Martial Arts: Start Stealing the Talent of the Undead Divine Phoenix

Chapter 913 : Samsara Lord God King, Supreme Sun God! (For collection! For subscription!)

This is no longer equal, so the king has no way of telling them to put these two people in one’s eyes.

He has to keep a close eye on these two people, and can't let them discover what he is doing.

The people inside were unhappy, and Fang Wen and Yinhen were also staring at the inside of the palace. They didn't get close, they just stared at these people outside the palace to prevent them from harming innocent people.

"Our main task is to stare at them, don't let them hurt innocent people, and find their handles, especially their handles for cooperating with humans.

"Only these handles can pull the people of those big families down from Malaysia, otherwise, those people will definitely pull out one person to carry the bag."

"I don't want to see such a result, so I still have to find evidence as soon as possible. They don't know now, we already know about it.

@But after a long time, we might be suspicious of this, then we will be in danger, and we must catch the evidence as soon as possible!"

"It doesn't matter if it is a little bit fresh. Take the risk now and be safe in the future. After all, the king is not our opponent, as long as we get the evidence.

"Those big families are thinking about doing something with us, but it's over. Luo Zichuan will help us then, what do you think?"

"We might as well take a little risk and enter the palace to see if we can get the evidence? Since they are doing this."

@Then it will definitely leave traces, we just need to look carefully, we will definitely be able to find it, stay here forever, and don’t know when we will wait.

"And they already know where we are waiting here, so they will definitely be very careful when communicating. We want to catch the handle now.

"It's not that easy, and we can't afford it, if it is reflected by those big families.

"That will definitely take us to the knife. We are two of us, and they are definitely not opponents of the other side.

Yinhen stared at the movement inside the palace, and he quietly discussed it with Fang Wen on the side.

They didn't cover their whereabouts, although they also avoided, but as long as the little fairy star clicked, they could still be spotted.

Because they did not intend to cover up their whereabouts, so that the people of the big family would not be able to discover their purpose, that's it.

Let those big families think that all their targets are the demon ghosts in the palace, but they actually.

They have already focused on those big families, but it is only a matter of time. Those people are not pure, but they are still very shrewd.

Now they don't pay much attention to it, it's just because their strength is relatively weak, wait for those people to really react.

I'm afraid it won't be so easy for them to find out what they want, so they can only take advantage of this time to get the evidence quickly.

Otherwise, when the time comes, there will be a dilemma. If you want to get the evidence, it will not be so easy, not only that.

On the contrary, they will cause endless troubles for themselves. Those old foxes will not be soft-hearted, just like Luo Zichuan said.

If they really found Fang Wen, their goal would definitely be to kill them, even if they didn't arrive at anything.

...For flowers...

Those people will not let them go, because they will definitely come to eradicate the roots.

Yinhen doesn't want to encounter such a thing, so it is better to start first.

"We were heartbroken at night. Compared with those of the big families, the demon ghosts here are not very dangerous, and the strength of the two of us is beyond the reach."

"You can still escape. Besides, we were here to check these demon ghosts. It is normal to sneak in at night.

"It won't disturb anyone, so let's go in one night. I planned to do the same. It's just that Luo Zichuan is worried about the safety of our lives."


@So just persuade, but if you don't take any risk, how can you get evidence? Let's talk about it. "

"Our biggest goal is those big families. Now we want to confuse them and make them think that our real purpose is these demon ghosts."

@After all, not everyone can go to the big family with a little information, so those in the big family should not doubt it.

@Our true purpose, at least if we don’t change it now, we can only take this time to get the evidence, once we have the evidence.

"There is room for operation, and it will definitely be able to pull those big families off the horse. After all, they have offended many people."

"Because of interest, other family teams have long been dissatisfied with them, as long as we find evidence.

@Those big families will definitely join in, we are not alone, as long as we get the evidence, the future is bright. "Son,

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