Martial Arts Prodigy? Sorry I'm Kryptonian

Chapter 71: Dating With Me Wronged You?

"Wow, that's great! Congratulations!"

After Ye Ren stepped off the ring.

Qin Ran bounced over and handed over a bottle of water.


Tons of tons.

"Hey, Ye Ren, I guess what your blood power is!"


Ye Ren wiped the water from the corner of his mouth with horror in his eyes.

this girl.

real or fake?

Qin Ran narrowed her eyes and said firmly:

"You must be one of the blood of the four divine beasts—Xuanwu Mingzhong, right!"


Ye Ren had black lines on his face.

"You're only of the bastard's blood."

"Hey, what a bastard, Xuanwu! Xuanwu is very powerful!"

Ye Ren's hanging heart fell back into his stomach.

He rolled his eyes helplessly:

"You guessed wrong, I'm not a bastard."

"I told you it's not bastard!"

Qin Ran glared at Ye Ren angrily.

She had seen in her grandfather's manuscripts a martial artist who had awakened the Xuanwu bloodline.

The body becomes tough and tough.

That is a level that completely surpasses the level of human flesh and blood.

After all, Xuanwu's defensive power.

It is common sense that has been passed down from ancient times to the present.

"No wonder you can catch the bullets of the sniper rifle, it really is Xuanwu blood, right?"

"I said you guessed wrong, sister."

Ye Ren reluctantly found a T-shirt from the locker and put it on.

It's free.

Because warriors can easily damage their clothes, martial arts gyms keep some clothes in lockers.

Of course, it's brand new.

"Sister...hey, how old are you?"


"Just ask out of curiosity."

Qin Ran didn't realize it herself, but as she became more familiar with Ye Ren, her tone gradually became a little coquettish.

After learning that Ye Ren is younger than himself for a few days.

Qin Ran's beautiful eyes widened:

"Quick, call my sister!"


"Hey, you are too much, you actually scolded me!"

"It's getting late, should you go back?"

Ye Ren and Qin Ran had already left the martial arts hall.

Stroll along the side streets of the street.

The sun is about to go down.

Today I was also passively exposed to the sun for a day, and Ye Ren obviously felt stronger than yesterday.

"Speaking of... I remember that Superman's ability seems to have no upper limit."

Ye Ren's thoughts were racing, but he instinctively followed behind Qin Ran.

Superman in the movies has no weaknesses other than kryptonite.

Possesses super strength that can smash a building with one punch.

Super defense against nuclear bombs.

There is also a flying speed close to the speed of light, which can circle the earth several times in an instant.

And that's just in the movies.

If it was Superman in the comics...

Ye Ren remembered clearly that it was absolutely invincible.

Broken planet is like playing.

"Can I also reach that level? It's really exciting."

Ye Ren's heart became hot.

"Oh, why are you walking without looking at the road?"

"Why did you stop suddenly?"

Qin Ran glared at Ye Ren angrily.

Good guy.

You are the first to blame me!

"your hair…"

Ye Ren suddenly noticed that Qinran's short blue hair seemed to be emitting light.

Very faint, very soft.

not only that.

And her eyes, those deep and beautiful blue eyes.

There is also a faint fluorescence in the emission.

"Hmph, isn't it pretty?"

"light pollution."

"Hey! Isn't it pretty?"

Ye Ren replied perfunctorily a few times, among the group of black-haired and black-eyed people around him.

Qin Ran was indeed very eye-catching.

"Ye Ren, are you hungry, let's go to the snack street to play."

"When are you going to go back..."

"Tsk, will staying with me for a while longer make you feel wronged?"

Qin Ran stomped her feet angrily.

No one else has a chance to date me.

It's not like Ye Ren.

As if eager to stay away from myself.

"Today you acted as a sandbag for me, I treat you to dinner, elbow!"


Ye Ren sighed and followed behind Qinran.

Watching her bouncing into the snack street, it's meal time, and this snack street is quite famous.

It can be said to be overcrowded.

And basically all of them are young couples.

Seeing the sweet faces of those dogs and men, Ye Ren couldn't help but feel weird.

"Hey, Ye Ren, do you want to eat..."

Qin Ran was bouncing up and down, but suddenly she was hit on the shoulder by someone passing by, and she staggered.

(A new day, look forward to Huahua and Tickets, if you will)

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