Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 129 Can't afford to gamble? Then hand over the Innate merit!

The reason why Ye Ling saved Qiu Chuji's life.

The purpose is naturally to ask him about Innate merit later.

After all, if they were all killed, wouldn't it be a pity to lose a heaven-level martial arts?

However, Ye Ling has not yet waited for his action.

Seeing that Ye Ling had suddenly killed six of the "Quanzhen Seven Masters", Hong Qigong, who was beside him, suddenly became furious, and immediately turned his head and glared at Ye Ling.

"Ye Ling, you and that Qiao Feng made a fuss about Shaoshi Mountain, I'll let you go!"

"I can't believe that you really dare to commit murder in public today! You have done things so excessively. Although I don't want to bully the young with the old beggar, I have to do it today!"

When Hong Qigong shouted angrily, the might of the Great Master all over his body suddenly erupted.

Full of murderous aura! Directly at Ye Ling!

"Huh? A chance?"

Seeing that Hong Qigong actually wanted to attack Ye Ling, Ouyang Feng, who had been waiting for a long time, couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

Last time I missed a good opportunity in Shaoshi Mountain, this time Ouyang Feng naturally doesn't want to miss it again!

"Ker, get ready to act for your father!""


Hearing Ouyang Feng's order, Ouyang Ke bowed his head and took the lead.

Immediately, everyone in the White Camel Villa clenched the bladed weapons in their hands from their sleeves, with fierce eyes in their eyes!

"Although this Ye Ling boy is extremely handsome, he never thought that he would be so cruel.

"But he seems to be on the same path as Senior Sister. Since he is a bad person, I will do it later!"

Xiaolongnu looked at 610 Ye Ling, and there was a hint of awe in her ethereal eyes.

"The chief of the Hong gang has taken action! Everyone, come with me! Let's kill this big devil together!"

"Yeah! Kill Ye Ling! Don't let this devil blame Rivers and Lakes!"

"That's right! This time we all go together, I don't believe that we can't take down this big devil! 39

At the same time, see Hong Qigong ready to take action.

Except for Quanzhen, the Daoists from all walks of life on the sidelines reacted strongly.

After all, Hong Qigong was a top-level senior who was famous in the Song Dynasty and even in the entire Central Plains.

In addition, the Quanzhen Seven Sons were suddenly killed by six people.

As a result, all the Daoists from each faction stood on the sidelines, all filled with righteous indignation, they stood behind Hong Qigong and drew their swords to Ye Ling!

All of a sudden, all parties who were originally facing each other in the Great Hall.

They turned their guns in unison in the blink of an eye, all preparing to attack Ye Ling!

The air in the field stagnates instantly!

At the same time, the players present were also arguing in the communication channel.

"Honey! Are you all ready to shoot at God Ye? Hong Qigong is about to shoot? 35

"Haha! Tell him Ye Ling likes to pretend, that's it, let's play it!

"One "Northern Beggar", one "Western Poison", plus experts from various factions, enough for Ye Ling to drink a pot!

"It's more than a pot, no poison, Ye Mo is a little brother, I guess he's appointed to explain it here!"

"What nonsense? Isn't it true that Ye Shen's strength has not been seen? Just that fingering, kill him in minutes, believe it or not!

"Yes, that's right! I believe in Ye Shen, just this scene, compared to Guangmingding and Shaoshishan, it is far worse!

"Dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water, just wait and see Ye Mo's good show!

Seeing Ye Ling being surrounded, the players on the scene reacted differently.

But after all, there are Hong Qigong, Ouyang Feng, the second of the "Five Greats of the Central Plains", plus a thousand Quanzhen disciples and all kinds of righteous knights.

The disapproval of Ye Ling's remarks quickly gained the upper hand.

However, Ye Ling knew nothing about it.

At this time, he saw Hong Qigong surrounded himself with a group of Beggar Sect disciples and Daoists from all walks of life.

Ye Ling was not in a hurry.

With a chuckle, Ye Ling raised his head, looked at Hong Qigong who was facing him calmly, and then said.

"Quanzhen has more than 1,000 people, and there are so many people from the right path.

"What a pity, what a pity!


Hearing Ye Ling's words, Hong Qigong narrowed his eyes and looked at Ye Ling. When he opened his mouth, (becf) there was a bit of confusion in his tone.

"What do you mean by that?

Facing Hong Qigong's question, Ye Ling not only did not answer, but instead asked Hong Qigong with a smile.

"What do you think?"

Seeing that Ye Ling obviously wanted to use the lives of the ordinary disciples present as a bargaining chip, Hong Qigong frowned and his face became ugly.

Immediately afterwards, the people behind Hong Qigong also came back, and their expressions changed.

Above the Great Hall, people of all factions were in an uproar in an instant!

"What? This guy wants to threaten everyone's life again?"

"No, he is so confident, there must be something behind him, let's check it out! 35

"Sect Master Hong, don't do it yet! With so many disciples present, if you lose something, the consequences will be serious!"

At the same time, the players were also exclaiming constantly, lying in a trough again and again.

"Fuck! Come again? I've become Ye Mo's bargaining chip again?"

"Crying wow, this guy Ye Mo is too crazy to use the lives of so many people as a bargaining chip!

"Damn it! Ye Mo! If I wasn't strong enough, I had to! 35

"Haha! Stop daydreaming, I'll just say, if Ye Shen dares to do it, he will definitely have a back! 35

"It really made him pretend, he didn't do anything, just one sentence made these NPCs in chaos! 99

At the same time, the Great Hall was instantly chaotic.

Although Ouyang Feng is not worried about other people.

But after all, his own son, Ouyang Ke, was by his side. For the safety of his son, Ouyang Feng also hurriedly investigated the situation of his Dantian Meridians.

Seeing that there was nothing unusual in his body, Ouyang Feng was immediately surprised.

Immediately, he raised his head and looked at Ye Ling suspiciously.

"Are you kidding us?"

Hearing Ouyang Feng's words, Ye Ling laughed and didn't answer, and simply spit out two words.

"you guess?"

Just two words.

However, Hong Qigong, who was still angry just now, was instantly silent.

As a Beggar Sect leader, as a Martial Forest senior.

It is impossible for him to use the lives of thousands of people as a bet.

Ouyang Feng's eyes froze when he heard the words.

The others didn't care, but his dear son Ouyang Ke was on the side, and he couldn't afford to gamble either.

As for Qiu Chuji, the last of the "Quanzhen Seven Sons", he couldn't even afford to gamble.

The three leaders couldn't afford to gamble, and Ye Ling, who held the chips, was undoubtedly the biggest winner on the field.

Seeing that the situation on the field was completely under his control, Ye Ling smiled confidently, and then walked slowly to Qiu Chuji.

Condescendingly, Ye Ling spoke lightly.

"Hand over, or die! 35

After all, the Quanzhen people who had just drawn their swords to face each other were silent for a moment, and no one dared to look at Ye Ling!


Hearing this, Qiu Chuji, who was seriously injured, suddenly turned gloomy and shook his head weakly.

Then, dragging his dying body, Qiu Chuji hurriedly climbed to the center of the Great Hall of Zhongnan Mountain, below the statue of the Patriarch.

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