Martial Arts: Start Stealing the Talent of the Undead Divine Phoenix

Chapter 845 : Devour the stars, the highest lord! (seeking collection! seeking subscription!)

I don’t want to tolerate things that humans have already participated in. People in large families are really greedy. "

"I have already obtained so many treasures and have so much rights. I am not satisfied? I want to tear all other big families into the water and kill them."

"There are so many innocent people involved. It is too shameless to come in and join the demon ghosts to deal with those big families.

"Such people have no bottom line at all. If they are allowed to continue, there may be more innocent people involved."

"Those innocent people don't have the power to bind chickens. As long as some demon ghosts come in and slaughter, there is no problem in a city, let alone now."

"We still have to investigate this matter as soon as they are 16 and try to get them to blame, so that they can't do it again in the future."

@Otherwise, there will be endless troubles in the future, and it will also bring us risks.

@洛子川 just didn't think of this, and worried about us too much, that's why he told me so.

Fang Wen didn't move the expression on his face when he heard Yinhen's words, he said lightly.

They have a special relationship with Luo Zichuan, and those big families also know it. Fortunately, when they went to look for Yang Mi before, they were not discovered.

So those people in the big family didn't know that Luo Zichuan had been involved. If they knew it, definitely not. It's so calm now.

There is no impermeable wall in the world, and we didn't get such a thing before, so we didn't deliberately conceal whereabouts.

As long as they deliberately check, they might find something, so they have to strengthen this time with those old foxes.

And they went to Luo Zichuan, and it seemed unremarkable. If this matter came together, they would definitely be able to think of something.

But those big families still don't know that they have been to Luo Zichuan, so they are so calm, if they know it.

I'm afraid they have already jumped the wall in a hurry, and they will not be allowed to do whatever they want as they do now, without stopping them at all. Now is their best time.

It is definitely not to be missed, so even if Luo Zichuan told them again, the two must consider their own safety.

It doesn't matter if you can't find the evidence, but Fang Wen doesn't think so. He must make good use of this time to let the people of the big family put the evidence in his own hands.

At that time, it will be fatal to move the machine again, so that the people of the big family will have no room to turn over, otherwise, their action will only be over.

"Yes, Luo Zichuan is worried about us, but his current situation is really too difficult. With so many backs, the old fox is a man."

"And guard against giving him a little bit of power, even if you want to be the master of ordinary people, you must succumb to the power of the big family."

"But those big families are too strong. It is not easy to pull them out. These things must be done slowly.

"Perhaps what happened this time is a good opportunity to wait for those big family dogs to bite the dog and bite by themselves.

"We can add another fire in Fang Wen by the way. They make too much noise, it's better, but this also has a certain degree."

"If all the people in the Demon Catching Realm are hungry, those demon ghosts will probably run out and cause chaos. This is really a problem.

"You have to hold on to peace. Those big families are damned. But before a new generation of demon catchers appears."

"Those people from the big family can't all die, otherwise, those demon ghosts will come out to do bad things.

"By then, we will probably be overwhelmed by it. Now it is really a headache. For those of the big family, it is impossible to kill."

"But to let them go on with these 270 unscrupulous things, there must be so many unlucky people involved in it, it is really a headache, I have nothing to do."

"It is not so easy to solve this problem. It is definitely impossible for us to do it.

Yinhen sighed long when he heard Fang Wen's words, frowned and said.

The call of Catching the Demon Realm had already been planted. If it weren't for the younger generation and Luo Zichuan to support it, it might be a mess.

But the people of those big families are really happy, they don't think about their mistakes at all, they will only look for heavenly treasures to gain rights.

They only consider these things, as for the others, they are not within their scope of consideration at all, and now the demon ghosts have indeed been caught by them a lot.

It's really not a climate, so the talents of those big families will be so fearless. There is no pressure outside, so naturally they can only get tired. .

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