Martial Arts: Start Stealing the Talent of the Undead Divine Phoenix

Chapter 966 : Lord of Samsara, Supreme Demon Sage! (For collection! For subscription!)

It's really a dog biting Lu Dongbin and he doesn't know good people. Don't you know why I rescued you? Didn't you want you to recover that sacred gate as soon as possible, otherwise, then he will most likely follow Have you quit in Sect?"

Qin Tianxiao also sighed at this time. It seems that his own mission has not been completed. Since God has given himself a chance to rebirth again, then he must not waste such an opportunity!

"Okay, okay, I don't know good or bad, and only you dared to talk to the bad old man. I talked like this. Otherwise, I would be replaced by someone else, I would have beaten it out long ago.

Fang Wen, at this time, lying on the couch leisurely, and soon someone gave them fruit. He thought that the Lotus flower pavilion also had some advantages, but there were some beautiful women everywhere but they were not interested.

As for these attendants after they left this room, they were all talking about Fang Wen.

"I heard that this Fang Wen is our sect master, a very appreciated person? After all, apart from the son of Pavilion Master Mudan, Luo Zichuan, we have not been to other men here, so we can sit here.

Other people nodded their heads at this time, so they were really curious about this Fang Wen. Fortunately, the leader called them over and let them serve Fang Wen.

It's just that at night, what Fang Wen didn't think about was that a few people came to the own room, saying that it was the master of the door, and asked them to wait on it.

"Please be pitiful, let us stay in this place, otherwise, the sect master must think that we have not tried our best and may punish us at that time." "

Fang Wen, at this time, I almost got into a rage, is it possible that I still want to use the beauty trick to keep myself?

At this time, Qin Tianxiao laughed constantly on the sidelines. He felt that it was really rare to see Fang Wen slumped like this. It seems that Fang Wen is really not good at dealing with women.

"The pavilion owner of Lotus Flower who only told you said that I am used to sleeping by myself and don't need other people to serve me. If this happens again, I am afraid I will leave here. I don't like people to disturb me."

These female disciples, they are also very sad at this time, originally they still worship Fang Wen, is a great hero, they also think about people who can be appreciated by the master, that must be very powerful people.

If they can really become Fang Wen's women, that would be a good thing, but it's a pity that Fang Wen still doesn't seem to be close.

At this time, Qin Tianxiao hurriedly flew to their side, and then quietly said to them.

"Get out quickly, otherwise if he gets angry for a while, even women can beat him. I tell you, this Fang Wen has a very bad temper."

Sure enough, these female disciples also left one by one, and Fang Wen naturally heard what Qin Tianxiao said at this time, but he was not in a hurry to explain, after all, it was a good thing to make them look down on him.

"Hahaha, Fang Wen, have you never thought that one day there will be no way to take these women, but you really have a peach blossom source? After all, old man, I have lived for thousands of years, and no one has sent women to my side. Woolen cloth."

Fang Wen, I didn't bother to answer Qin Tian Wei Xiao's words at this time. If he feels good, let her keep it, but it's a pity that he can't enjoy it now!

On the other side, the evil spirit dragon is also going around at this time, looking for Fang Wen's whereabouts.She is also very worried about the fairies, will they fall into the hands of other people?

But in fact, the Earth Sha ghost dragon didn't want to do it. Just before the Earth Sha ghost dragon left, the soldiers had indeed found the whereabouts of the other fairies, so they took them back to the sky prison.

As for the people in the other courts, they are really happy at this time. After all, they are lost and recovered. What an exciting thing!

". "The fairies have been captured again, and I heard that the number is more than before. If this is the case, our profit this time will be considerable.

For their Tianwu dynasty, in fact, they weren't like this (Is Li Hao) son, but there is no way. After all, all the big clans have their own minds, and the emperor of this dynasty, he is also a young high-ranking emperor.

The most important thing is that his Cultivation Base is not very high. This is the reason why those clans did not put them in one’s eyes.

"Bai Wu, I think this matter may not be as simple as you think, after all, how did their fairies leave last time? They will not tell the truth until now."

Bai Wu was also very angry at this time. She also knew that these fairies were very curious about what they left last time, but this time it was fortunate that they were lost and recovered, so there is no need to worry about the previous things. .

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