Martial Arts: Start Stealing the Talent of the Undead Divine Phoenix

Chapter 801 : Flesh and Flesh Heavenly Dao, Dark Angel! (Favorite! Subscribe!)

The voice of this guy in front of me is female, but it's a pity that I can't distinguish it.

After Yinhen heard what she said, she turned around and glanced at the person behind her subconsciously.

"Old lady, what can I eat here?"

"The old lady can find out what you want to eat, but the price may not be that simple.

Hearing what the person in front of him said, Fang Wen nodded his head casually. Before he could say anything, the Tian Xuan Ji on the side took the initiative to speak out for him.

"Bring up all the best things you have here, money is not a problem.

Hearing what Tian Xuanji said, the old woman nodded, and her figure disappeared in the same place in an instant.Before she disappeared, fog appeared at the door. They seemed like Life was in the fog, except that they could rely on the fog. There seems to be no other way to find them.

"It's true this time, right? I don't need my reminder?"

After the old woman left, Yinhen turned her gaze to the Gui Mingji who was aside. Hearing what Yinhen said, Gui Mingji couldn't help taking a breath of air-conditioning.

She felt very real this time. Although the old woman in front of her was indeed real, she didn't feel a trace of anger from the old woman in front of her.

Is this old woman really dead?

"Why does this happen?"

Hearing this question of Gui Ming Ji, Fang Wen on the side also shook his head.

"Here, including the entire interior of the inn, there is a strong sense of death, but the only human thing here is that those guys actually posted signs outside to prevent anyone from entering. It seems that they don't want to involve more people. in,"."

Hearing what Fang Wen said, Gui Mingji couldn't help but nodded.

Tian Xuanji on the side looked helplessly at Gui Mingji, trying to suppress the anger in his eyes.

"Don't look at me with such eyes."

"I didn't mean it."

Tian Xuanji and Gui Mingji looked at each other, and the two of them shifted their gazes particularly tacitly.

"After all, you are not to blame for this matter. People have already posted a reminder at the door. You have to clamor to bring us all in. Are you okay now? There is a problem like this."

"Did I let you in with me? After all, it was not because you were afraid of standing outside by yourself. Speaking of which, the biggest reason is still with you. You can grow your heart."

After hearing what Gui Mingji said, Tian Xuanji's face was embarrassed. He really didn't expect Gui Mingji to see Own's heart so thoroughly.

Anyway, he regrets it now. He knew that he shouldn't have come in with them. It was safer to stay outside with them than to come in with them.

"This place is indeed more complicated than we thought, so you still stay in the room honestly and don't run around. If something goes wrong, don't blame me for not coming out to save you."

Hearing what Fang Wen said, the ghost festival on the side couldn't help frowning.Is this guy saying this a bit too irresponsible?

"Didn't you say you want to ensure our safety? What do you mean by that? Isn't it a bit too much for you to say this?"

Fang Wen sighed helplessly when he heard what the Ghost Festival said.

"I just said it casually. The most important thing is that I hope you don't run out."

"Anyway, we are leaving from here tomorrow. We shouldn't be stupid enough to run out this evening."

After Guimingji said these words, she turned around and walked into the small room on the side. She closed the door with her backhand and proved her own attitude tonight with actual actions.

The Tian Xuan Ji on the side followed Calabash's painting of a scoop, walked to the opposite room, and watched the two of them walk into the room honestly, Fang Wen fixed his eyes on the emperor on the side.

". "You go back too, don't come out tonight. "

Listening to what Fang Wen said, the emperor in front of her nodded without any hesitation.

After waiting for them to return to the room, Fang Wen opened their windows.

The city outside was already covered by smoke, and others couldn't see the movement in it at all.

(Good promise) Fang Wen frowned, trying to identify the existence in the mist, and there were some weird lights in his eyes.

"Aren't those guys saying that there is a Phoenix clan here? I don't feel anything. Even if they want to make up nonsense, they have to make up a credible one, right?

The three evil dragons stood behind Fang Wen and couldn't help but mutter. As soon as his voice fell, Fang Wen's eyes fell on him. I don't know why, Fang Wen looked at him with a horror, and he always felt that there was something. What a bad thing.

"His Royal Highness, did I say something wrong?"

"Put away the power of your blood, don't let other people feel it." shop.

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