Martial Arts Prodigy? Sorry I'm Kryptonian

Chapter 36: Bending Steel Alloys With Bare Hands


The people around all made the sound of sucking Liangpi.

Who is this?

The alloy was grasped and deformed.


The machine that had been pressurizing inside stopped, and kept making teeth-stinging sounds.

Everyone stared dumbfounded.

Ye Ren is holding the machine with both hands, and it is being pulled away gradually.

"My God..."

Lan Tingting covered her mouth in astonishment.

Lan Lili's eyes were fixed, she unplugged the power of the machine, and then stopped the machine.


Li Feidao was in a coma, and he had to break the machine apart completely to rescue him.

"let me help you!"

Wang Buqiong rushed over, but he still couldn't get close.

There was a harsh creaking sound.

The machine made of alloy was broken into scrap iron by Ye Ren abruptly.

Judging from the curly to irregular shape.

This machine is completely useless, the kind that cannot be repaired.

"Not poor, call 120!"

Soon the doctors arrived, and Li Feidao was carried on a stretcher.

The doctor who came made a preliminary judgment.

It should only be a few broken bones, which is only a minor injury to the warrior.

Only then did everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

Then they realized what happened just now——

"Oh my god... how old is this brother?"

"This damn thing is an alloy, what kind of power does it take to bend an alloy!"

Wang Chen rushed back in a cold sweat.

He also said that this is the responsibility of the martial arts school, and he will definitely compensate Li Feidao for his medical expenses.

At the same time, safety improvements were made to the equipment in the martial arts hall.


When Brother Chen was wiping his cold sweat, he saw the scrapped machine again out of the corner of his eye.

He still shuddered.

"Bending steel alloy with bare hands... hiss..."

Ye Ren and Wang Buqiong followed the ambulance to the hospital.

At this moment.

Ye Ren's super hearing.

But let him hear the emergency room of the hospital.

There came the sighs of the doctors:

"There are a lot of warriors who have been harassed in the past two days..."

"Yes, Lao Lan, tell your two daughters to try not to go out at night, it's not safe."

"Hopefully the murderer is caught sooner, these attacks are not that simple."

Karma waist?


Ye Ren was slightly taken aback, at this moment there was a sudden exclamation in the corridor.

It turned out to be a mad patient.

He was rampaging in the corridor, and he didn't stop even if his head was bleeding.

"Give me back my kidney! Give me back!"

The nurses behind couldn't stop him at all.

The patient's waist was still bleeding, his face was full of madness, and he couldn't see the slightest reason.

The doctors chased him out with ugly faces.

"Calm down, sir, the waist can grow back again, you must not..."

But the crazy patient suddenly took it out of his stomach.

Pull out a sharp scalpel.

"Don't come close, stay away from him!"

Without warning from the doctors, the people nearby all fled to the side in fear.

Warriors have a tougher body than Commons.

So the scalpel is also sharper.

At this moment, Ye Ren walked towards the frantic patient.

"Hey! Didn't you hear? Stay away, he's dangerous!"

This startled the doctors.


Ye Ren is in front of everyone.

One hand grabbed the patient's neck.

Like picking up a little chicken, he lifted his feet off the ground.


The scalpel stabbed Ye Ren's body.

Instead, it was broken in response, and the moment the broken blade flew out.

He was gently pinched by Ye Ren with two fingers.

"Be careful, what if you poke someone's eye?"

After seeing Ye Ren controlling the patient.

Only then did the doctors come over in a hurry and put him to sleep with sedatives.

"Thank you, young man, thanks to you, are you not injured?"

The doctor has sharp eyes.

He saw Ye Ren's clothes were torn, but his skin was intact.

Although a little puzzled, I still feel grateful from the bottom of my heart.

Seeing that the danger was over, the people around applauded Ye Ren one after another.

In the special office at this time.

Bureau Lin, who had just returned from a business trip in T city next door, hadn't had time to rest yet.

He pointed to the report on the table with a gloomy expression:

"Can anyone explain to me why there were six attacks in just three days?"

(ask for flowers)

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