Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 102 Enhanced version of sad and crisp breeze! Poison Ding Chunqiu!

"Old Immortal Constellation! Magic power is boundless!"

While everyone was drinking together, a few figures flashed across the other end of the valley.

Ye Ling looked up and saw that four people were carrying a small sedan chair, which is commonly known as the shoulder yoke in Southern Shaolin and other places.

On the shoulders, an old man sat firmly.

The old man was estimated to be forty or fifty years old. His long gray hair was hanging down randomly, and he also had a long and dense beard under his chin, which directly covered his shoulders.

A pair of eyes were deeply embedded in their sockets, but they did not emit a gleam of light, which was terrifying.

And this person is none other than Ding Chunqiu, the head of the constellation faction, who is decently known as "the old monster of the constellation".

The shoulders lifted by the four of them slowly fell in front of the disciples of the Constellation Sect.

Before Ding Chunqiu left, there were already many disciples of the Constellation Sect in the valley.

Whether it was a named disciple or an official disciple, or the elders of the Constellation Sect, they all swarmed up.

When it comes to flattery, it is all praise.

"Hahaha! Okay! Okay!"

Ding Chunqiu was very happy as a human being, and when he saw everyone came to support his own feet.

Although he waved his hands again and again to let everyone disperse, the pride and complacency in his eyes was undisguised.

Thinking of him, Ding Chunqiu was originally just an ordinary disciple of the Xiaoyao School.

After betraying the division for decades, he has already broken into such a big business.

Its prestige has long spread among the Rivers and Lakes.

Once compared with the next one, Ding Chunqiu couldn't help brushing his long beard while walking down the shoulders, and laughed loudly, with a very proud look in his eyes!

At the same time, seeing Ding Chunqiu laughing recklessly from a distance, Ye Ling took out a light-blue porcelain vase from his arms when Ye Ling's eyes flashed.

This light-blue porcelain vase contains an enhanced version of Sad Crisp Breeze that has been improved and upgraded by Ye Ling.

The enhanced version of Sad Crisp Breeze has been greatly enhanced compared to the previous version.

Not just enemies that can target more different Realms.

In terms of the length of poisonous hair, it has also been shortened a lot.

In addition, its efficacy has also been strengthened a lot.

After Ye Ling took out the porcelain bottle, he directly opened the cork and dumped it towards the bottom of the valley.

The wind was strong in the valley, and after a while, the enhanced version of the sad and crisp breeze was completely dispersed.

But at this time, almost all the disciples of the Constellation Sect were still flattering Ding Chunqiu, and no one noticed anything different.

Half an hour passed quickly.

Although Ding Chunqiu was very happy because of the good words of the disciples and grandchildren.

But seeing that his own eldest disciple, Zhai Xingzi, had not arrived for a long time, Ding Chunqiu couldn't help but have a little doubt in his heart.

"You guys go outside to find Xingxingzi, that boy, he always takes a long time to do things!

When in doubt, Ding Chunqiu whispered to several guardians beside him.

However, just when Ding Chunqiu's words fell.

Dozens of Daoist shadows appeared directly at the entrance of the valley.


Ding Chunqiu looked slightly startled, and quickly raised his head and looked at the front passage.

I saw that among the people who came, the leader was a young man in white, handsome in appearance and quite extraordinary in temperament.

With a dashing demeanor, he doesn't look like an ordinary person.

And the women behind her are even more exaggerated.

There are beautiful women, charming girls, and cold goddesses.

But all the women, without exception, are all rare and rare top beauties in the world.

Ding Chunqiu frowned slightly, his eyes swept from left to right to the girls behind the boy.

Suddenly, the girl in the purple shirt beside the boy caused Ding Chunqiu's expression to change!


Yes, this young girl is Ye Ling and A Zi.

Recognizing A Zi at a glance, Ding Chunqiu's expression changed at first, but then he quickly regained his calm expression.

Surrounded by the disciples of the Constellation Sect, Ding Chunqiu walked slowly to Ye Ling's crowd.

Immediately afterwards, he put on a "kind and kind" expression and looked at A Zi with a smile.

"My good boy, what's up? I figured out that I want to return the Master's treasure?"

The treasure that Ding Chunqiu was talking about was Shenmu Wangding.

Hearing Ding Chunqiu's question, A Zi shook her head, and then said with a hippie smile.

"No! Shenmu Wangding is no longer here!



Hearing this, Ding Chunqiu's calm expression flashed a trace of panic.

You must know that the Hua Gong Dafa practiced by Ding Chunqiu also has the effect of attracting internal energy.

But most of them still use poisons for cultivation, and as long as they start, they can only continue.

During this process, once it stops, the various toxins accumulated in the body will all backlash!

Before, Ding Chunqiu used Shenmu Wangding to balance toxins in his body.

And after A Zi stole the Shenmu Wang Ding, it didn't take long before Ding Chunqiu started to have sequelae.

Therefore, Ding Chunqiu was so eager to find the Shenmu Wangding.

"Where did the Shenmu Wangding go?!"

Ding Chunqiu was extremely anxious at this moment, and he didn't care so much at all, and hurriedly asked Azi.

A Zi smiled without saying a word, and then pointed to Ye Ling beside him.

Where is this boy?!

Before Ding Chunqiu spoke, the Constellation Sect disciples behind him started to threaten and shout loudly.

"Damn, with our ancestors here, I advise you to hand over the Shenmu King Cauldron quickly, or you will die miserably!"

"Hand over Shenmu Wangding, as well as these women born in the 610s, the ancestors will spare your life!"

"That boy! If you don't want to die, you'd better hand over my constellation treasure immediately!

In the face of the mindless threat from the constellation sect, Ye Ling stood with his hands on his back with a very calm expression on his face.

"No, why does my stomach hurt so much..."

However, just as the Star Constellation Sect uttered wild words, a disciple suddenly fell to the ground with a hideous expression and screams.

Soon, in less than a few breaths, the people of the Constellation Sect, who were still very energetic, fell to the ground without exception, and rolled over in pain.

"What! Toxic!

Ding Chunqiu was a master of poison.

At this time, seeing the disciples behind him fall one after another, Ding Chunqiu exclaimed, but suddenly discovered that there was already a trace of inconsistency in his own Dantian.

"Damn it!

Ding Chunqiu was suddenly shocked, and he couldn't care about other things at the moment. He quickly turned his skills and prepared to start to force out toxins!

But at the same time, Ye Ling chuckled lightly, and when he pointed his finger horizontally, he directly volleyed to stop Ding Chunqiu!


A yang finger!

When Ding Chunqiu was shocked, he wanted to struggle, but found that he was unable to move.

Behind him, the disciples of the Stars Sect were also shedding tears, lying on the ground, screaming again and again.

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