Martial Arts: Start Stealing the Talent of the Undead Divine Phoenix

Chapter 833 : Death Authority, Primordial Magic Book! (For collection! For subscription!)

I really won't tell us, so I think since I can't find the news.

"Then go in and take a look. Fortunately, I didn't act recklessly at the time, otherwise I'm afraid I would really fall into someone else's trap."

After Fang Wen heard Yinhen's words, he also changed his face and said softly.

I did have this idea at the time and wanted to kill the king directly. After all, the opponent's strength was about the same as my own, as long as I paid a little attention.

With a little more explosive power, you can take down the king, and the monsters are caught by Tianke monsters.

So his chances are still great, but he didn't do that because he was afraid that the silver mark would be injured.

He was also afraid of falling into other people's traps.He hadn't found out what was going on yet?

I didn't get the news, how could something go wrong?

That's why he thought of retreating. After he beat the king back, he called Yinhen and left together~.

Who knew they didn't meet their good friends when they came out? They followed in together, but they disappeared.

But they have just sent a message, and people have gone back, this thing is indeed a bit strange.

Although I don't know what's going on here, but it's very family.

Maybe there is really a connection, then you have to wait for an opportunity to act.

"You are right. I sent someone through Nuannuanli two days ago, but no one came back. I have reported it here.

"That proves that someone is deliberately concealing it, and that this person's status is not low, just kill the big monster.

"It's useless, you have to pull out the people behind them and dispose of them all at once.

"Otherwise, I don't know what will happen next, and I dare to cooperate with the monsters to do evil.

"Then you have to be punished before you do it, and you can't kill the monster."

When Luo Zichuan heard that they both understood the meaning of own, he said with a calm face.

No matter how infighting Monster Catch? You shouldn't involve the monsters, let alone let the monsters do things for themselves.

Moreover, he did such a thing for not doing evil, which could not forgive him, he was already the manager of Monster Catch.

Let him have to be responsible for this identity, and he can still ignore it if he didn't find it, but he has found it now.

That would definitely not be able to do things without leaving, that is the entire palace people, unexpectedly died like this in vain.

It is necessary to find out the murderer behind the scenes. The monster killing is really useless. I don't know the person behind it.

What maddening things will be done, so it is best to root out this scourge and just explain it.

Other families want to fight inwardly, but want to hurt innocent people, that is absolutely not allowed.

"It is true. If the person behind him is really a demon catcher, then we must take precautions."

"And the opponent's strength is definitely very strong, otherwise it is impossible to let so many things be done to help conceal it together."

"Then we have to be more careful, can we not follow the way of others."

"Moreover, you have to pull out the people behind you. Jian Jian has such an idea. Then you have to go down and see one by one."

"Can you find out which families have gotten in?"

After Fang Wen heard Luo Zichuan's words, he wrapped his face and nodded and said.

...For flowers...

Although they did not see the misery of the palace with their own eyes, so many people have already died.

Just think about what happened at that time, those are just ordinary people.

There is no room to fight back, it is simply a massacre, and they have already discovered this matter.

You have to find the murderer behind the scenes, and you can't let him continue to do evil.

Otherwise, I don't know how many innocent people will die because of this.

Fang Wen felt that this matter might not be that simple before, who knew that Luo Zichuan said it like this?


I'm afraid this matter really needs to be checked carefully, after all, a demon catcher is involved in it.

Moreover, he is still a monster catcher of a big family, it proves that the opponent's strength is very good.

Only then can so many people help him conceal it together. This is a time bomb.

I don't know when what will happen.

"Then what should we do now? Go directly to look for the people of those big families to confront. I'm afraid they won't change their minds. At most, they will unify a guilty sheep."

"If you want them to confess their sins obediently, you have to seize their handle. It's better to monitor them these two days to see who will send their hearts to the palace."

"As long as we have the evidence, we can definitely make the family pay the price they deserve. They dare to do such a thing."

"Then we must be psychologically prepared for punishment, and we will definitely not give up. Since we have discovered such a big family, we must not be able to tolerate it."

Yinhen heard the words of the two of them, he looked left, then looked again, and asked. Son,

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