Martial Arts Prodigy? Sorry I'm Kryptonian

Chapter 90: Big Climax, Ye Ren's Wrath

"Only by doing this, can I have a future with you, Ye Ren."

"The monitor I like won't kill innocent people, if you hurt Qin Ran..."

Ye Ren didn't continue.

It's just that extremely disappointed look in the eyes made the squad leader feel a tingle in his heart.

She felt the violent energy expanding.

For a moment, the squad leader showed a painful expression. Is it an illusion? It feels even more difficult to restrain.

"Sister Hutao, you are so hot."

Qin Ran exclaimed.

She actually saw a golden glow faintly under the monitor's skin.


The squad leader was in pain.


If he killed Qin Ran in front of Ye Ren, he would definitely not accept him again.

So the so-called freedom.

That is...

Not much to look forward to.

"Rebelling against's really ridiculous..."

The squad leader let go of his hand with a low smile.

Two lines of bitter tears slid down the cheeks.

From the beginning.

I am just a tool made artificially, a one-time consumable.

the meaning of its own existence.

It is to complete the mission of the tool at the determined time and place.

Such myself.

Destiny is doomed from birth.

that sad fate.

It cannot be rewritten... A tool should not give birth to feelings 800.

Tools should not have expectations about the future.

Tools are just tools.

When she let go, Qinran subconsciously ran away, and at the same time.

"Bang! Bang!"

Two muffled sounds sounded almost simultaneously.

A bullet hit Ye Ren in the neck, but was shattered by the recoil on contact.

Another sniper bullet hit the monitor's chest.

The bullet came out through the body.

The blood splashed out with flesh foam.

Where the heart should have been, there was only a huge wound left.


The squad leader's body was raised by inertia, and then fell heavily to the ground.

That Black's long hair was fluttering, stained with dust.

The empty eyes are blurred, because they have lost their brilliance.

There was no expression on that bloodless little face, like a broken puppet.


Ye Ren's pupils shrunk completely into needles.

all of these.

It all happens in an instant.

Ye Ren saw it, but he couldn't keep up with the speed.

His trembling hands froze in the air.


If only a little faster.

He was able to stop that bullet just now.


he growled. (ciaa) The gravel on the ground trembled slowly under the invisible force field.

Dust stained red with blood.

Slowly floated into the sky.

Ye Ren knelt in front of the squad leader, roaring ferociously, venting.

His neck and face were covered with veins.

His lips were bleeding from his own bite, and his nails dug into his palms.


Ye Ren appeared in front of the shooting sniper as if teleporting.

Like grabbing an ant from the ground.

He grabbed the sniper with one hand.

After ripping off his bulletproof helmet, what Ye Ren saw was a terrified Common face.

this moment.

The anger in Ye Ren's pupils almost swallowed his reason.

"Ye Ren, stop, don't do stupid things..."

Bureau Lin advised with cold sweat, the speed of Ye Ren's explosion just now.

Even he couldn't see clearly.

"If you kill him, you are a criminal, don't provoke the law, Ye Ren, calm down!"


Ye Ren made a hoarse voice from his throat.

Blood trickled down the corner of his mouth.

"I've been suppressing myself... when I can do anything, but I don't..."

"I thought I was Superman, but killed the person I cared about the most!"

At this moment Ye Ren felt empty in his heart.

He is an orphan.

Both lifetimes.

Only here, he has a monitor and a girl who really loves him.

but now.

she died.

"You took everything from me, and now I want to..."

Bureau Lin's pupils shrank.

Seeing that Ye Ren is about to step into the abyss.

"Please, don't!!!"

Qin Ran's sharp cry stopped Ye Ren's clenched hands.


The sniper's head would turn into a puddle of flesh.

"I, I have children...please...let me go..."

he cried out in fear.

He was the father of a child, the husband of a wife.

He has his own family.

Two lines of tears slid down his hideous face.

There was a snap.

He let go of his hand, and returned to the squad leader's body precariously.


Bureau Forest heaved a sigh of relief.

His eyes signaled the sniper to leave here quickly, the farther the better.

"Ye Ren..."

Qin Ran also cried, and Blue's pupils swayed under the crystal tears.

She came over and knelt down next to the squad leader's body.

for a while.

Only Ye Ren and Qin Ran were sobbing weakly in the whole picture.

"sorry Sorry..."

Qin Ran didn't know why she had to apologize.

She just feels sad and miserable.

When she saw Ye Ren burst into tears, she also burst into tears.

"Cough, cough, cough..."

At this moment, the squad leader actually coughed a few times as if returning to the past.

Ye Ren's crying stopped abruptly.

He widened his eyes in disbelief, seeing that the squad leader was still alive?

"You... hurry... go..."

The squad leader coughed up a mouthful of blood, and Red's blood shone with golden light.

The surrounding radiation index soared.

The moment the blood made contact with the ground, there was a popping sound.

The monitor's body.


"I'm about... I can't hold it anymore... Hurry... Go away..."

Every word she said was extremely difficult.

The energy in her body kept her from dying completely.

But it made her life worse than death. The violent energy in her body was completely out of the monitor's control.

this moment.

She remembered the inhibitor her father had given her three days ago.

It might be it.


Heat and heat radiation shot through the air.

The large hole in the squad leader's chest continuously released nuclear fusion energy.

It would be a horrible nuclear explosion.

"Take Mr. Qin and Miss Qinran away!"

The Bureau of Forestry also noticed something was wrong, so he hurriedly asked the officers to take Mr. Qin and the others away.


"I do not go!"

"I'm not leaving either!"

The front is what Ye Ren said, and the back is what Qin Ran said.

Mr. Qin was forcefully pulled away by the people in the special situation, and he didn't listen to his country's scolding at all.

As for Ye Ren and Qin Ran.

No one dared to get close to them, and they were all afraid of being directly killed by the mad Ye Ren.

Qin Ran gritted her teeth and asked her grandfather to follow Bureau Lin and the others to leave first. She was going to

"Fight it!"


Qin Ran tried her best to stimulate the power of the blood, and layers of frost appeared on the surface of her body for a while.

Her Blue pupils turned into ice Blue at this moment.

A piece of short hair grew wildly, and in the blink of an eye it grew to more than half a meter long.

The color of the long hair has also become a highlight gradient from Blue to ice blue.

"I can, cool you down! I can!"

Qin Ran knelt beside the monitor, and put her hands on the monitor's chest.


The golden light in the squad leader's wound exudes extremely high temperature.

Qinran's hands were burned. .

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