Martial Arts: Start Stealing the Talent of the Undead Divine Phoenix

Chapter 174 : Like the figure of the Devil God, the world's three pillar gods come! (2/5 ask fo

"The sky has fallen?"

"Fuck, what was that just now?"

"I feel like I heard Long Yin!"

The city began to clamor, and many smart people even began to evacuate this dangerous city.

Fang Wen didn't go to see the demon's death method, turned his head to look at the tree demon on the ground, and said faintly:

"Don't you run?"

How dare I run!

The tree demon had a complicated expression. Looking at the three evil dragons of Chaos that were pressing on him, they still chose to succumb.

"I surrender!"

The tree demon surrendered decisively, and under Fang Wen's order, began to take out the shadow crystals and continued the ritual!

Although I don't know why Fang Wen dared to release such a terrifying existence, the tree demon has no choice.


The terrifying shadow power began to gather, and the whole house, and even the whole city, began to darken!

It seems that there are these huge pairs of eyes looking at the city!

The dark clouds in the sky began to gather, and the terrifying shadows took away the sound and vitality, and everything was quiet!

Taste the taste!

The spiral shadow channel slowly turned and gradually expanded, and even the house couldn't fit, and the house was broken. The straight "zero six zero" was five meters long!


The ceremony of linking points is completely completed!

A huge finger with dark lines formed by the concentration of shadow energy appeared from the other end of the passage!

Seems to be tentative?

A finger is five meters in diameter, and you can imagine how huge its original body is!

In an instant, countless shadows gush out like a tide, and the terrifying aura spreads, as if to swallow the world and plunge the world into eternal night!

The powerhouse of the shadow dimension,


"The golden general of the shadow, great!"

The Tree Demon was pleasantly surprised when he saw this scene, but when he saw Fang Wen's faint smile, a bad premonition emerged in his heart!


Why is Fang Wen not panicking at all?

Is it possible to have a hole card?

No, I have to interfere with him!

So a trace of worry flashed across the tree devil's rotten face, and he said:

"His Royal Highness, this is the golden general of the Shadow, who is a top powerhouse who has fought for years and has experienced hundreds of battles, or you should retreat first.

Although I joined the Ten Thousand Demons Association, it was a helpless move. In fact, I also hope that the human race will continue to be strong, or ask some strong people to take action together!"

The tree demon seems to give up the dark and cast the light, in fact, while leaving a way for himself, it is also to prevent Fang Wen from breaking the plane channel with any hole cards.

As long as this powerful person can appear, the mission will naturally succeed!

Old treacherous and cunning, what he describes is his kind of human spirit!

However, Fang Wen just chuckled and said:

"I'm leaving, then who will sacrifice my Sundial Sword?"


What a big tone!

The tree demon was also stunned by Fang Wen's domineering, and when he wanted to continue speaking, the three chaotic dragons on the side directly slapped it with a paw and slapped it into the ground.


When the master speaks, where is your turn to talk nonsense!


The strong man at the shadow channel also heard Fang Wen's words.As a shadow plane that has fought the main world for many years, he naturally understands human language!

It sensed that Fang Wen's breath was only a celestial sign, and it was extremely angry and smiled:

"Human, you will pay for your arrogance!"

"I know how arrogant I am!"

Fang Wen just chuckled at this:

"Speaking of you, are you too fat, so you can't get out of the passage, hahaha!"

"Stupid provocative means!"

The dark general of the shadow came out, although the tone was calm, but he could feel the terrifying anger hidden in it, like a volcano!

The huge shadow fingers, like a mountain range across the sky, pressed towards Fang Wen, and the diffused breath instantly shattered the nearby houses.

Huge shadow energy accompanies it, beating like a tsunami.

Once it is crushed, even the lofty mountains will be crushed and become children's fans!

However, Fang Wen faced such a terrifying attack with a calm expression, and slowly drew out the Sundial Knife.

The scorching high temperature permeated, and the air temperature in a radius of several kilometers began to ascending!

Sun Chaser is also excited!

It is eager to kill the strong!

"The end of everything!"

Fang Wen waved the sun-sharing knife in his hand, cut out the blade of the sword, and merged with the ultimate destruction of all things.

Even as Fang Wen continued to fight, the mood of destruction in his heart had already sublimated!

Turned into a trend of destruction!

Just like the general trend of Taotao, it is crushed!

All who block it will be destroyed!

ーThe sword is cut out, as if the Demon God of the World Exterminator is about to harvest the lives of all living beings!

"What kind of power is this!"

The shadow general at the end of the shadow channel also found that it was wrong.

Fang Wen said lightly:

"Cut it off!

The moment the words fell, the blade of destruction hit the finger of the shadow power!


The Shadow Shield was easily crushed by the destruction, like splitting paper, and instantly tore the hard fingers comparable to Divine Armament!


The huge finger broke and crashed to the ground, splashing with smoke and dust in the sky.

The black blood splashing with the essence of shadow energy instantly corroded a large number of houses, and a few of them fell on the Sunzhe Knife.


And the Sunshine Sword also quivered with surprise, that was the desire to kill the strong!

And on the other side of the shadow passage, he didn't expect that this guy who he thought was an ant could cut off his own finger.

There was a roar full of murderous intent:

"How can it be! Damn it, I'm going to kill you!"

The sound of Zhendeaf's spitting sound made the entire Hangzhou city heard the roar.Many people were so scared that their legs were soft and collapsed, as if they saw a supreme powerhouse with killing intent coming!

Whether it is the Earth Soul Rank or the Celestial Elephant Rank, facing this force, the soul begins to tremble!

Golden body strong!

And Fang Wen just said indifferently:

"Then come out, don't hide in the shadow world as a tortoise!"

"Damn it guy!"

The end of the passage became more and more angry, and the door of the shadow world also expanded, and it was forcibly opened by two huge palms!

Countless shadows gathered and turned into a shadow world, covering an entire city of Hangzhou!

A huge, pitch-black warrior wearing pitch-black armor and holding a huge long sword.


The breath of horror rose to the sky, causing the sky to be densely covered with dark clouds and the thunder flashing, just like a doomsday scene!

And it is a great shadow general!

Behind him, the shadow channel did not close, and the sound of steel armor was heard, and it seemed that the shadow legion was also preparing to come out.

"What the hell is that?"

"Help, why do monsters appear?"

"What exactly is going on?"

The entire Hangzhou city was in panic and began to evacuate this part of the city.

The shadow general of the golden rank!

Who can match?

"Weak humans!"

The dark face of General Shadow looked down on the fleeing human beings on the ground, and the originally broken fingers turned into a puddle of liquid, which flowed back into his body and grew back.

Undefeated golden body and rebirth with severed fingers are just basic operations!

The Shadow General sneered: "It's ridiculous that you can occupy the main world!

Seeing this scene, the tree demon on the side couldn't help shouting:

"My lord, save me, I am a member of the Ten Thousand Demons Association!"

The shadow general closed his eyes and said faintly:

"Trash, Linking Yinben can't do this little thing well!"

After that, the shadow power turned into a poisonous snake, seeming to want to swallow the tree demon, but before it got close, it was broken to pieces by Fang Wen.

"Jie, good strength"

The Shadow General looked at Fang Wen on the ground and let out a weird laugh. The horrible shadow force oppressed Fang Wen and turned it into a cage to trap Fang Wen. At the same time, he stretched out his giant hand to cover the sky and said sternly:

1.5 "But if you dare to provoke me, it will make you feel desperate!'

While speaking, countless shadow powers in the palms of the hand gathered, and Fang Wen could not use his full strength before being cut off by Fang Wen!

Now on the same plane, Fang Wen will definitely die!

It wants to kill Fang Wen with the momentum of thunder, then swallow an entire human city, and meet with the rest of the companions before the kings arrive, attract more powerful existences, and seize the main world!

"go to hell!"

It seemed that the palm covering the world was snapped, but Fang Wen was still indifferent to this, and said playfully:

"Sorry, you are fooled!"


The Great Shadow General's offensive continued, but suddenly the space in front of him shifted, and he came to an empty and desolate land!

The law of horror was suppressed, and instantly suppressed half of his power, and even isolated the source of power in the shadow world!

"How is this going?""

When the Shadow General was shocked, Fang Wen's phantom appeared in front of him, slowly speaking:

"Welcome to my world!"

At the same time, the divine phoenix in the sky, the mechanical gods on the earth, and the ancient King Heavenly Demon revived.

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