment.

Under the vehicle in front, there was a sudden violent explosion.

The whole armored truck went flying.

The carriage where Ye Ren was in also braked suddenly, and no one knew what happened.

All they could hear was loud bangs and brakes.

Under Ye Ren's gaze.

The black man dressed as a wizard muttered something, and at the same time, a ghostly blue ball of light appeared out of thin air near the truck.

The ball of light retracts inward.

When the outer layer touches the core, a violent explosion occurs.


There was another explosion, and the scene became a little chaotic.

The soldiers reacted quickly.

However, the wizard was thousands of meters away, and no one found him for a while.

"You'd better stay here."

After Ye Ren turned his head and said to the unknown serval.

It flew out with a bang.


The freshmen in the carriage only had time to let out an exclamation.

kilometers away.

The wizard put his hands together on his chest.

While muttering something in his mouth, suddenly his pupils shrank.

The next moment Ye Ren grabbed him by the neck and smashed him to the ground.

"Hey...the skin is quite thick."

Ye Ren's smash, speed plus kinetic energy, brought destructive power comparable to that of a missile blasting in the air.

A half-meter deep pit was sunk in the ground.

It is about twenty meters in diameter.

Nearby trees snapped in half, creating a vacuum.


The wizard isn't dead yet, but he's not far off.

His jaw disappeared, and most of the bones in his body were shattered into powder.

Not to mention the internal organs, almost all turned into minced meat.

under one blow.

Ye Ren instantly killed the mysterious wizard.

at the same time.

Ye Ren seemed to hear some vague voice.


That voice seemed to be roaring, and it seemed to be chewing something while talking,

It lasted only for a split second.

Then the wizard completely lost his breath of life, and was carried limply by Ye Ren.

the other side.

The one in front of the soldiers was also a black man, but he didn't look like a wizard.

Instead, wear modern clothes.

He is still stepping on a pair of A cones, the dog tag on his chest is flashing, and there is no hair on his head.

His skin is an eerie purple.

He is about 1.8 meters tall, with two deformed spiral horns on his bald head.

The face is an inverted triangle.

The eyeballs are very small, only as big as mung beans.

"Hear the call of God."

He shouted in that inarticulate voice, holding his hands up against the barrage of gunfire.

The melodious voice dissipated.

All the soldiers who were affected showed painful expressions, and blood flowed from their ears.

But even so.

Their indomitable will did not stop them from attacking.

But bullets fired from rifles.

It landed on the red-skinned black bean-eyed body with horns, making the sound of hitting steel.

There was a bang on the table.

The bullet couldn't penetrate his skin.

On the contrary, it will be flattened and broken due to the reaction.

"Hahaha...are you tickling me?"


The red-skinned black bean eyes with croissant horns moved in front of a soldier at high speed, and blocked the barrel of the gun with his bare hands.

He even bent the rifle with his backhand.

He smiled contemptuously.

The soldier took out a dagger with his backhand, controlled the soldiers with air, and quickly stabbed the right eye of 1.9 with red skin and black bean eyes with horns.

However, the latter tilted his head slightly.

The air-covered dagger pierced the skin of his face, but it was difficult to penetrate deeply.


The soldier's expression changed slightly, and the next moment his right hand was torn off by the goat's horn, red skin and black bean eyes.

At the same time, the firepower of the teammates became more intensive.

Although he couldn't break through the defense, it still made the horned red-skinned black bean eyes back again and again, grinning in pain.

With a livid face, the broken-arm soldier took out a grenade with his other hand, bit off the ring and threw it at the red-skinned black bean eye with horns.

But with a bang.

The dense shrapnel is like a bullet.

Unable to break the defense.

"Controller, kill him!"

At this moment, everyone only heard a loud noise, and the next moment something fell from the sky.

It was Ye Ren, who landed in front of the red-skinned black bean eyes with claw horns.

Then he swung his fist towards his stomach. .

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