Martial Arts Prodigy? Sorry I'm Kryptonian

Chapter 167: Desperate Wang Xiaoyin, Clean Up The Door

Wang Xiaoyin's brain was running at high speed.

He is a smart man, since he was able to propose a bloodline plan and successfully transferred part of Mr. You's bloodline.

You can see it when you transplant it into your own body.

In fact, in some respects, he really has a talent that is different from ordinary people.

It's just that he's on the wrong track.

After gaining the coveted power, Bai Ze's blood was inspired day and night.

Trying to control the power of blood.

However, the cruel reality made him feel desperate——

The incomplete Bai Ze bloodline, every time it is activated, will greatly consume his lifespan.

these years.

He has been perfecting his own research, pushing the bloodline plan to the extreme.

The result is gratifying.

He discovered that different bloodlines can actually be mixed.

to this end.

He gave birth to many bold ideas.

"Fuse the bloodlines of the four great beasts to create the ultimate bloodline!"

His crazy idea was supported by country M. "Seven Two Three" was even affirmed by the gods in the vestibule.

So after this year's college exchange competition.

Country M dispatched six A-level teleportation users in one go, and kidnapped four young people who inherited the blood of the beasts.


Wang Xiaoyin has successfully withdrawn his blood.

But Ye Ren came to him, and he was forced to fight the enemy, even though he knew Ye Ren was strong.

But there is no fear in my heart--

"invincible position."

Because he has the ability to predict the future, he will always be invincible, and he can deal with it with confidence no matter what.

but now.

When Ye Ren grabbed his neck, red lines rose around his eye sockets.

He found himself dead wrong.

The moment Ye Ren started, he predicted tens of millions of possibilities, but each of them had the same ending.

Can't escape.

He could only watch helplessly as Ye Ren grabbed him.

Then, with the red light from his eyes, his head exploded like a ball of paste.

The ability to predict is indeed terrible.

But no matter how he predicted it, when there was no solution at all, the ending made him tremble.

"Wait, do you want them dead?"

The red light in Ye Ren's eyes stagnated for an instant, and a brilliant fire suddenly burst out under the operating table.

The violent explosion shattered the operating table instantly.

Ye Ren's pupils narrowed into needles.

Time seemed to pause at this moment, and Ye Ren heard a heavy thud.

what is that?

"Dong dong․․․ dong dong dong dong"

It's a heartbeat.

It's your own heartbeat.

Ye Ren let go of Wang Xiaoyin's hand, flew to the source of the explosion, and hugged the nearest white tiger girl into his arms.

All of this is so smooth and smooth.

He didn't stop, followed by the red-haired Vermilion Bird girl group.

A blue dragon spinning in the air.

Xuanwu has never played a role.

Ye Ren can clearly see the tendency of the flame to expand and the appearance of the shock wave in the air.

Not that time really pauses.

But his speed is extremely fast.

Under the wrapping of the biological force field, the flames didn't hurt everyone until Ye Ren hugged them.

Has been flying out of the range of the explosion.


The sound waves sounded after a while, what does this mean?

Ye Ren's speed just now is much faster than the speed of sound propagation.


The white tiger girl groaned in pain.

Her vital signs were already weak, and now the situation was even worse, Ye Ren looked tense.

Try sending a Gold Cyclone into her body.

Don't say it.

The effect is remarkable.

The Gold cyclone seems to be omnipotent, and Ye Ren didn't figure out its specific function, but it can play a miraculous effect every time.

Ye Ren passed part of the Gold cyclone into the bodies of the four of them.

Not only let them get rid of the danger of life, but also wake up leisurely.


The white tiger girl's long eyelashes trembled.

Baijin's eyes opened.

There was still a little daze inside, until Ye Ren waved his hand in front of her:

"Look at how many fingers I have here?"


She belatedly widened her beautiful eyes, her face was full of shock, why, Ye Ren is here?

And Ye Ren saw that they were temporarily out of danger.

It just so happened that there was no one here.

Then he told them not to run around, he was going to chase Wang Xiaoyin back when it exploded.

Wang Xiaoyin took the opportunity to slip away with the blood of the four great beasts.


It's just that Ye Ren suddenly felt a sense of exhaustion and weakness in his body.

Since it is possible to fly into space to bask in the sun.

He hadn't felt so weak for a long, long time.

It seems.

It was the explosion just now that made him consume a lot of energy.

After all that moment.

Ye Ren's speed was almost to the point where time paused.

The white tiger girl watched Ye Ren fly away from her, and she instinctively raised her hand.

But found that his body is so weak.

The rest of the people are in the same situation.

"What do we... do next?"

"What else can I do, just wait here quietly..."

There is more than enough heart but not enough strength.

It's about their current state.

Wang Xiaoyin slid fast, the power of his blood was urged to the extreme, and he also walked in the air.

That's a few short minutes.

Then he crossed half of the city, and buried himself in an inconspicuous sewer.

Follow the complex underground tunnels.

He turned left and right, and finally got out of another hole.

But as soon as he breathed a sigh of relief, he suddenly felt an inexplicable tremor, and his instinct was reminding him.


However, even Ye Ren's attack method and attack route have been predicted in advance.

But Wang Xiaoyin still couldn't keep up with his speed.

Punch down.

A gully tens of meters long was drawn on the ground, about half a meter deep, and debris flew.

White smoke was burning on Wang Xiaoyin's body.

He got up from the ground and raised his head with an ugly face.

"Why don't you run away?"

Ye Ren just floated above his head, looking down at him with calm eyes.

But full of oppression.

Wang Xiaoyin tensed his body, he had the illusion that he would die at any moment.


Maybe that's not an illusion.

The blood of the divine beast Bai Ze allows him to know everything.

So it was a kind of foreknowledge, he could clearly predict that if he went on like this, there would be only one ending for him.

"Junior brother... how about making a deal, don't meddle in my affairs, let me leave, I will give you everything you want."

Ye Ren drooped his eyelids.

Everything I want, I don't need him to give it to me at all.

"But I want your life."

Hearing Ye Ren's answer, Wang Xiaoyin put down the box in his hand.

A flush appeared on his sunken face.

Those eyes were shining with the color of blood, and in the blink of an eye, he came to Ye Ren in a blink of an eye.

The horns on the top of the head pierced towards Ye Ren's chest.

high speed.

The offensive is fierce.

It seemed he had risked everything.

To achieve a one-hit kill.

However, Ye Ren folded his hands together and grabbed his horns, and in an instant the air shook with obvious ripples from a punch.

Spread out like ripples.


There was a belated sound.

A little blood dripped from Ye Ren's hands, and the ground collapsed into a huge pit.

Even the nearby buildings were shattered into ruins in an instant. .

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