Martial Arts: Start Stealing the Talent of the Undead Divine Phoenix

Chapter 908 : Taigu Demon King, Eternal God! (For collection! For subscription!)

If there are too many people, they will never be there anymore, and peaceful days can be passed, so they can not be exposed, anyway.

As long as those big families don't do it themselves, their chances are still great.

"That's a group of guys with high self-esteem. They just think they are amazing, but they are just average. They are just older."

"When I get there, they will definitely be able to surpass them when they reach their age, so people like them are all pitted~ good.

"Especially now that Luo Zichuan is already on our side, then we have more confidence, and we are doing things-be careful."

"I think I can find out all these goods and eliminate them in one fell swoop.

Fang Wen nodded when he heard Yinhen's words, and said.

Anyway, they are not in a hurry. They only need to find the right symptoms and they can kill these people in one fell swoop. Thinking about this result, they feel very excited and full of enthusiasm.

Although no clues have been found yet, one day those old monsters will be unable to bear it, and what they have to do now is to confuse those monsters.

Let them think that they and Yinhen have already succumbed, and they won't check them again, so be careful.

Inside the palace, it was still dark, and suddenly a few maidservants walked in and said to the king.

"Report to the King that Fang Wen and Yinhen, who had just left this morning, have returned this time, but they did not enter the palace, but carefully searched outside the palace."

"Looking at them, they shouldn't give up. They want to find our evidence and kill the king. Do we need to take any measures? Don't let him grow?

One of the maidservants stood up and asked the king.

Since he dared to go and return, although the young man's strength is indeed good, but this is their chassis, and their chassis has not been used yet.

And the other party can only draw with them, they only need to do a good job, and they will definitely be able to beat the two in one game.

They are not only the king, but there are people behind them. Although these two people are a bit difficult, they are only alone, and the two are not to be afraid.

They have been silent for so long, but they will not let the plan fall into the hands of Fang Wen and the two young men. They still have this confidence.

Although their boss can't beat Fang Wen, there are still very powerful people behind their boss. As long as these people come in person, Fang Wen and Yinhen will have a dead end.

But now the most important thing is that the people behind them cannot be exposed, so they can't take action casually, especially when there are only these two people.

It is even more unlikely that the people behind them will act because of this little thing, that will only expose them, so the king and them are also very passive now.

After all, they are really not Fang Wen's opponents.

"Let them go, but don't let them step into our territory. By the way, send someone to monitor them and see their progress."

"If we find the person behind us, we will send the letter quickly and let them solve the two people. We really can't win.

"But it's enough for the people behind us to win, as long as we can win in the end, they are two young people."

"It's just that the temper is too hot, and I don't know how to be smooth. Such a person can't eat it anywhere and live for a long time. Sooner or later, something will happen."

……For flowers………

After hearing the news, the king said with a cold snort.

Although he was given a face today, the king didn't take it to heart, as long as the two people touched the interests of the people behind them.

The two of them absolutely have only one dead end, and after they succeed, they can take revenge themselves, so Fang Wen and Yinhen are even more powerful.

In the eyes of the king, it was just a dead person. The people behind them were very powerful and deeply ingrained. They were not the two young men, Fang Wen and Yinhen.

It can be dealt with, so the king doesn't worry much about him, he only needs to deal with the matter in his hands.

Deal with the things that have been accounted over there, and there will be a future in the future.

"Majesty, will something go wrong if we cooperate with humans? Those humans are very cunning. If they succeed, they will cross the river and tear down the bridge."

"What should we do if we push all the crimes on us? These people are very likely to do such a thing.

"By then, we will all have no use value. They will be ruthless, and we have nothing to do. We can't pin all our hopes on these people."

"Also give us some benefits for ourselves?"

"Yeah, the people like the king are cunning and sophisticated, and although those people are very powerful in catching monsters, they confuse monsters.

It will definitely be serious. We might really get into trouble by then, but we have all done this. Son


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