Martial Arts: Start Stealing the Talent of the Undead Divine Phoenix

Chapter 952 : The Great Killer, the God Slaying Heavenly Phoenix! (seeking collection! seeking subsc

Originally, he didn't want to use such a thing to get ahead, but he felt that the facts of these people under the God Realm Villa were too ridiculous, otherwise even if he entered, I am afraid they will be taught by them, and they may even find fault. .

That being the case, it's better to take the shot yourself first, just to see what is going on in Divine Sword Villa now?

"Bold, you dare to hurt our Divine Sword Villa, who are you? Which family are you from? Express your name?

Fang Wen, laughed loudly at this moment. It seems that if their Excalibur Villa wants to teach others, it depends on what family they belong to? It seems that they are just embroidered pillows.

"Don't talk nonsense here. I don't have any family. Anyway, you want to fight and kill. Let's do it as soon as possible. Don't waste 430 each other's time. Then wait for me to make a move."

Fang Wen, he was not polite at this time, after all, as a demon Spirit Stones, own still has a lot of things in his hands, so at this time, he used it directly against them.

At this time, the people at Excalibur Villa didn't expect that Fang Wen had so many Magic Treasures in front of him, and he was also hitting the key to the court. Fortunately, he was quite good, otherwise he would be injured. .

"Unreasonably, who are you? Why have you never heard of someone like you? If you say you have no school, no family, why are there so many Magic Treasures?"

Fang Wen, at this time, they don’t bother to pay attention to them at all, they know to ask some irrelevant things. It seems that this Excalibur Villa is not as good as expected. If (bgbi) is like this, then where else can you go? Woolen cloth?

"Don't talk nonsense, take your people away soon. Even if your Excalibur Villa is today's largest Sect, there is no need to bully us people like this. We will join Excalibur Villa in the future. came here."

"But you actually want to drive out all of us who have paid the money to live here, just to show our faces in front of other people, and then make room for other people. Don't you think you have some bullying?"

The other people were also daring to be angry at this time. After all, they wanted to say something like this, but they really didn't have the confidence. They didn't expect this Fang Wen to say it.

At this time, the people of Excalibur Villa are very face-free at this time. After all, no one has ever said bad things about them outside. Now in front of so many people, and they are still the people who are about to join Excalibur Villa. .

"It's unreasonable, even if the people at God Realm Villa really have a problem, you won't have your turn to teach it. If that's the case, I don't think you need to join our Villa."

Qin Tianxiao was also quite angry at this time. He felt that the person in front of him could really represent the God Realm Villa? If that was the case, how could their No. 1 Sect gain the reputation?

"Just because you dare to be called the No. 1 Sect, it seems that you really should give this name out. It depends on your character and your Cultivation Base."

These people in front of them were really outraged at this time. I didn't expect a mechanical bird in front of them to be able to say such things.

"What kind of thing are you, you dare to speak up here. If that's the case, I don't want to teach you a good lesson."

Sure enough, the people of Divine Sword Villa, at this time, had shot the golden bird in time, but at this time, Qin Tianxiao would naturally not be used to them at this time.

All he knew was that a golden light was shrouded beside him, and then this one was actually bounced back.

"Just because of your Cultivation Base, you want to hurt me and don’t look at what kind of virtue you are. Forget it, Fang Wen, don’t care about people like them, I think this Shenjian Villa, also It's not that good, so leave it as soon as possible.

Fang Wen, nodded at this time. It seems that the matter of joining the Excalibur Villa still needs to be carefully considered. It is really difficult to get along with.

"Forget it? If that's the case, I can only leave here, but, the treasurer, you can now return the silver to me. It was not that I was driven away by you, but I think this Divine Sword Villa really There is no need to stay here.

The people of Excalibur Villa, their angry noses are crooked at this time, it's a pity that these people who came here are not the opponents of Fang Wen and this Qin Tianxiao at all, and they don't know why it seems that their Cultivation Base is not so high. But it is so powerful.

It is naturally impossible for Fang Wen to tell them that he has some secrets at this time. Although it seems that the Cultivation Base is not very high, the own equipment is quite impressive. .

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