Martial Arts Prodigy? Sorry I'm Kryptonian

Chapter 83: Qinran Is Missing, The Fire-Breathing Power

The little girl guessed casually, and she was actually right.

Ye Ren just shrugged.

The squad leader also looked at Ye Ren with a smile on his lips, and said softly:

"you are awesome."

Ye Ren was calm on the surface, but he was already laughing inwardly.


After exploring the area behind.

The three of them were almost at the exit of the haunted house, but a person had to be sent here to get the key.

The other people go to the next door to operate the mechanism, and cooperate to open the container with the key.

"Who is going?"

Ye Ren looked at the two girls.

"I'll go."

Qin Ran took the initiative to invite Ying, and she happily walked into the room with her little hands raised.

This was supposed to be the final level.

Just take out the key and it's over.

So it's not that difficult.

But when Ye Ren and the others pressed the button and waited for a while, they couldn't wait for Qin Ran.

He sensed something was wrong, and frowned to see through it.

There was no sign of Qin Ran in the entire haunted house.


Ye Ren's heart sank.

Qinran, she, there should be no accident.

The squad leader showed a puzzled expression, and after Ye Ren explained the situation to her, she also became nervous.

"Shall we call the police?"

28 "It's too wait for me outside first, and I'll save her."

After finishing speaking, Ye Ren closed his eyes and raised his ears, held his breath, and caught Qin Ran's voice in an instant.

Found it, over there!

With this superhuman body, Ye Ren directly smashed through the layers of buildings.

Things happened in a hurry, and there was no time to get out of the exit.

"Bastard! Let me go!"

Qin Ran lowered her head weakly, and was moved at high speed by a strange man under his arm.

She would have happily gone to get the key.

As a result, a shot of a muscle relaxant was shot into her neck from the shadows.

Now her body is not in control.

It is also impossible to condense the Qi in the body to stimulate the power of the blood.

The only thing that can be done is to speak up.


The man let out a mocking low laugh.

The speed is even faster.

He was running towards a place where no one was there, and he was getting farther and farther away from the haunted house.

Qin Ran couldn't help feeling a surge of despair.

at this time--

There was a bang.

The outer wall of the haunted house was shattered, Ye Ren kept a straight face, and met Qin Ran's eyes from a distance of several thousand meters.

There was another loud bang.

Qinran only felt a blur in front of her eyes.

next moment.

He soars into the air.

The feeble body turned several times in the sky, and was finally caught firmly by Ye Ren.

"Are you all right?"

Looking at Ye Ren who was close at hand, Qin Ran's eyes turned red.

When I was most afraid.

He did appear.

Ye Ren glanced through Qinran's body with a glance, and he was relieved when he found that there was nothing serious.

The squad leader also ran towards this side at this time.

She is light.

The moment the toes fell to the ground, the whole person flew seven or eight meters away from the ground.

"She gave it to you."

Ye Ren handed Qinran to the monitor to take care of him.

He walked towards the murderer who kidnapped Qin Ran.


Because he was afraid of hurting the class monitor, Ye Ren lost all his strength just now.

But even so.

The man was still to the point of almost falling apart.

At this moment, he clutched his chest and struggled to get up from the ground, and he clearly knew that...

I broke four or five ribs, and I guess I'm going to be cold.


Seeing Ye Ren approaching, he suddenly opened his mouth and exhaled a scalding flame, covering several square meters.

Orange Red's flames engulfed Ye Ren in the blink of an eye.


Ye Ren made it through the flames unscathed.

The clothes on his upper body were scorched, and his skin was stained with fast-extinguishing flames.

The murderer's pupils shrank.

Those eyes were full of horror and fear.

How can anyone not be afraid of being burned?

The human body can't last five seconds in such a sea of ​​fire, the skin will be dissolved, and the muscles will be turned into coke.

Even supernatural beings are no exception.

However, Ye Ren greatly exceeded his expectations.



Ye Ren landed an uppercut on his jaw.

Despite the effort.

But his jaw was directly shattered, leaving only a bit of skin connected to the upper jaw.

The murderer fell to the ground.

Twitching and wailing from the excruciating pain.

At this time, a large number of Special Affairs Bureau operatives surrounded the area, and aimed their guns at the murderer on the ground.

"Thank you again, Ye Ren."

The assistant of the Forest Bureau was also among them, and he said with a wry smile or gratitude.

Ye Ren waved his hand casually.

Signal to get the people away quickly and finish the work, don't spoil their mood here to play.

Just when the police were preparing to inject the murderer with a tranquilizer.

Suddenly there was a burst of flames.

An operator closest to him let out a shrill scream.

He turned into a Pyro almost instantly.

The assistants' faces changed, and they subconsciously let out an exclamation.

But facing the raging flames, they couldn't even get close.

The operator who was full of desire screamed.

It only took a few seconds for the terrible heat to completely burn his skin.

Qin Ran's beautiful eyes widened, and her eyes were full of anxiety.

Small doses of muscle relaxants don't last long for a martial artist of her level.

But at this moment, she can only barely stimulate the power of blood.

Let the temperature of the surrounding air drop a little.


Ye Ren repeated the same trick, blowing out a mouthful of White Frost, and Qian Yuan, who was covered in fire, survived.

A thick layer of hoarfrost condensed on his body.

It seems that if the temperature is lower, it can directly enter the state of ice sculpture.

Just when everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

But Ye Ren saw the murderer whose jaw was broken and whose whole face looked like a ghost.

Trembling, he took out a strange syringe from his trouser pocket.

Aiming at the heart is a sudden thrust.

Immediately afterwards.

The murderer showed a painful and hideous expression.

His eyes, nose, ears... Every hole in his body is bursting with orange flames.

In half a breath, the orange-red flame gradually turned into white.

This also means that the temperature of the flame has reached an astonishing 4000°C or more.

"Abaa baaaaa..."

Because the jaw was knocked off by Ye Ren, the fire-breathing superhuman murderer couldn't understand what he was saying at this time.

But judging from his hideous and terrifying face.

That's definitely not a good thing to say.

At the same time, the surface of the supernatural being's skin showed a black charred appearance.

Even he himself has begun to be unable to withstand the flames of this temperature.

It's too late to say it.

The fire-breathing power user suddenly exploded from the inside.

At the same time as four or five split.

The flame that was supposed to expand and explode, was compressed into a column under his final drive.

It's like a volcano.

The smaller the hole, the greater the power.

Ye Ren's pupils shrank, but the fire wasn't directed at him.


Qin Ran!

(Hey, please make a first order, there will be more in a while~).

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