Martial Arts: Start Stealing the Talent of the Undead Divine Phoenix

Chapter 642 : Eternal God Dragon, Immortal God Phoenix! (seeking collection! seeking subscription!)

As for what kind of method this is, it is inconvenient for us to tell the son. "

Too high Elder still kept his hand, his eyes fell on Fang Wen, as if waiting for Fang Wen's next answer.

However, Fang Wen just nodded casually, and did not continue to question.

"You can leave temporarily if there is nothing wrong with the son. This is a place where some of our old things are cleaned up. It is not appropriate for the son to stay here all the time."

"Okay, if there is any problem, I will continue to come back to look for you, but I have to remind you that you don't have to start this thing. This spirit mine is indeed of great benefit to you, but it is falling in the sky. Is the cake business really that easy?"

After Fang Wen said this, his figure disappeared instantly.

The enchantment Fang Wen left behind was also disappearing. Several Taishang Elder stood there and took a look at the place where Fang Wen had disappeared. A trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

"What do you mean by that son?"

A white-robed lady Elder spoke. He didn't speak until now.

Fang Wen's 360 sentences brought them a lot of information.

I originally planned to directly use Fang Wen's spiritual mine cultivation after Fang Wen left, but who would have thought that such a thing would happen?

"Boss, what do you think of us?"

"This young man has no need to lie to us at all. With his strength, he can come and go freely. Compared to our strength, it seems that this thing is also a hot potato."

"Then what should we do now? This thing has been in our hands, and the little guys below have tried their best to snatch it. This thing is also of great benefit to me (bgbh). How should we explain the return of the things at this time?"

Hearing what the guy next to him said, the leader, too, Elder fell silent for a while.

They have not left here for such a long time, and their purpose is to reduce the consumption of resources.

Now that they have finally taken out so many spirit mines, it is also a good thing for them.

If all spirit mines can be used, they can reach another height in the shortest time.

But now after listening to what Fang Wen said, they suddenly hesitated.

"No matter, since this young man has already said that, let's find a way to send this hot potato. It doesn't make any sense to keep such a thing in our hands."

Hearing what the leader Elder said, the other elders could only nod their heads.

For them, life is the most important thing.

If life is gone, what else can we talk about?

Anyway, only a few of them know the inside story now. Throw this hot potato out and let the other Sects continue in Neijiang.

"Go and call that kid up, and then tell him what's going on here, let him handle it by himself."

"I'm almost done packing, right? You have been wasting a few days here, do you really think I have so much patience?"

Gui Mingji glanced impatiently at the hesitant Tian Xuanji and others in front of him.

Fang Wen didn't know where she went. She asked Shenzong these guys, these guys are facing her with the same posture, which made her very annoyed now.

"We have already packed up, but even if we want to leave from here, we have to wait for the son to come back, right?"

Tian Xuanji couldn't help but say something.

Lu Luoyi and the glacier beside him were very calm, and even Soul Magical Beasts couldn't see the slightest nervousness.

They may not know how terrible the woman in front of them is.

"Where did your boss go? Don't tell me you don't know where he is.

The Ghost Festival's eyes fell on the soul Magical Beasts.

The breath of Magical Beasts is the closest to Fang Wen. As for Luluoyi and Glacier, they can at best follow Fang Wen halfway.

In this regard, Gui Mingji has absolute confidence, and she will never make any mistakes in her judgment.

"I don't know where the temple went. If Miss is really anxious, then you can take Shenzong and others to leave first, and we will follow up soon."

Listening to the words said by Magical Beasts, the soul in front of him, the sky mysterious machine on the side didn't strike out.

These guys obviously pushed them into the fire pit.

Can't these guys think about their feelings before they speak?

"His Royal Highness? You haven't told me exactly what identity this guy is."

The Ghost Sacrifice captures another delightful word in Magical Beasts.

When talking with Soul Magical Beasts a long time ago, she noticed Soul Magical Beasts's name for Fang Wen, but no matter how she asked, Soul Magical Beasts didn't reveal any wind.

At the moment, Magical Beasts finally spoke up again, she didn't want to let this opportunity pass by anything she said.

"His Royal Highness is His Royal Highness. As for the others, there is no comment."

"I warn you, don't go too far!".

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