Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 134 Play with me for a year! I promise you!

Xiaolongnu has a simple mind.

Even at the moment of dual cultivation with Ye Ling, my heart is very clear, which perfectly fits the state of mind required by the word "Jade Girl".

Without the many thoughts of Li Mochou, coupled with Ye Ling's incomparably powerful inner strength guidance.

Soon, Xiao Longnv had already completed the first nine-stage exercise, and she could be regarded as a preliminary practice of the Jade Maiden Heart Sutra!

See and help Xiaolongnu successfully practice the Heart Sutra of the Jade Girl.

Ye Ling's mind moved slightly, and while the little dragon girl was adjusting her breath, she turned to look at Dao Baifeng, Ruan Xingzhu and other beauties.

"Although this Jade Maiden Heart Sutra is a side-tracker. 35

"But it is of great benefit to women. After practicing, it can beautify the skin and delay the aging of the skin, which is quite good!""


Can be beautiful?!

As soon as I heard the words "beauty beauty, delay aging~".

Dao Baifeng, Ruan Xingzhu and all the girls' eyes lit up, and they were all heartbroken.

Even Huang Rong's eyes moved slightly at this moment, as if she was yearning for what Ye Ling just said.


Hearing that Ye Ling actually wanted to pass the Jade Girl's Heart Sutra to other women except Li Mochou, Xiao Longnv suddenly opened her eyes and stopped in public.

"The Heart Sutra of the Jade Girl is the secret technique of my ancient tomb sect. Passing it on to my senior sister and you is a huge example, and it must not be passed on to other people!"

The little dragon girl looked directly at Ye Ling with a firm expression.

"That can't be done!"

Ye Ling shook his head, but then the conversation changed again.

"But it's not impossible to negotiate."

"As long as you promise me one condition, I will promise not to spread the word!


Hearing this, Xiaolongnu couldn't help but frown slightly.

"What do you want me to do?"

Although she vaguely felt that something was wrong in her heart, Xiao Longnu still asked Ye Ling.

"You don't need to do anything.

"As long as you accompany me to go out for a period of one year, you can go anywhere after one year!

Having said that, Ye Ling turned his eyes and took the copy of the "Jade Maiden Heart Sutra" that he had memorized in his hand before continuing to speak.

"In exchange for being with me, I swear that I will not pass the Jade Maiden Heart Sutra to others!"

After all, Ye Ling handed back the copy of the "Jade Maiden Heart Sutra" to Xiaolongnu.

The eyes are sincere, with no false intentions.

"Play with me for a year? This..."

Hearing Ye Ling's request, Xiao Longnu couldn't help but hesitate.

If it is simply to accompany Ye Ling to travel around the mountains and waters for a year, that's all, otherwise...

"Forget it, accompany you for a year for a year.

"Looking at how sincere he is, if he had other ideas, he would have already shown them, so he doesn't have to be so tactful...

However, after thinking for a while, Xiao Longnu finally decided to agree to Ye Ling's conditions.

After all, the inheritance of the ancient tomb sect is all on his own body.

Protecting the "Jade Maiden Heart Sutra" is naturally the responsibility of oneself.

"Okay! I promise you!

"But it's just to accompany you, not to do anything else!"

Xiao Longnv's eyes narrowed, and although there was a bit of helplessness in her tone, she nodded in agreement with Ye Ling's request.

"Ha ha!

"Don't worry, Miss Long, I will never do anything wrong!

Seeing that Xiao Longnv finally agreed to go out with him, Ye Ling was overjoyed, and immediately stretched out her hands to Xiao Longnv again.

"In this case, let's continue dual cultivation!"

"One time is not enough, at least seven times before you can reach the proficiency level..."

Hearing this, Xiao Longnu's complexion changed slightly, but she had to stretch out her white and boneless hands to touch Ye Ling.

half a month later.

Dali is boundless mountain, Langhuan blessed land.

Returning from Zhongnan Mountain, Ye Ling took Xiaolongnu, Li Mochou and Daobaifeng girls all the way to the south, and then returned to Wuliang Mountain again.

Seeing that Lang Huan Blessed Land was still intact, Ye Ling took this place as her own temporary residence and stayed there temporarily.

After three days and three nights of wanton fun in the blessed land with all the girls, Ye Ling got up and planned to sort out the essence of martial arts she had recently acquired.

Sitting cross-legged under the jade statue of "Sister Fairy", Ye Ling immediately opened her own personal panel.

【Name: Ye Ling】

【Realm: Great Master high rank】

【Age: Nineteen (consistent with reality)】

【Sex: Male】

[Title: [Living Devil Venerable]...]

[Talent: Absolutely]

【Martial arts: Shrouding the Heavens, Golden Bell Cover, Shaolin Seventy-two Stunts, Qiankun Great Shift, Vajra Unbreakable Magic, Positive and Negative Sword Technique, Qishangquan, Qingyi Yinggong…】

Ask for flowers•

Compared with the time of Bright Summit, many attributes of Ye Ling have already undergone a lot of changes.

However, the Realm column has been stagnant in the Great Master high rank for a long time.

This is what Ye Ling has always been very concerned about.

After all, no matter how many Cultivation Techniques there are, they must be matched by the corresponding Realm.

Only when Realm takes it to the next level can its own strength grow significantly.

But recently, Ye Ling has vaguely felt that the long-standing Realm bottleneck has loosened.

It seems to be due to dual cultivation of the Heart Sutra of the Jade Girl.

At this time, Ye Ling could smell a hint of breakthrough.

"A little more time, maybe you can really touch the opportunity for breakthrough!"

Ye Ling's mind moved slightly, but she was not in a hurry. Instead, she turned her eyes and opened the own task panel again.

[Quests: 1. [Poison Immortal] Career Advancement Quest 2. [Sky Practitioner] Career Achievement Quest 3. treasure weapon collection quest...]

On the task panel, the three familiar collection tasks are still in the forefront.

At this time, after collecting Love Flowers in the Valley of Love, there are still four poisons left in the [Poison Immortal] career promotion task, which is half completed.

【Tian Practitioner】Professional achievement of this task has the highest completion progress. At this time, there are only the last two heaven-level Cultivation Techniques left. Ye Ling can successfully complete the task and successfully take up the job 【Tian Practitioner】.

Compared with the previous two tasks, the progress of the treasure weapon collection task is a bit slow.

A dragon slaying knife, a Heavenly Sword, and a Great Saint Fire Order.

At this time, Ye Ling got three treasure weapons, and only one third of it was completed.

However, Ye Ling was not in a hurry. After all, the most important thing at the moment was to quickly complete the promotion task of [Poison Immortal].

In addition to these three collection tasks.

It was in the Li Qiushui series of quests previously obtained in Lang Huan Paradise.

The task of [killing Ding Chunqiu] has been completed by Ye Ling.

As for the two tasks [Kill Tianshan Tongmao] and [Kill Li Canghai], because Ye Ling has not accepted it for the time being, it is still gray.

"[Tianwu] There are only two Cultivation Techniques needed, just complete one more task!

However, after reading this, Ye Ling's mind was moved, and she decided to give the task of [killing Tianshan Tongmao] to the next one! Do it.

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