Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 136 Misty Peak! Spirit Vulture Palace! Sorry! I am Ye Ling!

After ten days.

The Misty Peak of Tianshan Mountain, in the Palace of the Vulture.

The Ling Vulture Palace, which was sparsely populated in the past, was now full of people.

In the center of the Great Hall of the Vulture Palace, a big man in his thirties stood on the high platform, shouting loudly with everyone under the stage.

Although this big man was in his thirties, his long hair was draped over his shoulders.

There are several clearly visible scars on the face, and a tiger's mouth knife is tied behind the back with a thin belt, looking fierce and evil, not like a good person.

Although this big man is not well-known in the Rivers and Lakes, he is quite famous in the thirty-six caves and seventy-two islands under the jurisdiction of the Vulture Palace.

It is the Boss Wu, one of the seventy-two island masters.

It turned out that the boss of Wu was one of the seventy-two island owners.

Although it sounds very famous, in fact, he is the servant of Tianshan Tonglao, the master of Lingjiu Palace.

Tianshan Tongmao is extremely cruel, and the thirty-six caves and seventy-two islands are called dominance.

Secretly, they have all given "life and death talismans" to those in power in these places.

Although "Life and Death Talismans" are Hidden Weapons, those who are hit by 14 cannot survive or die, and can only be controlled by others.

Therefore, relying on the "life and death talisman", Tianshan Tongmao can tightly control the huge resources such as thirty-six caves and seventy-two islands.

However, the brutal rule is bound to usher in fierce resistance.

Everyone couldn't bear the cruelty of Tianshan Tongmao, so the boss of Wu seized this opportunity.

Together with the thirty-six caves, all the seventy-two islands attacked Lingjiu Peak together.

However, what Boss Ling Wu didn't expect was.

He aggressively attacked Lingjiu Peak, but he never saw the rumored Tianshan Tongmao at all.

After searching the entire Lingjiu Peak, only a seven or eight-year-old little girl was found.

Thinking of this, Boss Wu became angrier the more he thought about it, his eyes the size of copper bells suddenly stared, and he asked the little girl he had just caught.

"Come on, where did your palace master go?!"

On the opposite side of Boss Wu, the one who was bound was the little girl who had just been discovered outside the Vulture Palace.

I saw this little girl with bright teeth and bright eyes, a pair of black eyeballs kept wandering, and her little red face was extremely cute.

Not long ago, when Boss Wu and his group rushed into the Vulture Palace, they found this little girl, so they brought her into the Vulture Palace together.

In addition to being cute, this little girl also looks very ordinary.

As a result, everyone in Wu Lao and the public thought that this little girl was the maid of Tianshan Tongmao, and they didn't have any other ideas at all.

"Wu Dage, why would they use the Rivers and Lakes logic to deal with their Vulture Palace's people! Direct punishment is the way to go!"

Boss Wu was asking the little girl.

Suddenly, a young swordsman emerged from the crowd.

This swordsman's Quanzhou accent looked like he was only 30 years old.

Although he is not handsome in appearance, there is a Sword intent looming around him, but he has a bit of a heroic temperament.

This person is also another person from Thirty-Six Caves, Seventy-two Islands.

The only successor of the one-word Huijianmen, the swordsman Zhuo Bufan.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan walked out of the crowd and went straight towards the little girl.

Leng Bu Ding grabbed the little girl's collar, and Zhuo Bufan's face became fierce immediately.

"Come on! Where did your Palace Master Tianshan Tongmao go?"

"There is also the antidote for the life and death talisman! If you are a maid, you must know where the antidote is! Take us there quickly, or I will kill you!

Zhu Bufan's face was fierce, and his words were full of threats.

However, I don't know if it was because Zhuo Bufan's face was too terrifying, or he was strangled by the corner of his clothes.

The little girl in front of her was speechless for a long time, as if she had been frightened!

"Damn! Caught a piece of junk!""

Seeing that the little girl couldn't utter a word for a long time, Zhuo Bufan couldn't help yelling.

With a casual throw, the little girl was thrown aside.

However, Zhuo Bufan didn't notice that when he gave up the questioning, there was a hint of cunning in the little girl's eyes.

That's right, this little girl who appeared in front of the Vulture Palace is none other than the Tianshan child grandma whom Wu Boss and others have been looking for!

It turned out that the Eight Desolations and Six Harmonies of the Eight Wildernesses and Six Harmonies, the Solitary Respect of Oneself, practiced by Tianshan Tongmao was extremely powerful, but it had a minor flaw.

That is, every thirty years, the person who cultivates will be rejuvenated once.

However, when rejuvenating, the practitioner's whole body power will inevitably be lost, and only by practicing slowly can it be restored again.

Unfortunately, the time when Boss Wu and others raised the villain coincided with the day when Tianshan Tongmao was rejuvenated.

All the energy in the whole body dissipated, so Tianshan Tongmao was easily captured by Wu Laoda and others.

However, because Wu Boss and others have never seen the true face of Tianshan Tongmao.

Therefore, the people in Thirty-Six Caves and Seventy-two Islands really thought that the little girl they caught was just a maid.

Therefore, Tianshan Tongmao escaped at the weakest moment.

Seeing that it is impossible to force the news of Tianshan Tongmao from the mouth of the little girl.

Boss Wu, Zhuo Bufan and the others had no choice but to move their targets, and ordered their men to start looting the rooms of their Spirit Vulture Palace.

At the same time, due to a lot of movement on Misty Peak, people from all over the world gathered in it.

In it, the Rivers and Lakes players who are scattered in various sects are of course indispensable.

Among the regional channels, chat records are already full.

"I'm going, what are these people doing? This is the legendary Gate 627 faction battle?

"Sect war? I don't think so, the sects on this Misty Peak seem to have no one!

"It feels weird, just a little girl guarding the gate? It's too immoral!"

"Yes, yes, yes! I always feel that something is wrong. That little girl makes me feel very bad!"

"Second-dimensional dog? That little girl is just an ordinary little girl, can it be possible that she will transform into something?"

"I've been told nonsense, I'm just messing with Boss Wu, these NPCs seem to be looking for someone called Tianshan Tongmao, who seems to be a big boss!"5

"Big boss? I like it! There must be something good here!

In the communication channel, various players have different opinions, and more people are looking forward to getting some good things from this strange plot.

"Don't you think it's too much to bully a sect that no one has?

However, just when everyone was talking about it.

A strong male voice came from outside Misty Peak.


How could anyone still be here now?!

Boss Wu, Zhuo Bufan and the others were all a little surprised, and quickly looked outside the Spirit Vulture Palace.

At the same time, a small number of players' expressions changed slightly, and there was a hint of surprise in their eyes.

This voice, this tone, is like that man!

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