Martial Arts: Start Stealing the Talent of the Undead Divine Phoenix

Chapter 921 : Fallen angels, supreme demon lord! (seeking collection! seeking subscription!)

If they found evidence here, they would be able to treat those people from big families, people from big families. Everyone blamed the existence of a big family there. If the big family is gone.

Why are they messing around here? What's more, he bought and killed so many people? It is impossible for Fang Wen and Yinhen to let them go.

"Let's look for it tonight, and by the way, we should be familiar with the situation and status, and wait for the evening."

"You can search with your back like this. In the daytime, you can check with King Zongda. Where will he put the things? Don't do these things again."

"I can go alone. Your strength is weaker than Dawang Yao, and the risk of exposure is greater. If I am alone, it will be easier to escape."

@So you can just follow me at night and squat outside during the day, just to monitor the situation here, if something goes wrong. "

"Just let me know the people in my big family, I don't know when they will react to this matter. When the water is chaotic, we must pay more attention to safety."

"It's okay for the two of us to act separately. When we are in danger, we can run away as soon as possible. There is no need to head-on with them. This is also a matter of the Japanese army!

"This kind of efficiency will be slightly faster, what do you think? We two act separately. Although I seem to be a bit dangerous, I am in this,". "

"There should be no risk for the time being. As long as those big families don't get in, there will be no way for both of us, at least it won't be able to kill me.

Fang Wen heard Yinhen's words and thought about it for a while before asking Yinhen.

Fang Wen meant that the two of them acted separately and acted together at night. During the day, Yinhen was outside to attract firepower, so that those people could know that they were not inside the palace.

And Fang Wen can groan together, follow the king to see what he is and where to put it? But this thing is indeed executed.

It's a little bit difficult, after all, the strength of the king is not the same as Fang Wen. He wants to track such a powerful demon ghost, and it is easy to be spotted.

Once they are discovered, their plan will probably be crippled, and it will make the other party Xinyi want to deal with this matter again, and it will not be so easy.

Therefore, it is better not to follow Yinhen. After all, Yinhen's strength is indeed worse. If it is really discovered, it will be bad. That's why Fang Wen wanted to leave the Yinhen.

It can not only make him a little safer, but also avoid cleaning up and breaking up, so it is more fun to stay outside to attract firepower, people of a big family.

As long as you know that they are only outside the palace, you shouldn't be too embarrassed, and you won't suspect that after a long time between them, they will enter the palace to check the people of the big family.

It should be acceptable. After all, their target is the group of demon ghosts in the palace. It is very possible that they will run in and search, but this is not appropriate.

But there are smart people, I'm afraid you can still see what you get, so they must find evidence as soon as possible?

"I'm fine. I originally followed you to ensure your safety, but since I can't get in now, there is no need to go in with you."

"I'm here with the people of the big family. If they come, I will show up in front of them on purpose.

"." Let them not doubt our purpose, and if I can't help you, I won't be able to hold you back. '

"You enter the palace to find evidence. If someone finds out, it will be difficult to find those things."

"I stay outside to attract firepower to you. It's really good. It's better to leave a fake puppet, so that those people really think you are in Fang Wen.

"I didn't go to investigate this matter. Maybe the king can let go of a little vigilance and just find his evidence at that time."

"Fang Wen, what do you think of my idea? If you really (good money) agree, then just let go of your hands and feet and don't worry about me."

"I still have this ability, although it is really not enough to match those old foxes, but Taobao still has no problem. I really can't beat me and run."

"It's just to leave you alone. If you can't win, don't try your best. This matter is not a team that can be solved by the two of us."

"Since we have worked hard, then continue to work hard. If there is really no way, then we should give up quickly, can we force people to jump the wall in a hurry!

When Yinhen heard Fang Wen's words, he nodded quickly and said. .

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