Martial Arts Prodigy? Sorry I'm Kryptonian

Chapter 210: Gold Cyclone Mutation, Ancient God's Cocoon

"Get out of here!"

However, Ye Ren's voice could not wake up the warriors who had lost their minds.

Just for a moment.

The body like a mountain of meat began to squirm, obviously it seemed slow, but it corroded everything in an instant.


The warriors lay on the ground one by one, their bodies being dragged by it, as if they wanted to dismember it.

And stuffed into its bloated and terrible flesh.

some of.

Including Tu Shanjiuyi, Ye Ren didn't have extra time to think, he instinctively swung his fist.

But a tentacle is one step faster.


Ye Ren flew upside down, how long has it been since he felt the pain again?

The monster in front of him brought great pressure to Ye Ren.

Just because it is a part of the body of the conqueror in the dark, the ancient god of the abyss.

"Let her go!"

Red's heat sight hit the tentacle.

The all-conquering thermal vision in the past is enough to easily penetrate any ignorant thermal vision.

But it was blocked by the tentacles, although it exudes a disgusting smell, like burning a rotting corpse with flames.

Between heat vision and tentacles.

Another tentacle suddenly swept towards Ye Ren, but he dodged it like a prophet.

At the same time, Ye Ren took advantage of the opportunity to come to Tu Shanjiuyi, and forcibly tore off the tentacles wrapping her.

only. 673 Tu Shan Jiuyi's condition is not good, Ye Ren can feel the energy from the ancient gods eroding her.

Ye Ren dodges to dodge the approaching tentacles.

At the same time, he lowered his head and kissed Tu Shan Jiuyi's lips, pouring the Gold cyclone into her body.

"It must work!"

The Gold cyclone that surprised Ye Ren countless times.

He was not disappointed by the double recording. Even the energy of the ancient gods was defeated by the Gold cyclone domineeringly.

Tu Shan Jiuyi's condition improved at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Ye Ren flew far away, and gently placed Tu Shanjiuyi behind the roof of a building.

He rushed back immediately.

It's just a few breaths...

The ancient god's body doubled in size, growing to a height of more than thirty meters.

It's also expanding outward.

But Ye Ren found that as the ancient god became larger, its consciousness also became blurred and hazy.

Vaguely, Ye Ren seemed to have discovered some important clue.


On that scarlet body, the indescribable Red liquid kept flowing.

Gulu Gulu.

While the densely packed eyeballs are turning.

Occasionally, huge blood bubbles will appear, and its flesh looks like a pool of rotten flesh.

And among them.

(ciaj) A body with a haggard face, rising and falling in it.

It's those warriors.

The ancient gods are depriving them of the power of blood in their bodies, and it seems that they can expand in such a short period of time.

It has nothing to do with its ability to swallow blood.

"We can't let him continue eating."

Ye Ren gritted his teeth, resisting the nausea and instantly penetrated into the body of the ancient god like a bullet.

A tingling sensation in the skin.

Streams of energy are penetrating inward along the surface of the body.

It seems to corrupt him as well, but Ye Ren's body is full of Gold cyclones.

He resisted the discomfort from his body.

Quickly took the fighters out from the inside, and used the Gold cyclone one by one to help them regain their sanity.


After all, they are a group of men, and Ye Ren directly poured the cyclone into it domineeringly.

In this way, even if they can't bear it, there is a high probability that they will not die, but they will be disabled for a long time after they come back to life.


Ao Kunkun was one of the first warriors to recover.

The Gold cyclone removed the power of the ancient gods in his body, but it also caused unimaginable damage to his body.

At this moment, he could barely stand up.

He saw Ye Ren fighting against the ancient god alone, and realized that the gap between himself and him was extremely far away.


"Come on!"

The ancient god just took a look at it, and it gave him a splitting headache, and the instinct engraved in his genes told him.

The ancient gods are the enemies of all bloodline warriors.

Ye Ren's side...

It was a bit embarrassing, because he found that he couldn't beat this guy, and every attack Gu Shendu took easily.

Its body looks soft as mud.

But it can resist Ye Ren's attack and heat vision.

Freezing breath, super strength, super speed, all the tricks Ye Ren can think of are used.

But this thing just can't be killed.

Not only was he unable to beat him to death, Ye Ren had to suck a few mouthfuls of Liangpi when he slapped him with his tentacles.

After being knocked into the air by the tentacles again, Ye Zhu did not attack rashly again.

Instead, it flew towards the sky suddenly, and disappeared from Ao Kunkun's vision in the blink of an eye.

Not just Ao Kunkun.

The warriors who had awakened all opened their mouths wide.

"He escaped?"

After realizing this, a violent fear suddenly rose in the hearts of everyone.

The panic spread like a wildfire.

"We...we have to escape too..."

No warrior has the courage to fight against that indescribable monster, after all for them.

Just facing the ancient gods is already exhausting all their strength.

Has Ye Ren escaped?

Of course not, he just needs a wave of energy, after being suppressed and beaten by the ancient god for a long time.

Ye Ren suddenly felt the urge of hunger and thirst coming from his body.

This is his first time.

Creates such intense hunger pangs.

The young Gold sun is constantly radiating its energy, people should exalt her and praise her.

Because of her light and heat, this galaxy is shining brightly.

Ye Ren spread his hands, and endless energy rolled back into his body like a sea.




"What period of Superman am I now...?"

Gold patterns shone on the surface of Ye Ren's skin, and at this moment, a strange change of energy suddenly occurred.

Obviously Ye Ren is still thinking about whether he is a silver super or a gold super.

But the Gold cyclone in the body.

But as if he had life, he quickly devoured the energy in the cells, which made Ye Ren's face change.

He had no choice but to step up his efforts to absorb the sun's energy faster.

But the Gold cyclone ate so fast that Ye Ren couldn't keep up, which frightened him.

If it lasts.

The energy in the cells will be exhausted, and I don't know what the consequences will be.

But most likely...

will die.

"It's just a little risky."

Ye Ren swallowed, he had to get closer to the sun, but he had to make sure he wouldn't be dragged in by the sun's gravity.

Otherwise, it will die more cleanly.

When Ye Ren risked his life to get close to the sun, the ancient gods on the ground were not idle.

Its consciousness seems to be closing with the gap in the abyss.

is rapidly weakening.

At this time, it has almost become a wild beast without any sanity, just looking for warriors instinctively.

Swallow it into the body and deprive the power of the blood.

"You promised me, you promised me!"

At this moment, instead of fleeing from the ancient god, a mad figure rushed towards it.

That was Tu Shan Yumeng.

At this moment, the gap in the abyss was about to close, and the huge eyes inside looked at him at the last moment.

As if some kind of order was conveyed, the hideous and terrifying body of the ancient god stopped like a mountain of meat.

The Old God pretty much kept his word, and in fact, he threw this lump of body.

It's just to help Tu Shan Yumeng realize her wish.

At this time, the ancient god began to collapse inward, and his wriggling body gradually became slender and thin.

If you look down at Jin from a distance and find that the ancient god has become a——


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