Martial Arts: Start Stealing the Talent of the Undead Divine Phoenix

Chapter 812 : Samsara Codex, Supreme Sword! (For collection! For subscription!)

Seeing that Fang Wen was about to go in with him, Yin Hen hurriedly pulled Fang Wen's sleeves and said to him quickly:

"They don't look like good people, no, they shouldn't look like good monsters!"

"If we just follow in like this, will we be in danger?'

"Moreover, this place is very evil. There are usually many people who died unjustly in the palace, and they may form ghosts!"

Yinhen, right now, he was also beating the drums in his heart. He was worried about Fang Wen, so he followed in.

But now they broke the illusion, but found these people inside.

And these people don't look like good people at first sight, they are only two people who are weak and weak.

If the other party wants to attack them, they can't even resist.

This is not good, and this is still other people's territory.

What if there are any organs or formations in 053, what should they do?

There is no way at all, and there is no need to take this risk.

It's better to go out and find your teammates and go in with them. At least there will be someone who can help you when you are in danger.

Unlike the two of them who can take care of themselves when they go in, there is no way to resist if they are in danger.

"Don't worry, Ghost Qi is not a threat to us. As long as they are not afraid of these things, they can't hurt us, and the people in this palace are probably killed by these people."

"We also need to find out. If they are really evil ghosts, we can also get rid of these things in advance!"

"Don't let them continue to cultivate here, otherwise, their Cultivation Base will become more and more powerful, and it will cause disaster in the future!"

Fang Wen quickly spoke when he patted (bgbi) Yinhen.

He wasn't very scared. It didn't always look a little gloomy here, as if it was giving them psychological pressure and making them retreat quickly.

But generally such a place is not very dangerous.In Fang Wen's opinion, these are just a few young people, and no matter how powerful the boss here is, he is not their opponent?

Fang Wen still has this self-confidence. Having encountered so many demon ghosts over the years, it hasn't been a peaceful and stable life!

Nothing like this evil can become a big climate. Even if you don't meet yourself, you will meet other people.

These things are not tolerated, they will appear because of too many killings and too much resentment.

Moreover, the desire of human beings is also their food to increase the Cultivation Base, and they rely on these advancements without any disadvantage.

But this is just a side-by-side approach. It's not like those ghost cultivators. It's better to get rid of the practical cultivation as soon as possible.

"Well, since you have already said that, let's go in and take a look. Anyway, we have already come here, and this palace is really weird. You should check it carefully!"

"Obviously it is a palace that should be bustling and lively. There is no one living person. I don't know if these people were killed or something happened!"

"Since we have all encountered this, it is considered fate. Why don't we find out what happened here?"

"But we also have to pay attention to our own safety. This is so weird, can't it be folded here!"

Yinhen nodded when he heard Fang Wen's words.

He knew that he couldn't persuade Fang Wen, he could only come in with Fang Wen, it is impossible to let Fang Wen come in alone!

Among them, only own Cultivation Base is slightly more powerful, and can follow Fang Wen to act together, plus Fang Wen's protection, he is not afraid of these Ghost Qi.

This is already an excellent condition. Since Fang Wen insists on it, there is no need to hesitate anymore.

However, Yinhen feels that they still need to pay attention to safety, at least they must have some vigilance and protective measures. Fang Wen is too bold in these things!

There was nothing left, and he followed in alone.I don't know what these guys are plotting, and if there is anything particularly dangerous!

But now they have all followed in, and these people can't let them out. Yinhen knows that worrying is all in vain now. It's better to stay by Fang Wen's side. If something happens, he himself will be ahead.

"Don't worry about the two guests. Our king just wants to see you, and doesn't have any thoughts about you.

"Furthermore, this is also your initiative to come in, and it also destroyed the illusion formation arranged by the king. You have already destroyed the formation, and the king will naturally see you!

"After all, this formation has been in for so long, you are still the first to break the formation."

"I also saw humans for the first time since I was born. Our boss is very kind and won't hurt you!"

The two guides, hearing Fang Wen and Yinhen grunting behind them, they turned their heads and said to them with a smile.

It's unclear whether they are true or not, but their current attitude is still quite good.

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