"The so-called Rivers and Lakes is the description of a certain social form by the ancients."

"Originated from Toho Ancient China."

"According to the documentation, the Rivers and Lakes were ruled by a group of beings known as the 'Martial Forest Masters'."

"These people don't need to inject genetic modification fluids or wear mechas. They can fly over walls and crack rocks with just their physical bodies."

"The Martial Forest masters are all private individuals who like to compete for fame and fortune. They fight endlessly all day long, and often lead to the death of some innocent people."

"It can be called the mortal enemy of the rulers!"

"The newly deciphered term 'Xia with martial law is forbidden' is the ruler's mockery of the Martial Forest master."


Dongbang, Qingcheng.

Qingyuan Community, Room 302, Building C.

"It's still so nonsense!"

Ye Ling looked at the old men chatting on the electronic screen and shook his head secretly.

These so-called archaeologists, folklore experts.

Just like the "brick houses" thousands of years ago, they are all comedians.

Purely hilarious!

I don't know much, but I dare to beep all over the world. I don't know where the courage comes from.

Rivers and Lakes and Martial Forest, what a superficial thing.

"I only know that chivalrous men use martial arts to violate the ban, I don't know that Confucianism uses literature to violate the law, and I don't even know what it means to be 'a great chivalrous person who serves the country and the people'. Ignorance is really scary!"

Reflexively threw herself on the comfortable big bed, Ye Ling opened her mind at will.

Looking at the words on the interface, his eyes are full of joy and anticipation.

[Countdown: 4 hours, 19 minutes, 34 seconds]

Today is the Federal Ephemeris: 3002.

Three thousand years ago.

The world has experienced a major cataclysm, and a major fault has occurred in history.

As a result, people today are extremely unfamiliar with the words Rivers and Lakes, Martial Forest, Heroes, etc.

But, not long ago, a game called [Rivers and Lakes] appeared out of thin air.

And in an incomprehensible and extremely domineering way, all human beings in the world are defined as game players.

Not only that.

Refer to some tips first issued by the game.

People are horrified to find that if you are killed in the game, it is very likely that you will also die in reality!

To understand what 'Rivers and Lakes' are and how to survive in Rivers and Lakes.

The whole world mobilized and began to search everywhere for relics of old times and decipher those remaining documents.

Unfortunately, the harvest is not optimistic.

Today, more than three months have passed, and the world's understanding of 'Rivers and Lakes' has only remained superficial.


"Rivers and Lakes...!"

Ye Ling turned off the intellectual brain, turned over, stared at the ceiling and fell silent.

It can be said that no one in the world knows Rivers and Lakes better than him.

All because, he is from 2022!

The game [Rivers and Lakes] is precisely a comprehensive background with gold, ancient and yellow themes.

Not only that.

Ye Ling also personally experienced 【Rivers and Lakes】!

"It's just three things, first time travel, and then rebirth again. If I still don't do anything, then I'm so sorry Goddess of Luck who loves me over and over again!"

Ye Ling jumped up and said to herself very solemnly.

With memory and experience.

He has too many advantages over others.

For example, Cultivation Technique, moves, and weapon choices have long been known to him.

Including which forces to get close to and which characters to stay away from.

All are invaluable experiences!

These, others can only test out through the lessons of blood again and again.


"There are both demons and demons, and there are people of justice who keep the righteous Bixie. In Rivers and Lakes, there are 'righteous and demons', two hostile forces..."

Several experts on the electronic screen are still talking endlessly.


At a certain moment, an old man with a goatee suddenly screamed strangely.

After the rest of the people looked at it, they immediately said excitedly and quickly: "I just received the news, and the literature deciphering will make a breakthrough!"

"What breakthrough, in what way?"

Someone immediately asked.

"According to my experience, that sentence is related to the birth of the Martial Forest master, not only that, but also a huge force!"

The goatee forced a calm reply.

"What, about the birth of the Martial Forest master?"

"My God, I can't believe that you can decipher such a difficult document!"

Exclamations sounded one after another.

Then, someone hurriedly asked: "Come on, what is specifically recorded in the literature?"

The goatee pondered for a while, then said solemnly: "According to my experience, the translation of that sentence should be: All the Martial Forest masters in Rivers and Lakes came out of the Shaolin Temple."

"Shaolin Temple, everyone must be familiar with it. In the expansion film of [Rivers and Lakes], it once appeared."

"According to the records, I can conclude that Shaolin Temple must be the most powerful force in [Rivers and Lakes]!"

The goatee is loud.

But the others nodded after looking at each other.

Then, with this topic, start talking about it.

Ye Ling: "..."

There are still so many flaws.

I also remember that the last time he was madly complaining.


There is indeed a saying on Rivers and Lakes that "the world's martial arts come out of Shaolin".

But, martial arts and Martial Forest masters, can that be the same thing?

"The Shaolin Temple is indeed not weak, especially the mysterious sweeping monk. No one knows how strong he is."

"For most people, going to Shaolin Temple is also an excellent choice."

Ye Ling smiled softly, turned around and went to the refrigerator to get some food.

Consciousness is about to enter the game, filling the stomach first is also a very important part.

On the screen, Goatee received news again and continued to break the news.

"Huh? The content of this decipherment... a little unexpected."

Without being asked by others, the goatee continued on his own: "It's a coincidence, this document that has just been deciphered is also related to the Shaolin Temple."

"As I guessed before, this document clearly records that the Shaolin Temple is the head of the righteous path!"

"There is another faction mentioned here, called the Sun Moon God Cult!"

As he spoke, he wrote down a few words.

When everyone saw it, someone immediately said: "This is the Sun Moon God Cult, and it also appeared in the expansion."

"Well, this is also a big power of righteousness, not much worse than Shaolin Temple."

"According to the records, the leader of this sect has a close relationship with the Shaolin Temple. He has lived there for several months, and they think they are allies."

"More than that, the leader of the Sun and Moon Sect seems to be living in seclusion in the forest."

After the goatee explained, he did not forget to remind the world.

He said that if you have the opportunity, you must have more contact with the people of the Sun Moon God Cult.

If you can't enter the Shaolin Temple, the same goes for the Sun Moon God Sect.

Especially the leader of the reclusive Sun Moon God Cult, you can also try to find it.


Ye Ling watched while eating, secretly happy.

"When the game goes live, this goatee will definitely end badly!"

You might get hit by a car when you go out.

How much contact with the Sun and Moon God?

Three Corpse Brain Magic Pill, understand?

Four hours passed quickly.

Ye Ling, who was ready for everything, lay on the bed calmly.

With a beep sounded in my mind.

The next second, consciousness began to flow in.

"Welcome to 【Rivers and Lakes】, I wish you game entertainment and prosperity in martial arts!"

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