Martial Arts: Start Stealing the Talent of the Undead Divine Phoenix

Chapter 804 : The land of proof, the king of the tomb king

The bloody aura exuding from Fang Wen in front of him was exactly the same as their Phoenix family. He really couldn't understand where the guy in front of him jumped out.

Not only that, the blood aura exuded by Fang Wen is many times stronger than him. You must know that his blood is one of the few in the race. Fang Wen in front of him wants to suppress his blood. It can be done simply.

The Phoenix clan left over in this world was originally rare, and the Fang Wen in front of him did not show any relationship with the Phoenix clan before.

"who are you?"

The thoughts in the brain "Zi Yi San" are very confused, and this guy can't see the identity of Fang Wen in front of him?

Not only that, he can't even feel Fang Wen's true strength.

"I have made it very clear just now. You will stay here honestly later, and you can take us directly to the imperial city after dawn tomorrow."

Hearing what Fang Wen said, even if the guy in front of him was reluctant, he could only nod his head and agree.

As soon as his action fell, the black flames surrounding him disappeared. At the same time, Fang Wen disappeared.

This guy stood there honestly, and didn't even have the idea of ​​leaving here.

No way, the strength that Fang Wen showed just now has given him enough shock. Now he really doesn't dare to leave this ghost place casually.

In the early morning of this day, this guy was a little impatient in waiting, but fortunately Fang Wen's figure appeared at the right time.

Looking at the few people following Fang Wen, there was a look of anger on this guy's face. He felt the silver trace and the blood from the three evil dragons. He did not expect that Fang Wen would still follow such two The dragon family.

"The blood and aura in your body belong to the Phoenix clan. Why do you stay with the dragon clan? Don't you know that our two clans have always been at odds?

This guy has forgotten the shock Fang Wen gave her last night. He spoke so angrily at this juncture. After hearing what he said, Fang Wen's eyes flashed with an inexplicable light.

"Who do you think you are talking to, I don't have your turn to take care of what I do.

After hearing what Fang Wen said, the guy's face suddenly turned pale. He felt his own bloodline was suppressed again. Looking at Fang Wen in front of him, he could only suppress the impatience in his heart. .

"Okay, don't waste time here, take us there quickly.

Hearing what Fang Wen said, even if the guy in front of him had too much reluctance, he could only honestly nod his head and agree.

They swiftly moved towards the imperial city, with Fang Wen's flame, accelerated, but within half a day, their figures appeared in the imperial city.

"After seeing me last night, you should have sent the news back here, right?"

Hearing what Fang Wen said next to him, the guy in front of him shook his head quickly.

"If I spread the news, it would be impossible for me to be there today. The blood and aura on your body is really weird, so I am not ready to tell them the news for the time being."

Hearing what the guy in front of him said, Fang Wen shook his head helplessly.

I have to say, this guy is really timid...

"Take me directly to meet your bosses."

Fang Wen's remarks were very direct, but the guy in front of him became hesitant. He didn't know if he should take Fang Wen over and deal with those guys with Fang Wen's strength. It shouldn't be a difficult task.

What he is most worried about is that Fang Wen will help these dragons deal with their Phoenix clan.

Thinking of this question, the man hesitated.

"What's inconvenient?"

Fang Wen looked at the guy in front of him with a smile but a smile.This guy may not be very good at his brain.Don't he know that even if he doesn't take the initiative to find the door, will those guys come and find them after a long time?

"Okay, since it's inconvenient for you, then go quickly."

Hearing what Fang Wen said in front of him, the guy in front of him nodded hesitantly.

He had actually guessed what Fang Wen wanted to do next, but he didn't dare to stop Fang Wen at all. With Fang Wen's 1.8 power, he could not make any rebuttal in front of Fang Wen.

"Get out of here, coward.

Magical Beasts, the soul on the side, suddenly sneered.

Hearing this, the guy's pace of leaving paused.

He turned around and looked at this soul Magical Beasts angrily. Just as he was about to do his hands, a figure suddenly appeared beside him.

"I didn't expect your Excellency to come so fast. I thought you would lose a lot of time on the road."

"How can I waste time? My interest in you is more than that of a few of them. How about, don't you plan to do my best as a landlord?"

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