Martial Arts Prodigy? Sorry I'm Kryptonian

Chapter 124: The Military Base Surrounds The Research Institute


Through perspective, Ye Ren can see that the internal organs in Adam are rapidly healing themselves.

Adam has two hearts, one left and one right.

His bones are thicker and whiter than ordinary people.


Adam suddenly rushed towards Ye Ren, the corners of his face were grinning to his ears.


With a bang, Ye Ren's uppercut hit Adam in the stomach.

In the midst of the muffled sound, a circle of White air burst out in the air.

Adam's abdomen exploded directly, and all the organs inside were shattered into blood foam.

But even so.

Adam's movements remained unaffected.

He threw himself on Ye Ren and bit Ye Ren's shoulder, but...

Mouth full of broken teeth.

Blood spurted from his mangled mouth.

Ye Ren showed a look of disgust, picked him up with his backhand, flew into the air and slammed him on the ground.


This is much faster than drilling a well.

Adam was smashed into a deep underground pit more than ten meters away, lying in the mud and twitching.

His bones were broken and his body was deformed.

But all the injuries are rapidly healing themselves, and they are back to normal again in just a few breaths.


Ye Ren also showed some interest.

Since flying into space and sunbathing at close range, I haven't had any fun yet.

Those who can take a blow from him head-on without dying.


Ye Ren squinted his eyes, Red meridians emerged around his eye sockets, and energy gathered from his eyes.

Then it turned into two laser beams and shot out.

The air was scorched through, and Red's laser also had extremely strong kinetic energy.

Adam seemed to be hit hard, and his whole body collapsed again.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

He let out a cry that he didn't know whether it was pleasure or pain.

Until the deep pit of nearly 100 meters.

A puddle of Black dust appeared.

Ye Ren blinked, the thermal vision is easy to use, but it is a bit taxing for the eyes.

"Okay, dead."

Jinglei and the others watched Ye Ren fly back and looked at him eagerly.

There is only one idea in everyone's mind.

What a pervert.


Then Ye Ren picked up the elevator and returned to the ground with all the hostages.

Then there was a roar.

The underground arc light research institute was completely buried in the sand.

"Gulu 々||..."

"Us, what shall we do next?"

"I will cooperate with everything, please don't hurt me."

These researchers are kneeling on the ground, to be honest, they are all Common people.

Dr. Tano as the representative of the researchers.

He said he would explain everything.

As long as he can survive, he is willing to sell his motherland and tell Longguo all the information.


The ice turtle looked at the researchers in front of him.

Suddenly exhaled.

The expression on his face was very subtle.

It stands to reason that she and Jinglei Youhai originally followed Greedy Beast to play soy sauce, and they used to assist in every mission.

Belonging to the marginal role among sword bearers.


Now they have captured so many hostages alive, this is definitely the most brilliant mission.

All thanks to this.

That boy who can fly, he is like a god! It is unbelievably powerful!

"Brother Ye, let's go on..."

Just as Jinglei was halfway through speaking, Ye Ren suddenly disappeared in front of him, and then appeared in the air.

He stretched out his hand to grab it, and actually caught a high-speed flying missile.

Even if it's a shock to them.

I didn't see the missile that suddenly appeared at all.

If it weren't for Ye Ren, it is estimated that everyone present would have become a heavenly woman scattered flowers.

A small missile in Ye Ren's hand.

The flight speed is around Mach 3, and it can fly more than one kilometer per second.

It's no wonder Jinglei and the others couldn't react.

"Come so fast."

Ye Ren glanced towards the north, let go of his hand, and the missile returned to the launch point on the same path.

With a roar.

A brilliant flame burst out in the distance.

At the same time, heavy tanks and heavily armed armored vehicles.

Surrounded by the infantry, the Arc Light Research Institute was surrounded.

"'s those guys at Beta Military Base."

Jinglei looked nervous.

In fact, they don't know much about the Beta military base, they only know that it is a small base.

Its purpose is to cover and protect the Arc Light Research Institute.

It's a pity they came too late.

The Arc Light Research Institute has been completely destroyed, and there is nothing of value left inside.

Ye Ren flew up and floated in mid-air.


In an instant, countless barrels were aimed at him.

Tank barrel.

Heavy machine gun on an armored vehicle.

The rifles of the infantry.

Recoilless gun.

The heavily armed soldiers all looked dignified and their pupils trembled slightly.

Their nervousness was palpable.

after all...

They saw with their own eyes that the flying guy in front of them caught the extremely fast flying missile.

And shoot it back.

"If you... want to survive, you'd better get out of here."

Ye Ren spoke.

However, there was a language barrier between the two sides, and the commander of the military base swallowed and looked at Ye Ren solemnly.

It was a man who was only about 1.7 meters tall.

The body is slightly bloated, the complexion is dusty, and the right leg is synthesized with a prosthesis.

There is a scar on his face from his left eye to his mouth.

There are wrinkles on the slightly old face, and the long light yellow hair like withered grass is sparse.

A soldier whispered as the Prosthetic Scar Commander translated Ye Ren's words.

After listening, the face of the prosthetic scar became gloomy.

The atmosphere became weird.


Commander of the prosthetic scar suddenly roared:

""] Fire!"

Numerous bullets, artillery fire, and grenades shot towards Ye Ren, forming a dense barrage of bullets.

Ye Ren's body made a crackling sound.

He was bathed in the hail of bullets.


A missile with tail flames exploded in Ye Ren's face, making his eyes hard.

call out!

Suddenly the infantry lost their target.

The next moment there was a loud noise among them, and the tank rose from the ground and was brought to an altitude of tens of meters.

Then it was like a meteorite.

He was smashed into the crowd by Ye Ren at an unimaginable speed.

Just in an instant.

They already (Wang's Zhao) suffered heavy losses and were in the dust.

The ice turtle dragged the researchers back to the research institute on the surface, looking for a bunker.

She clutched her lower abdomen with a pained look on her face.

Ice Turtle, are you injured?!"

Jinglei's pupils shrank. It turned out that the ice turtle was accidentally hit by a stray bullet in order to protect Dr. Tano.

Fortunately, the wound was not too deep.

"We... can't help him at all..."

You Hai and Jing Lei both looked unwilling, but with the hail of bullets outside, they had no choice but to die.

After all, even a small military base has nearly ten thousand people.

And a large number of heavy weapons bombarded indiscriminately.

There are only two of them, and they are both made of flesh and blood. When they enter the battlefield, they will only play GG in an instant.


Why do they need to enter the battlefield?

The gunfire outside gradually weakened, but the screams and wailing became more and more intensive.

Jinglei stuck his head out from behind the cover.

Then the whole body stiffened, pupils trembled, and he looked like he had seen a ghost.

"Wow... Fuck..."

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