Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 138 Give me the Tianshan child grandma! I'll be with you!

"Bei Ming Divine Art??"

"Where did you learn the Beiming Divine Art?!

It can be seen that what Ye Ling used just now is the Secret Technique of the Xiaoyao School, Beiming Shengong.

Tianshan child grandma leaning in the corner was stunned, and when her face changed greatly, she couldn't help shouting to Ye Ling and leaving.

At the same time, in the Great Hall of the entire Spirit Vulture Palace.

In the remaining thirty-six holes, the leader of Seventy-two Islands saw Zhuo Bufan, and he was completely mentally corpse, like a man.

Everyone present was greatly pale, and no one dared to step forward to stop Ye Ling.

They all stepped back, fearing that one would accidentally offend Ye Ling.

Looking at the panicked people around, Ye Ling's expression was still very calm.

Looking at Tianshan Tongmao, Ye Ling smiled slightly, and then said.

"Lang Huan Blessed Land!


As soon as he heard the words "Lang Huan Blessed Land", a sharp ray of light shot out from Tianshan Tongmao's eyes, as if she had already understood it.

Tianshan Tongmao's complexion changed drastically, she raised her head and looked at Ye Ling, her lovely face was suddenly distorted.

"It turned out to be the descendant of that cheap embryo of Li Qiushui!"

With an indignant scolding, Tianshan Tongmao's anger continued, and she asked Ye Linghe and walked away.

"As the offspring of that slut!"

"Then what the hell are you doing here?"

Hearing this, Ye Ling smiled and shook his head, then squatted down and looked at Tianshan Tongmao who looked like a little girl.

"I don't want to do anything, I just want to get the Eight Desolate and Six Harmonies Solitaire Art, Life and Death Talisman, Tianshan Folding Plum Hand and Xiao Wuxiang Art! 99


Hearing that Ye Ling came for the Secret Technique in her hands, Tianshan Tongmao sneered and turned her face away.

Obviously did not agree to Ye Ling's request.

Seeing Tianshan Tongmao's face full of resistance, Ye Ling didn't panic.

Instead, he stretched out his hand and twisted Tianshan Tongmao's little face back.

"Grandma Tong! Do you recognize this thing?

After saying that, Ye Ling grabbed the other hand into his arms, and then took out a black Medicine Pill from it.

"Humph! I don't know, and I don't want to know!""

Tianshan Tongmao sneered, her tone still cold and stiff.

However, at this moment, A Zi, who was behind Ye Ling, jumped out, made a face at Tianshan Tongmao, and said in a teasing manner.

"Haha! How ignorant!"

"This is the legendary Three Corpse Brain Pill, I don't know if you can stand it, Grandma Tong!


Three Corpse Brain Pill!

Hearing this, Tianshan Tongmao's complexion changed slightly, and there was a hint of astonishment in her eyes.

Having lived in this world for nearly a hundred years, Tianshan Tongmao had naturally heard of the power of the Three Corpse Brain Pill.

It's a little scary about it.

At the same time, upon hearing that Ye Ling was holding the legendary Three Corpse Brain Pill.

While the people in the hall were horrified, they stepped back again and again.

They already have the life and death talisman of Tianshan Tongmao.

At this time, if he was hit with Ye Ling's Three Corpse Brain Elixir, he would really be "worse than death".

However, Tianshan Tongmao was afraid of Ye Ling's Three Corpse Brain Pill.

But after all, having lived in the world for so long, it was impossible for Tianshan Tongmao to succumb to Ye Ling so easily.

Just a moment of horror, Tianshan Tongmao regained the resolute and hard-hearted look just now, and her tone was still very strong when she spoke.

"Don't think that a three-corpse brain pill will scare me!

"Tell you! Either you help me kill that bitch Li Qiushui first, or I will never be able to transfer power to you even if I am tortured to death by you!"

Tianshan Tongmao's tone was resolute, and it was obviously not negotiable on this matter.

But just when Tianshan Tongmao's voice just fell, a soft and tactful voice came from the Vulture Palace!

"Senior sister, after so many years, I didn't expect you to still like delusions so much!"


Hearing the sudden appearance of the goddess, everyone present, including Tianshan Tongmao's face changed greatly, and quickly looked back.

Only Ye Ling, who was in the middle, raised her brows lightly, but looked thoughtful.

The female voice just fell, but a beautiful shadow floated down from the outside of the Vulture Palace.

Ye Ling and everyone all raised their heads and looked in the direction of the figure.

I saw that the visitor was a woman, with a white shirt all over her body, and a pair of affectionate eyes that were extremely charming.

Although the lower half of his face was covered with tulle white silk, his delicate and very delicate face could still be seen in the haze.

Especially the slender waist that can be grasped by the hand, with a slight twist, it shows the perfect body curve very gracefully, so that everyone present, all eyes are bright!

It is a peerless beauty who is fluttering like a fairy!

And this mysterious woman who looks more like Celestial Immortals is none other than the "slut" that Tianshan Tongmao said, Li Qiushui.

"I see!

"The reason why Boss Wu and the others chose to go up the mountain today must be because you released the news that Grandma Tong couldn't exercise!"5

Seeing that the person who came was Li Qiushui, Tianshan Tongmao's nemesis, Ye Ling chuckled and pointed out the stakes.

"Ha ha!"

"Everyone says Devil Venerable Ye Ling is extremely cunning, and now it seems that his reputation is indeed well-deserved!"

Li Qiushui was not angry when he heard Ye Ling's own secret plan.

Twisting the graceful water snake's waist, he slowly walked in front of Ye Ling.

Mei's eyes flashed, and although she stared straight at Ye Ling, all the players and NPCs present were "excited".

"As long as you hand over Tianshan Tongmao to me, I will teach you all the martial arts of the Xiaoyao School. 99

"There could even be some other benefits, like..."

Having said this, Li Qiushui gave Ye Ling a charming smile, and her pale and tender fingers had begun to draw circles on Ye Ling's chest.

Leaning against Ye Ling's ear, Li Qiushui exhaled like a blue, and just said softly and slowly.

"Give her to me, even if you promise her, it's not impossible..."


Promise yourself?!

Hearing Li Qiushui's words, all the players present were dumbfounded, and the communication channel exploded directly!

"Damn it! Such a beautiful woman actually took the initiative to send it to Ye Mo to play? I'm dead!"

"Cry wow! Cry wow! Ye Mo, let go of the beautiful sister and let me come!"

"Ten thousand blood books! I beg God to accept this guy Ye Ling, why did he meet him with all kinds of shit luck!""

"Impossible! It's absolutely impossible! I must be blind!"

"A strategy, it must be a strategy, Ye Ling is not ugly, but she is definitely not handsome! Beautiful sister, look at me, look at me!"5

"This beautiful woman actually took the initiative to send it to the door? My God, is this a high-level welfare? I really envy me!

In the communication channel, all kinds of barrages of envy, jealousy and hatred are emerging one after another, one after another!

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