Martial Arts Prodigy? Sorry I'm Kryptonian

Chapter 231: The Lord Of The Abyss Is Just For Fun

Keanu felt the flames go away, though he didn't see Captain Hope and Ye Ren fight.

But in fact.

He had expected that the captain would lose:

"But... he's just a decoy.

Keanu didn't care about Captain Hope's death, as he said, Captain Hope was just a decoy.

In Keanu's plan.

It is through Captain Hope that the Holy Mother of the King of Flames, Toss, notices the existence of Ye Ren.

"Being watched by it, you should die, right?"

Keanu muttered to himself.

In fact, he didn't understand one thing, why the Lord of the Abyss didn't kill Ye Ren, it was obviously easy for the Lord of the Abyss~.

But he couldn't fathom the thinking of the ancient gods.

It is easier to guess whether it is the Holy Mother of the King of Fire, whose temper is as violent as the flame.

Captain Hope is a follower of the Lord of Fire, Madonna Toth.

If he is dead, Toss, the Holy Mother of King Yan, will definitely avenge him, because it is equivalent to slapping King Yan in the face.

"It shouldn't come here in person...but anyway, once the King of Fire, Holy Mother Toss, does it herself."

In Keanu's plan, Ye Ren has no chance of surviving anyway.

Well planned.

But what Keanu didn't know was that Ye Ren is currently regarded as an important toy by Metheus, the lord of the abyss.

The Lord of the Abyss will meet the Lord of the Abyss soon.

That picture is sure to be fun.


The feeling of being stared at gradually disappeared.

Ye Ren frowned slightly, stretched out his finger, and the Gold cyclone came out.

This amazing Gold Cyclone.

Since the last time the abyss model was swallowed, it has been continuously releasing abyssal energy.

can now.

It actually spit out a little flame.

This is when Ye Ren was just burned by the fire of the King of Flames, the Holy Mother of Toss, and the Gold cyclone took the initiative to suck it in.

But it seems that the total amount is too small, or some other reason.

The tinder was spit out again.

"This thing... it should be useful to bring it to the monitor?"

Squad leader Mr. You was on his way to the polar region with the large troops, according to what the ice turtle said.

The White Tiger, one of the Four Great Beasts of the year.

It eventually disappeared in the north, and most likely survived in the Arctic.

Ye Ren caught up with the plane and met Mr. You, the squad leader, at the North Pole landing zone.

After seeing him appear.

All the warriors in the army saluted one after another.

"Ahem, hard work, you just pretend that I don't exist."

Ye Ren pulled the squad leader aside, she was still very surprised and asked Ye Ren why he came over suddenly.

Ye Ren took a big mouthful first.

Then he took out the fire, but he didn't expect the squad leader's reaction to the fire to be greater than expected.

This kindling is very useful for the squad leader.

"Where did you get this?"

Ye Ren then recounted what had happened before. After the squad leader became a half-demon, he merged the fire into the flames of the Golden Crow.

For the squad leader.

The energy contained in this ray of fire is enough for her to analyze it without sleep for several months.

In other words, she no longer needs to work hard to absorb the Qi in the universe.

Turn it into your own energy.

Instead, the energy can be directly stripped from this ray of fire, which is somewhat similar to the situation after the Gold cyclone swallows the abyss model.

"This little bit of flame can make me much stronger."

The squad leader lowered his eyelids slightly, and glanced at Ye Ren with those seductive eyes, and then she put her arms around Ye Ren's neck.

"Thank you~"

The squad leader's initiative made Ye Ren feel hot all over.

Even though this is already the icy North Pole, all of you are half-demonized warriors.

Troops have already begun laying out equipment and constructing bases.

Prepare to make this place the initial supply point, and start the exploration work in full swing.

"I'll go find Master."

Ye Ren can no longer stay by the monitor's side, she is too tempting after being half-demonized.

Mr. You rolled his eyes.

After seeing her scoundrel flying over, she probably already guessed what Ye Ren was going to say:

"Has the wildfire been resolved?"

"Master, that is not a small wildfire..."

Ye Ren narrated the battle, and after hearing that even Ye Ren was scalded by the flames, Mr. You's face changed slightly.

She grabbed Ye Ren's hand and looked at it:

"Is it all right now?"

"They all healed up on their own, but the situation at that time was very dangerous, I think Master, you need to make up for me.

Mr. You looked at the monitor not far away.

Then he narrowed his eyes suddenly, showing a lazy and flattering attitude:

"How do you want me to compensate you?"

"The kind of compensation that cannot pass the trial!"

Naturally, it is impossible here, and Mr. You naturally knows this, so he teases Ye Ren on purpose.

She promised to talk about it when she got back.

"As for now, hold back."


Although he couldn't do other bad things, Ye Ren's eyes fell on the delicate red lips of the beautiful master.

……… Ask for flowers……

Mr. You instinctively sensed the ominous look in his eyes.

But how could she be faster than Ye Ren?


The beautiful master's tender body was tense, but Ye Ren's body was locked tightly, and his hands could only be blocked in front of his chest in refusal.

"You're going to die?"

A cry of coquettishness.

Mr. You pushed him away in embarrassment and annoyance.

"It's not okay to let the cow run away but not let the cow eat grass, Master."

Ye Ren hehe smiled.

He turned his head and glanced around. A large amount of anti-cold equipment had been moved out, and the supply point had begun to take shape.

Although Ye Ren pondered whether to stay and help.

But I found that I didn't need myself here at all, and the military warriors completed their work in an orderly manner.

Ye Ren can only stare blankly in the sky.


Tu Shanjiuyi, to be precise, is the lord of the abyss, Metheus, who quietly left the Dragon Kingdom at this moment.

She came to the territory of country M.

It's like wandering around in the bustling capital.

"This race is really..."

Mishus sighed, obviously this planet is so small, and the human race has only a few billion people.

But it was divided into many countries, and they fought with each other.

Kind of ridiculous.

She came to Country M just for fun, and she was stored in Tu Shan Jiuyi's body.

Mitheus can observe the world from a new perspective.


At this time, someone came up to strike up a conversation. Mitheus was wearing a magic mirror, but it couldn't hide her temperament.

For Mitheus.

It's kind of fun to be approached by someone.

It's a pity that Tu Shan Jiuyi's soul was resisting, so she had no choice but to reject the human beings in front of her.

"It's time to see my believer."

Mitheus disappeared on the street. For the abyss lord, she didn't really care about Keanu.

There are countless gods like Keanu.

She vaguely remembered that it was probably hundreds of millions of years ago...or tens of billions of years ago...

At that time, she was bored, so she put her consciousness into countless worlds.

Therefore, a group of gods who believe in her have been collected.

She ordered this group of divinely favored people to explore outwards, find other races and planets, and complete the spread of faith.


It's just that the abyss lord Metheus was too bored, so he wanted to pass the time.

But for those favored by the gods, this is the supreme glory, and they will give everything for Metheus. .

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