Martial Arts Prodigy? Sorry I'm Kryptonian

Chapter 170: Perfect Rescue, Abducted A Supernatural Being

Ye Ren grabbed the yellow lightning man's fist.

He narrowed his eyes and saw the panic on the face of the yellow lightning man, the next moment.

Yellow Lightning's fists rained down on Ye Ren's chest.

"Dang bang bang bang!"

In an instant, he punched thousands of punches.

But to his despair, there was not even a trace of the skin on Ye Ren's chest.

Instead, his fists were stained with blood.


How can the gap be so big?

With a stabbing sound, he actually took the initiative to tear off his arm, trying to escape under the lightning wrap.

However, the price of survival by docking the tail.

But it made his speed a beat slower than before.

For Ye Ren.


When Ye Ren went all out, time seemed to stop, and he could clearly see the shape of lightning.

It can also be seen that the body of the yellow lightning man is denting.

It seemed to gradually become a point and disappear from the original place, for which Ye Ren grabbed his head.


Yellow lightning climbed Ye Ren's arm.

Crispy and numb.

If it was someone else, even this little bit of leaked energy would be enough to burn it into a coke in an instant.

But Ye Ren not only resisted the violent energy of the yellow lightning head-on.

Still under the lightning package.

Squeezed and exploded the 503 bags of the yellow lightning man's brain.


The physical strength of the A-level ability user has become a joke at this moment, and the leaves are like popping a chocolate ball.

The White Red stuff sprayed all over the floor.

The picture is too disgusting.

Even Ye Ren himself changed slightly.

However, there was no way to do this. In desperation, he could only take the fastest way to kill the enemy.

Otherwise, the yellow lightning man will take the opportunity to escape.

it's over.

"'s over..."

Ye Ren stopped here, and he could finally breathe a sigh of relief, within the range of his perception.

There is no longer any threat to his existence.

Although a few fighter jets hovered overhead occasionally, the deterrent power of those things was better than that of civilians.

As long as he wants.

It can be easily disassembled and used as a toy.

The white tiger girl and the others were very reassuring and didn't cause trouble for Ye Ren, so he found them in the previous place when he turned around.

It's just that their faces are not very good-looking at the moment.

"How's the situation now, bro?"

"The threat has been ruled out by me, you should die, you should escape, just wait a moment."

Ye Ren moved a small car.

He wanted to repeat the same trick, let them sit in the car, and took them directly back to Longguo.

But at this moment.

A teleporter suddenly appeared in front of everyone. (cida)

It was a woman.

A fairly beautiful woman, but she closed her left eye tightly, and immediately raised her hands after appearing:

"I'm here to help you!"

Ye Ren raised his eyebrows, he remembered this woman, on the way to the military training before.

Country M suddenly launched a sneak attack.

It was this woman who sent a large number of soldiers from Country M to the territory of Dragon Country.

At that time, Ye Ren chased her for a long time, and finally fled back to country M for her.

"Give me a moment to explain!"

She stared at Ye Ren tightly, her whole body tensed up, expressing that she had worked so hard to return to Country M last time.

Country M not only did not regard her as a hero.

Also because she overdrawn herself and almost turned into a vegetative state, she was directly used as an experimental product for Compound No. 6.

Misfortune in Wonderland.

She actually became one of the very few surviving subjects, but she also lost an eye because of it.

After surviving.

She fled the lab without hesitation.

"It's a place worse than hell..."

She has been hiding in Tibet these days. Even though she is an A-level power user now, she dare not compete with the M country officials.

until now.

She was overwhelmed by the destructive power of Ye Ren's battle with the Favored One.

With many streets in the city center in ruins, she realized that this was an opportunity for her.

"I want to rely on you!"

She has lost everything, so there is nothing to be afraid of, even if the people of Longguo plant a bomb in her mind, it doesn't matter.


No matter how bad the people of Long Country are, they will not be worse than those cold-blooded demons in human skin in Country M.

"I don't trust her."

Both the White Tiger Girl and Vermilion Bird stared at the teleporter girl.

But Ye Ren didn't care.

With herself around, the teleporter girl can't make waves at all. Once she returns to the Dragon Kingdom, she will be like a lamb caught in a pack of wolves.

"I...dedicate my sincerity."

The teleporter girl lowered her head and knelt down in front of Ye Ren [expressing her complete surrender.

Then she took everyone with her.

A teleportation all returned to the territory of Dragon Kingdom.

"It's really a convenient ability."

In addition to Qinglong and the others, there are also those contestants who have less roles.

There were twelve people including Ye Ren.

If Ye Ren was holding them up and flying back, it would have taken ten or twenty minutes at least.

But the teleporter girl completed the transfer in less than half a second.

Ye Ren called Master Meiren and said that he had brought her back safely.

Soon a group of fighter jets flew over to escort them.

Heavily armed warriors rushed here and blocked all routes at the same time.

Until they sent Ye Ren back to the capital safely.

When a group of bigwigs in high positions and wearing military uniforms saw everyone unscathed.

There was a weird look on their faces.

"You really...did it."

Mr. You also sighed with a complicated expression.

Ye Ren broke into country M by himself and rescued all the kidnapped compatriots.

not only.

He also kidnapped an A-level teleportation user back.

With such a record, the bosses who wear medals are a little embarrassed.

Ye Ren received the highest standard of courtesy.

Led by Mr. You, all the famous bosses in Longguo gathered at this moment.

Award medals and honorary titles to Ye Ren.

At Ye Ren's strong request.

They didn't announce the awarding ceremony to the outside world, but people knew that there was an unsung hero in Long Kingdom.

Y City Ye Ren's house.

Even half of the community, those unoccupied houses have been transferred into Ye Ren's name at this moment.

Luxury cars parked in his own underground garage.

these rewards.

It's just a drop in the bucket.

at the same time.

Lin Jucrocodile Forest Bureau looked at the announcement from above, and felt a burst of emotion.

"This child... has indeed grown to the point where I can look up to him."

The voice just fell.

New news came through the intercom network.

Bureau Forest took a look——

"I was promoted?"

After thinking about it for a long time, he didn't understand why he was suddenly promoted.

In the end, an inconspicuous email made him feel astonished.

It is a thank you letter from Ye Ren.

He is busy with work on weekdays, and he doesn't even remember when Ye Ren sent him this email.

And the high school Ye Ren attended before.

Inexplicably, it became the number one key high school in the province.

Even in the middle of the school.

A statue was erected in the exact image of Ye Ren.

It has exploded in the high school classmate group, and people are reposting and discussing this year's four major college exchange competitions.

The source of the frying pan was Wang Xiaoxiao who pointed out that Ye Ren used to be in their class.

For a while, Wang Xiaoxiao's friends kept ringing.

But she can only explain to them with a wry smile that she and Ye Ren are really not familiar, just a few encounters.

At this time, she couldn't help but think of the monitor.

"She should be... very happy now."

Wang Xiaoxiao smiled bitterly, she couldn't help but imagine that if she confessed her love to Ye Ren in high school.

Could it be that the person who is by his side now is himself?

A gust of cool wind blew, Wang Xiaoxiao personally shattered his dream, and continued to sit in front of the computer and work hard for the future.

Soon after.

She will become a well-known writer and fulfill her dream. .

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