Martial Arts Prodigy? Sorry I'm Kryptonian

Chapter 229: Revenge, The Gift Of The King Of Flames, The Virgin Of Toss


As Keanu said, I hope the captain's life will be reshaped, and the flame of the King of Fire, Madonna Toth, has Extraordinary power.

I saw Captain Hope bathed in fire.

His body was incinerated, and finally he was condensed and reborn in the flames.

Him now.

No longer human.

It's the God-favored of the King of Flames, Our Lady of Toth——

fire of hope.

"This so strong, I feel like I can do anything.

Captain Hope looked at himself fascinatedly, that burning hands.

I saw him raise his arm.

The burning land under his feet became more intense in an instant, and the volcano even ushered in a second eruption.

Captain Hope, obsessed with power.

He burned the entire island until it dried up and sank in the ocean.

"too strong!"

It is so powerful that it is indescribable, Captain Hope even has the illusion that he is burning the ocean.

This is.

God's favored one?

Attached to the power bestowed by the gods, it was so powerful that he couldn't stop it.

"Congratulations on becoming a follower of the King of Flames, Our Lady of Toss."

Keanu's Blue eyes flashed a smile after the plan succeeded.

Because he himself is the favored person of the Lord of the Abyss.

So when Toss, the Holy Mother of the King of Flame, gave the gift, he also transferred his own gift to Captain Hope.

Captain Hope suddenly turned to look at Keanu.


"Am I stronger than you now?"


Keanu's acknowledgment made Captain Hope overjoyed. He himself is just a supernatural being created by Keanu with Compound No. 7.

but now.

Instead he surpassed his Creator.

"It's time to make him pay the price!"

Inflated Captain Hope, this is about to take revenge immediately, and his target is naturally Ye Ren.


What is Ye Ren doing now?

"Hey hey hey"

"Silly what?"

The class leader who has become a half-demon, today's dress is particularly attractive, high heels and black silk skirt.

But in fact.

She is planning to go to other ruins guided by the ice turtle with Mr. You to search for other surviving beasts.

"Anyway... the time is still long, monitor, do you want to~"..."


The squad leader rolled his eyes in embarrassment.

After some in-depth exchanges, Ye Ren calmed down.

He stared at the squad leader:

"Are you going to look for the ruins dressed like this?"

"What's wrong."

"Please change to a normal one, thank you."

"You didn't have such an attitude just now."

The blush on the squad leader's face hadn't dissipated, and he saw the nervous expression of the little man in front of him.

He felt that if he kept teasing, he would get angry.

The squad leader's body burst into flames, and the clothes and the like transformed into energy to reconstruct a new form.

This is a technique she figured out on her own.

Semi-demonization can not only change one's own appearance and figure, but also imitate clothes.

"Hey, I have to go."

The squad leader rubbed Ye Ren's head as if coaxing a child, and pulled his leg out of his arms.

If Ye Ren hadn't just seen it with his own eyes.

The black pantyhose with delicate texture, no one would have imagined that it was simulated by flames.

Warm up a little bit.

The squad leader and Ye Ren leave for a while, and Mr. You needs her strength for the search for new ruins.

"Don't you need me to take you there?"

"I can fly."

A pair of huge flame wings unfolded from behind the squad leader, and she flew above the clouds in the blink of an eye.

Ye Ren could tell.

The squad leader seems to be trying to get rid of her dependence on herself, she wants to stand by her side.

rather than behind yourself.


"No matter how hard you try, it's impossible to catch up with me."

Ye Ren's hurtful words can only be said to himself after all, no matter how fast the monitor and the others improve.

It is also impossible to exceed the speed of Ye Ren's progress.

After all, with the energy of the abyss and the double fast charge of the sun, Ye Ren is stronger every day than he was yesterday.

Qin Ran went to his grandfather's.

Tu Shanjiuyi is quite leisurely, following Ye Ren around and asking questions.

"The little fox has become very clingy recently."

Ye Ren glanced at the next room, subconsciously looking through, but happened to see Tu Shanjiuyi also looking at him.

Their eyes collided.

But as if it was just a coincidence, Mishus immediately looked away and pretended to be playing with his mobile phone.

Ye Ren was keenly aware of this.

But based on this alone, he couldn't see anything specifically, but he just felt that there was something wrong with Tu Shanjiuyi recently.

"I hope the illusion..."

Ye Ren scratched his head.

At this moment, Ye Ren's cell phone rang, and the voice of Master Beauty came from over there.

"Ye Ren, are you busy?"

"It's okay, is there any trouble again?"

Mr. You said that Longguo has a huge nature reserve in the south, and a wildfire suddenly ignited.

I hope Ye Ren can help to solve it.

"No... I said Master, do I look like a tool man?"

Ye Ren couldn't help complaining.

"Last time I said it underground, I feel like a cow and a horse, do I look idle?"

"Hey, there will be rewards when you come back.

"What reward?"

"I learned some new tricks from Walnut, the black and white teacher's uniform..."

that moment.

Ye Ren knew about Master Beauty's request.

You must promise to:

"..." Mountain fire, right? Wait for me to finish it in a few minutes. "

On the other side, Mr. You put down the phone, showing an expression that the man was so easy to deal with.

This big sister who has lived for more than two hundred years.

She understands very well.

Ye Ren doesn't care either, what's wrong with being an ox or a horse?

It just so happens that I am really angry recently.

As the class monitor alone, she might be a little powerless.

"Mountain fire, take it easy."

Ye Ren flew to the southernmost nature reserve of Longguo in the blink of an eye, but the situation here.

Some are beyond his imagination.

The skyrocketing fire spread, and the black smoke almost covered Tutong.

The terrifying high temperature turned this place into a hell on earth.

The earth dried up.

The forest turned into charcoal.

Countless small animals died in the sea of ​​fire, Ye Ren frowned slightly:

"Not Common fire...."

When Ye Ren breathed in a mouthful of ice, the fire didn't decrease at all, which is very unreasonable.

The flames are still spreading.

In order to avoid further damage, Ye Ren flew to the seaside and used freezing breath to freeze a large piece of ice.

This is learned from the movie.

"Chuck ․.."

Ye Ren held the iceberg and flew all the way back to the nature reserve, attracting the attention of countless people.

Getting closer.

The iceberg melted quickly, but the ice water was poured into the sea of ​​fire, and the fire seemed to be a little smaller.

But at this moment, Captain Hope suddenly flew out of the flames, and made a sneak attack without talking about martial arts!

Caught off guard.

The iceberg shattered, and Ye Ren was hit in the jaw by Captain Hope's punch.


The shock wave oscillated, and the forest below fell, and the flames were all extinguished by the shock.

"Ha ha ha handsome!"

Captain Hope laughed wildly, but Ke laughed, and his voice stopped abruptly.

Ye Ren's eyes drooped slightly, that look full of anger.

Let Captain Hope's body tense slightly. .

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