Martial Arts: Start Stealing the Talent of the Undead Divine Phoenix

Chapter 827 : The ancient god is revived, the highest demon god! (seeking collection! seeking subscr

There is still no room for turning back on the road. "

"But if you continue, it is absolutely impossible to turn back. There is only a dead end. We are not afraid of you, are you very powerful?"

"If evil does not suppress righteousness, we will definitely be able to defeat you!"

Fang Wen could see that the king couldn't bear it anymore, and he continued to fan the flames.

This is his goal. As long as the busy person can't bear to attack himself, he will win. After all, this is the purpose of own.

And no matter how good the king's temper is, he can let him do it.

As long as I get the evidence, he will be able to go back and seek help, and he won't have to stay here again.

As for what? It will anger the king, so don't worry about it, and you won't be obedient.

Together, the two of them are not an opponent of a ghost? It may not win.

But it is absolutely no problem to escape, anyway, Fang Wen is absolutely impossible to let the king go.

What he wanted was to put this Ling Gui to death and let him be wiped out, and the king met himself.

It can be regarded as 093 he inverted, but if he converges a little, he would not have such determination.

But he killed so many people, Fang Wen couldn't let him go.

"Since you are so concerned about my results, then I will send you to the Yin Cao Jifu to take a look."

"Wait for you to go down first, even if I am really condemned by the heavens, it will be after you."

"I will not only kill you, but also let your souls fly away, if you do."

"You will no longer be able to threaten me. I may die, but you will definitely die. This kind of business will not lose money. Finally, someone will be buried with me."

"And anyway, you are going to report the secret. If that's the case, it's better to get rid of you first."

When the king heard Fang Wen and Yinhen's words, she couldn't help but shoot, she directly attacked the two and said.

The sky was full of excitement for a while, and the place that had been darkened by the sun became even darker and there was no light at all.

Moreover, the wind was blowing, and the whole person felt standing, but Fang Wen didn't feel that way.

She got what she wanted, but calmly dealt with it. While leaving the image, King Chao attacked the past.

But before he started, he still photographed an enchantment on Yinhen's body to protect Yinhen.

After all, the distance between Yinhen and them is too close, maybe it will be affected, and the current Cultivation Base of Yinhen faction.

It is really unstoppable, so it must be protected, otherwise, something will happen to the silver mark.

Ghost Qi invades the body of a living person, but it is very dangerous.

"Fang Wen, you must be careful. The opponent is a savage ghost, and he doesn't know that this place is much more convenient for him to fight than us."

"Our battlefield is not here, but now that we have already started, there is no way to turn back.

"If I can't win, I will withdraw as soon as possible. It's okay for the two of us to escape, but don't get caught up in the horns."

"You have to kill the other person alone, and there are still men."

"If (bgbi) if those little ghosts come, then we can run away to find a helper!"

Yinhen saw Fang Wen rushing over, and he quickly yelled at Fang Wen.

The two of them came in together, so they have to go out together. Could something happen midway?

That's why Yinhen was so worried about her, that Fang Wen was injured, and that Fang Wen would have an accident.

After all, Fang Wen and her are good friends. If Fang Wen really had an accident, then he would have a bad conscience.

Although he came with him, it was the most important fighting power, so Fang Wen still had to come.

It's a little troublesome to resist these Ghost Qi by myself, and it really doesn't help much.

And Fang Wen had already started fighting, and the golden light and the black mist crossed together for a while, and the outside looked very gorgeous.

But only those who are inside know how terrible it is. The two Guqi Gudang breaths collide together.

Wipe out sparks, burst out power, and stun the surrounding air.

And Yinhen stood unswervingly on the spot. Fortunately, Fang Wen arranged a barrier for him. Otherwise, he might have been bombed to the point of no bones.

But there was a burst of noise around, even though the ghosts had already rushed over.

But because they were not as strong as Fang Wen, the two of them couldn't help Yinhen's worry, and it didn't happen at all.

"These two thieves want to attack the king, we must find a way to help the king, and the king must not be able to do anything.

"Since we can't get close, let's solve the other one, since the two of them are here together.

"It will definitely matter. If you get rid of this person, the other one will probably be sad."

"At that time, the mind will be in a mess, maybe the king will be able to take advantage of the vacancy and take the opponent!"

At this time, one of the leading ghosts could not enter the battlefield, he turned his head and said to his opponent. .

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