Martial Arts: Start Stealing the Talent of the Undead Divine Phoenix

Chapter 976 : Immortal Sacred, Samsara Angel! (For collection! For subscription!)

Let me go and see Fang Wen. What is going on with him? After all, such a big thing has happened and I haven't seen him come out, and I don't know if he is still in the room. "

Pavilion Master Peony nodded at this time, so Pavilion Master Lotus Flower took the time to go out at this time. When he chatted about this place, Fang Wen had actually noticed his breath, so at this time he also slowly Opened his eyes.

"Pavilion Master, since you have already come, just go directly into the room. After all, where I live, but your place, so naturally you can come and go freely.

The pavilion owner of Lotus Flower heard Fang Wen's voice and was overjoyed at this time, so at this time he opened the door and came in directly. Fang Wen meditated on the bed at this time, knowing that she had just finished cultivation.

"A spiritual master like you can still cultivate so diligently. It seems that your future attainments must be higher than ours. Now you are better than me."

Fang Wen, laughed and said nothing at this time. Others are polite. If you follow along, don't you appear to be a little proud?

"I don't know if the Lotus Flower Pavilion Master is coming, but what's the matter? The chaos outside just now, is there something wrong?"

Pavilion Master, nodded at this time. He knew that Fang Wen could have heard more or less, but listening to others said it was not the same as listening to himself.

"It's really ashamed to say it, maybe the barrier is not so strong, so I said that some of it was broken just now, but fortunately, I worked with the disciples to award this barrier again. ". "

"It's just that we all wonder if the people from Excalibur Villa are doing a ghost? So we can't cut off the power now, so we can only do this temporarily, right?

Fang Wen nodded at this time, but she still felt obligated to remind them. After all, the people at Excalibur Villa were indeed looking for themselves, so he also wanted to test the meaning of Lotus Flower Pavilion at this time.

"Actually, there is one thing that I haven't found time to have a good chat with you. In fact, I beat the people from their Excalibur Villa before coming, and it is not ruled out that they want to inquire about my whereabouts. Try it out."

At this time, the Lotus Flower Pavilion Master was stunned and was able to beat the people of Excalibur Villa. This lesson has never been heard before. It seems that Fang Wen is really bold.

"Follow him, if he really came to you, don't worry, even if you use all the power of our Lotus Flower Pavilion, it is impossible for them to move you. Of course, you may not need ours either. protect."

Fang Wen nodded at this time. Fang Wen was still very satisfied with their answers. Although Fang Wen knew that they could not protect anything at all, their attitude was worthy of praise.

"I know that your Lotus Flower Pavilion and Excalibur Villa are deadly enemies, but they are due to some other reasons, so they have not dealt with you so far. Don't worry, as long as I am still there, I will naturally protect you one day. Yours."

"But I don't plan to join your Lotus Flower Pavilion. You also know that if I join, the situation will be different. I can only treat you as a friend of Luo Zichuan and help you.

Pavilion Master Lotus Flower nodded at this time. It was already a very good thing to get such a reply, so he felt that this time he was really not in vain.

*. "With your remarks, naturally there is no problem. Don't worry, we will listen to you at that time. Although you will not join our Lotus Flower Pavilion, your ability is above us."

"Even if you join our Lotus Flower Pavilion, I don't have a better position for you. After all, the owner of our Lotus Flower Pavilion generation must be a woman, so you can't inherit the position of the Pavilion Master alone. "

Fang Wen, I was also laughing at this time. After all, for myself, I don't like the position of the Lotus flower pavilion. If I want to, it is possible to create a Sect. Such a position?

"Pavilion Lord, don't worry. With my strength, (Wang Hao) I want to create an own Sect. That is just a matter of minutes. Naturally, it is impossible for me to want to occupy your rights.

Fang Wen can still hear what the pavilion master meant. Is it clear that he is testing himself? But he doesn't care about these women's careful thoughts, after all, this woman is a woman after all.

Sometimes it is more suspicious and more thoughtful, which is understandable.

"Fortunately, if you have these words, you can just say it, don't worry, from now on, Luo Zichuan will go wherever you say you want him to go?".

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